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Version bump to 1.6.3 to release numpy 2.0 compatibility fixes #2314

Version bump to 1.6.3 to release numpy 2.0 compatibility fixes

Version bump to 1.6.3 to release numpy 2.0 compatibility fixes #2314

Workflow file for this run

name: build
on: [push, pull_request, workflow_dispatch]
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
# runs-on: macos-latest
#python-version: [3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8]
#os: [ubuntu-latest, macos-latest, windows-latest]
os: [ubuntu-latest]
#os: [ubuntu-latest]
#os: [windows-latest]
python-version: [3.12]
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}
uses: actions/setup-python@v5
python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
- name: Install dependencies (Linux)
MMS_AUTH_U: ${{ secrets.MMS_AUTH_U }}
MMS_AUTH_P: ${{ secrets.MMS_AUTH_P }}
VIRES_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.VIRES_AUTH }}
run: |
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install spacepy # required for MMS qcotrans tests
pip install coveralls
pip install basemap
pip install 'mth5<=0.4.7'
python -m pyspedas.projects.mms.tests.setup_tests
if: matrix.os == 'ubuntu-latest'
- name: Install dependencies (Windows)
MMS_AUTH_U: ${{ secrets.MMS_AUTH_U }}
MMS_AUTH_P: ${{ secrets.MMS_AUTH_P }}
VIRES_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.VIRES_AUTH }}
run: |
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install spacepy # required for MMS qcotrans tests
pip install coveralls
pip install basemap
pip install 'mth5<=0.4.7'
python -m pyspedas.projects.mms.tests.setup_tests
if: matrix.os == 'windows-latest'
- name: Install dependencies (macOS)
MMS_AUTH_U: ${{ secrets.MMS_AUTH_U }}
MMS_AUTH_P: ${{ secrets.MMS_AUTH_P }}
VIRES_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.VIRES_AUTH }}
run: |
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install spacepy # required for MMS qcotrans tests
pip install coveralls
pip install basemap
pip install 'mth5<=0.4.7'
python -m pyspedas.projects.mms.tests.setup_tests
if: matrix.os == 'macos-latest'
- name: Lint with flake8
run: |
pip install flake8
# stop the build if there are Python syntax errors or undefined names
flake8 . --count --select=E9,F63,F7,F82 --show-source --statistics --max-line-length=127 --exclude 'erg'
# exit-zero treats all errors as warnings.
flake8 . --count --exit-zero --max-complexity=10 --statistics --max-line-length=127
- name: Test with unittest
if: (github.event_name == 'pull_request' && github.base_ref == 'master') || github.ref == 'refs/heads/master' || github.ref == 'refs/heads/refactor_projects'
VIRES_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.VIRES_AUTH }}
ACE_DATA_DIR: ace_data/
BARREL_DATA_DIR: barrel_data/
CLUSTER_DATA_DIR: cluster_data/
DSC_DATA_DIR: dsc_data/
CSSWE_DATA_DIR: csswe_data/
FAST_DATA_DIR: fast_data/
GEOTAIL_DATA_DIR: geotail_data/
GOES_DATA_DIR: goes_data/
IMAGE_DATA_DIR: img_data/
MICA_DATA_DIR: mica_data/
MMS_DATA_DIR: mms_data/
OMNI_DATA_DIR: omni_data/
POES_DATA_DIR: poes_data/
POLAR_DATA_DIR: polar_data/
PSP_DATA_DIR: psp_data/
RBSP_DATA_DIR: rbsp_data/
SOLO_DATA_DIR: solo_data/
STEREO_DATA_DIR: stereo_data/
THM_DATA_DIR: themis_data/
TWINS_DATA_DIR: twins_data/
ULY_DATA_DIR: uly_data/
WIND_DATA_DIR: wind_data/
LANL_DATA_DIR: lanl_data/
CNOFS_DATA_DIR: cnofs_data/
ST5_DATA_DIR: st5_data/
run: |
echo "========================================================="
# Show the free disk space on this filesystem
echo "Disk space prior to starting tests:"
df -h .
# Show the IP address the test suite is running from (useful for troubleshooting data server access issues)
echo "========================================================="
echo IP address for this test:
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.utilities.tests.test_find_ip_address
echo Starting akebono tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.projects.akebono.tests.tests
echo Starting maven tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.projects.maven.tests.tests
echo Starting ace tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.projects.ace.tests.tests
echo Starting erg tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.projects.erg.tests.tests
echo Starting erg cotrans tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.projects.erg.tests.cotrans_tests
echo Starting erg ground data tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.projects.erg.tests.ground_tests
echo Starting erg mepe particle tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.projects.erg.tests.mepe_part_products
echo Starting erg mepi particle tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.projects.erg.tests.mepi_part_products
echo Starting erg lepe particle tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.projects.erg.tests.lepe_part_products
echo Starting erg lepi particle tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.projects.erg.tests.lepi_part_products
echo Starting erg xep particle tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.projects.erg.tests.xep_part_products
echo Starting erg hep particle tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.projects.erg.tests.hep_part_products
echo "========================================================="
# Show the free disk space on this filesystem
echo "Disk space after ERG tests:"
df -h .
# Clean up files downloaded so far
/bin/rm -rf data/*
echo "Disk space after cleanup:"
df -h .
echo "========================================================="
echo Starting VIRES client tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.vires.tests.tests
echo Starting secs tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.projects.secs.tests.tests
echo Starting MTH5 import test at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.mth5.tests.test_mth5_import
echo Starting MTH5 load_fdsn test at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.mth5.tests.test_load_fdsn
echo Starting cluster tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.projects.cluster.tests.tests
echo Starting CDAWeb tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.cdagui_tools.tests.tests
echo Starting themis tplot_time tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.projects.themis.tests.tests_tplot_time
echo Starting barrel tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.projects.barrel.tests.tests
echo Starting elfin epd_l1 tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.projects.elfin.tests.test_epd_l1
echo Starting elfin epd_l2 tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.projects.elfin.tests.test_epd_l2
echo Starting elfin state tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.projects.elfin.tests.test_state
echo Starting elfin tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.projects.elfin.tests.tests
echo Starting elfin epd calibration tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.projects.elfin.tests.test_epd_calibration
echo Starting soho tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.projects.soho.tests.tests
echo Starting de2 tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.projects.de2.tests.tests
echo Starting st5 tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.projects.st5.tests.tests
echo Starting lanl tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.projects.lanl.tests.tests
echo Starting cotrans quaternion tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.cotrans_tools.tests.quaternions
echo Starting cnofs tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.projects.cnofs.tests.tests
echo Starting kompsat tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.projects.kompsat.tests.tests
echo Starting hapi tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.hapi_tools.tests.tests
echo Starting noaa tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.projects.noaa.tests.tests
echo Starting particles tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.particles.tests.tests
echo Starting mms cotrans tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.projects.mms.tests.cotrans
echo Starting mms events tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m
echo Starting mms orbit_plots tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.projects.mms.tests.orbit_plots
echo Starting mms overview_plots tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.projects.mms.tests.overview_plots
echo Starting mms neutral sheet tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.projects.mms.tests.neutral_sheet
echo Starting mms ql_lib_sitl tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.projects.mms.tests.ql_l1b_sitl_tests
echo Starting mms_part_getspec tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.projects.mms.tests.mms_part_getspec
echo Starting mms load routine tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.projects.mms.tests.load_routine_tests
echo Starting mms feeps tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.projects.mms.tests.feeps
echo Starting mms eis tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.projects.mms.tests.eis
echo Starting mms fpi tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.projects.mms.tests.fpi_tests
echo Starting mms file_filter tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.projects.mms.tests.file_filter
echo Starting mms data_rate_segments tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.projects.mms.tests.data_rate_segments
echo Starting mms curlometer tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.projects.mms.tests.curlometer
echo Starting mms wavpol tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.projects.mms.tests.wavpol
echo Starting mms slice2d tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.projects.mms.tests.slice2d
echo "========================================================="
# Show the free disk space on this filesystem
echo "Disk space after MMS tests:"
df -h .
# Clean up MMS data
/bin/rm -rf mms_data/*
echo "Disk space after MMS cleanup:"
df -h .
echo "========================================================="
echo Starting dscovr tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.projects.dscovr.tests.tests
echo Starting utilities download tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.utilities.tests.download_tests
echo Starting utilities misc tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.utilities.tests.misc_tests
echo Starting tplot wildcard tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.utilities.tests.tplot_wildcard_tests
echo Starting plotting tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.utilities.tests.plot_tests
echo Starting utilities time_tests tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.utilities.tests.time_tests
echo Starting utilities libs_tests tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.utilities.tests.libs_tests
echo Starting cotrans tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.cotrans_tools.tests.cotrans
echo Starting cotrans minvar tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.cotrans_tools.tests.test_minvar
echo Starting csswe tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.projects.csswe.tests.tests
echo Starting equator_s tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.projects.equator_s.tests.tests
echo Starting image tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.projects.image.tests.tests
echo Starting psp tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.projects.psp.tests.tests
echo Starting rbsp tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.projects.rbsp.tests.tests
echo Starting stereo tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.projects.stereo.tests.tests
echo Starting twins tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.projects.twins.tests.tests
echo Starting wind tests at `date`from pyspedas.poes.load import load
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.projects.wind.tests.tests
echo Starting poes tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.projects.poes.tests.tests
echo Starting polar tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.projects.polar.tests.tests
echo Starting geopack tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.geopack.tests.tests
echo Starting geopack-IDL validation tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.geopack.tests.geopack_idl_validation_tests
echo Starting geotail tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.projects.geotail.tests.tests
echo Starting analysis tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.analysis.tests.tests
echo Starting analysis wavpol tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.analysis.tests.test_twavpol
echo Starting analysis magnetic nulls tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.analysis.tests.test_magnetic_nulls
echo Starting fast tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m
echo Starting omni tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.projects.omni.tests.tests
echo Starting themis tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.projects.themis.tests.tests
echo Starting goes tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.projects.goes.tests.tests
echo Starting mica tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.projects.mica.tests.tests
echo Starting ulysses tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.projects.ulysses.tests.tests
echo Starting solo tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.projects.solo.tests.tests
echo Starting kyoto tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m
echo Starting swarm tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.projects.swarm.tests.tests
echo Starting themis_check_args tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.projects.themis.tests.tests_themis_check_args
echo Starting themis autoload support tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.projects.themis.tests.autoload_support_tests
echo Starting themis cal_fit tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.projects.themis.tests.tests_cal_fit
echo Starting themis dsl_cotrans tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.projects.themis.tests.tests_dsl_cotrans
echo Starting themis lunar_cotrans tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.projects.themis.tests.tests_lunar_cotrans
echo Starting themis spinmodel tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.projects.themis.tests.tests_spinmodel
echo Starting themis state tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.projects.themis.tests.tests_state
echo Starting themis scpot2dens tests at `date`
coverage run -a -m pyspedas.projects.themis.tests.tests_scpot2dens
echo "========================================================="
# Show the free disk space on this filesystem
echo "Disk space after all tests:"
df -h .
echo "========================================================="
echo Done with tests at `date`