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Chris Bono edited this page Dec 21, 2023 · 3 revisions

DB2 on Mac ARM64

There is currently no IBM DB2 readily available that can run on ARM64 architecture (Mac M1/M2). This makes it impossible for developers using these computers to exercise DB2 functionality/tests locally. This guide show how to work around this limitation.


The solution is to run a tool (Colima) that allows you to spin up x86_64 software on Apple M chips and then start the container as you normally would (docker run or via Testcontainers).



Verify Homebrew

If Homebrew is not installed properly for M1/M2 you will run into issues w/ Colima.

Execute which homebrew and…​

  • if the result is empty then install Homebrew

  • if the result is under /usr/local/bin then uninstall and then install Homebrew

  • if the result is under /opt/homebrew skip to next step

Install Colima

Execute brew install colima

Run Colima

No matter where you are running the container from, you must always have Colima started prior to running the container.

  • Run Colima w/ the following command:

    colima start --arch x86_64 --memory 4

Run DB2 container in Docker

  • Ensure Colima is started (above)

  • Start the container w/ the following command:

    docker run --name test-db2 --hostname test-db2 -d -p 50000:50000 -e LICENSE=accept -e DB2INSTANCE=spring -e DB2INST1_PASSWORD=spring -e DBNAME=dataflow --privileged=true ibmcom/db2:latest
  • Stop the container w/ the following command:

    docker stop test-DB2
  • Stop Colima w/ the following command:

    colima stop

Run container in Testcontainers

  • Ensure Colima is started (above)

  • Set the following environment variables:

    export TESTCONTAINERS_DOCKER_SOCKET_OVERRIDE=/var/run/docker.sock
    export DOCKER_HOST="unix://${HOME}/.colima/docker.sock"
  • Create and start an Db2Container in your tests such as:

       Db2Container container = new Db2Container(
  • Once you are finished running the container you can stop Colima w/ the following command:

    colima stop
You can also simply implement the DB2_11_5_ContainerSupport interface in your test class which will handle the above setup.

Running Dataflow locally against DB2

  • Ensure DB2 container running locally (above)

  • Include the DB2 driver by building Dataflow w/ the local-dev-db2 profile as follows:

    ./mvnw clean install -DskipTests -s .settings.xml -Plocal-dev-db2
  • Set the following env vars before running Dataflow:

    export SPRING_DATASOURCE_URL="jdbc:db2://localhost:50000/dataflow"
  • Run the Dataflow server either from w/in IDEA or java -jar

Useful aliases

Here are some useful aliases for starting/stopping an DB2 database in Docker:

alias db2-start="docker run --name test-db2 --hostname test-db2 -d -p 50000:50000 -e LICENSE=accept -e DB2INSTANCE=spring -e DB2INST1_PASSWORD=spring -e DBNAME=dataflow --privileged=true ibmcom/db2:latest "

alias db2-stop="docker stop test-db2 "

alias db2-kill="docker stop test-db2 && docker rm test-db2 "

alias colima-start="colima start --arch x86_64 --memory 4 "

alias colima-stop="colima stop "