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Terraform module to create a Prometheus, Grafana, and Loki stack. This module automates the deployment and configuration of Prometheus for metrics collection, Grafana for data visualization, and Loki for log aggregation, resulting in a cohesive observability stack


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Prometheus Grafana Loki


SquareOps Technologies Your DevOps Partner for Accelerating cloud journey.

This PGL module is for monitoring and analyzing logs and metrics from various sources. It includes these features Grafana, Prometheus, Loki, Mimir and Loki-scalable.

Grafana is an open-source platform for monitoring and observability, offering customizable dashboards, alerts, and data visualization for a wide range of data sources.

Prometheus is an open-source systems monitoring and alerting toolkit designed for reliability and scalability, providing powerful queries, storage, and visualization of time series data.

Loki is a log aggregation system that allows you to store, search, and analyze large volumes of logs from different sources. With Loki, you can quickly find the relevant logs and troubleshoot issues in your system. It uses a unique indexing method that stores metadata separately from the log data, making it very efficient and scalable.

Mimir is a metric aggregation system that allows you to collect, store, and analyze metrics from various sources. It supports various data sources such as Prometheus, Graphite, and InfluxDB. With Mimir, you can visualize metrics using a variety of charts, graphs, and dashboards.

This PGL module includes multiple dashboards that provide a comprehensive view of your system's health and performance. These dashboards include system performance, error tracking, network performance, and more.

Loki-scalable is a horizontally scalable, highly available distributed logging system designed for storing and querying logs from all your applications and infrastructure.

This module also includes alerting features that allow you to set up custom alerts for specific events or conditions. You can configure alerts to notify you via email, Slack, or other channels, and set up automated responses to resolve issues quickly.

Supported Versions Table:

Resources Helm Chart Version K8s supported version
Kube-Prometheus-Stack 61.1.0 1.23,1.24,1.25,1.26,1.27,1.28,1.29
Prometheus-Blackbox-Exporter 8.17.0 1.23,1.24,1.25,1.26,1.27,1.28,1.29
Mimir 5.4.0 1.23,1.24,1.25,1.26,1.27,1.28,1.29
Loki-Stack 2.10.2 1.23,1.24,1.25,1.26,1.27,1.28,1.29
Loki-Scalable 6.7.1 1.23,1.24,1.25,1.26,1.27,1.28,1.29
Tempo 1.6.2 1.23,1.24,1.25,1.26,1.27
OTEL 0.37.0 1.23,1.24,1.25,1.26,1.27

Usage Example

module "pgl" {
  source                        = ""
  cluster_name                  = "cluster-name"
  kube_prometheus_stack_enabled = true
  loki_enabled                  = true
  loki_scalable_enabled         = false
  grafana_mimir_enabled         = true
  cloudwatch_enabled            = true
  tempo_enabled                 = false
  deployment_config = {
    hostname                            = ""
    storage_class_name                  = "gp2"
    prometheus_values_yaml              = ""
    loki_values_yaml                    = ""
    blackbox_values_yaml                = ""
    grafana_mimir_values_yaml           = ""
    dashboard_refresh_interval          = "300"
    grafana_enabled                     = true
    prometheus_hostname                 = ""
    prometheus_internal_ingress_enabled = false
    grafana_ingress_load_balancer       = "nlb" ##Choose your load balancer type (e.g., NLB or ALB). If using ALB, ensure you provide the ACM certificate ARN for SSL.
    alb_acm_certificate_arn             = "arn:aws:acm:us-west-2:123456543:certificate/5165ad5d-1240"
    loki_internal_ingress_enabled       = false
    loki_hostname                       = ""
    mimir_s3_bucket_config = {
      s3_bucket_name     = ""
      versioning_enabled = "true"
      s3_bucket_region   = ""
      s3_object_expiration = 90
    loki_scalable_config = {
      loki_scalable_version = "6.6.5"
      loki_scalable_values  = file("./helm/loki-scalable.yaml")
      s3_bucket_name        = ""
      versioning_enabled    = true
      s3_bucket_region      = "local.region"
    promtail_config = {
      promtail_version = "6.16.3"
      promtail_values  = file("./helm/promtail.yaml")
    tempo_config = {
      s3_bucket_name     = ""
      versioning_enabled = false
      s3_bucket_region   = ""
      s3_object_expiration = "90"
    otel_config = {
      otel_operator_enabled  = false
      otel_collector_enabled = false
  exporter_config = {
    json             = false
    nats             = false
    nifi             = false
    snmp             = false
    druid            = false
    istio            = false
    kafka            = false
    mysql            = false
    redis            = false
    argocd           = false
    consul           = false
    statsd           = false
    couchdb          = false
    jenkins          = false
    mongodb          = false
    pingdom          = false
    rabbitmq         = false
    blackbox         = false
    postgres         = false
    conntrack        = false
    stackdriver      = false
    push_gateway     = false
    elasticsearch    = false
    prometheustosd   = false
    ethtool_exporter = false

Refer examples for more details.

IAM Permissions

The required IAM permissions to create resources from this module can be found here

Important Notes

  1. In order to enable the exporter, it is required to deploy Prometheus/Grafana first.
  2. The exporter is a tool that extracts metrics data from an application or system and makes it available to be scraped by Prometheus.
  3. Prometheus is a monitoring system that collects metrics data from various sources, including exporters, and stores it in a time-series database.
  4. Grafana is a data visualization and dashboard tool that works with Prometheus and other data sources to display the collected metrics in a user-friendly way.
  5. To deploy Prometheus/Grafana, please follow the installation instructions for each tool in their respective documentation.
  6. Once Prometheus and Grafana are deployed, the exporter can be configured to scrape metrics data from your application or system and send it to Prometheus.
  7. Finally, you can use Grafana to create custom dashboards and visualize the metrics data collected by Prometheus.
  8. If we enable internal ingress for prometheus and loki then we will be able to access it on private endpoint via vpn.
  9. This module is compatible with EKS version 1.23,1.24,1.25,1.26,1.27,1.28,1.29 which is great news for users deploying the module on an EKS cluster running that version. Review the module's documentation, meet specific configuration requirements, and test thoroughly after deployment to ensure everything works as expected.


No requirements.


Name Version
aws n/a
helm n/a
kubernetes n/a
null n/a
random n/a
time n/a


Name Source Version
loki_scalable_s3_bucket terraform-aws-modules/s3-bucket/aws 4.1.2
s3_bucket_mimir terraform-aws-modules/s3-bucket/aws 4.1.2
s3_bucket_temp terraform-aws-modules/s3-bucket/aws 4.1.2


Name Type
aws_iam_role.cloudwatch_role resource
aws_iam_role.loki_scalable_role resource
aws_iam_role.mimir_role resource
aws_iam_role.s3_tempo_role resource
helm_release.blackbox_exporter resource
helm_release.conntrak_stats_exporter resource
helm_release.consul_exporter resource
helm_release.couchdb_exporter resource
helm_release.druid_exporter resource
helm_release.ethtool_exporter resource
helm_release.grafana_mimir resource
helm_release.json_exporter resource
helm_release.loki resource
helm_release.loki_scalable resource
helm_release.nats_exporter resource resource
helm_release.otel-collector resource
helm_release.pingdom_exporter resource
helm_release.prometheus-to-sd resource
helm_release.prometheus_grafana resource
helm_release.promtail resource
helm_release.pushgateway resource
helm_release.snmp_exporter resource
helm_release.stackdriver_exporter resource
helm_release.statsd_exporter resource
helm_release.tempo resource
kubernetes_config_map.argocd_dashboard resource
kubernetes_config_map.aws_acm resource
kubernetes_config_map.aws_alb resource
kubernetes_config_map.aws_cloudfront resource
kubernetes_config_map.aws_cw_logs resource
kubernetes_config_map.aws_dynamodb resource
kubernetes_config_map.aws_ebs resource
kubernetes_config_map.aws_efs resource
kubernetes_config_map.aws_inspector resource
kubernetes_config_map.aws_lambda resource
kubernetes_config_map.aws_nat resource
kubernetes_config_map.aws_nlb resource
kubernetes_config_map.aws_rabbitmq resource
kubernetes_config_map.aws_rds resource
kubernetes_config_map.aws_s3 resource
kubernetes_config_map.aws_sns resource
kubernetes_config_map.aws_sqs resource
kubernetes_config_map.blackbox_dashboard resource
kubernetes_config_map.cluster_overview_dashboard resource
kubernetes_config_map.elasticache_redis resource
kubernetes_config_map.elasticsearch_cluster_stats_dashboard resource
kubernetes_config_map.elasticsearch_dashboard resource
kubernetes_config_map.elasticsearch_exporter_quickstart_and_dashboard resource
kubernetes_config_map.grafana_home_dashboard resource
kubernetes_config_map.ingress_nginx_dashboard resource
kubernetes_config_map.istio_control_plane_dashboard resource
kubernetes_config_map.istio_performance_dashboard resource
kubernetes_config_map.jenkins_dashboard resource
kubernetes_config_map.kafka_dashboard resource
kubernetes_config_map.loki_dashboard resource
kubernetes_config_map.mimir-compactor_dashboard resource
kubernetes_config_map.mimir-object-store_dashboard resource
kubernetes_config_map.mimir-overview_dashboard resource
kubernetes_config_map.mimir-queries_dashboard resource
kubernetes_config_map.mimir-reads-resources_dashboard resource
kubernetes_config_map.mimir-reads_dashboard resource
kubernetes_config_map.mimir-writes-resources_dashboard resource
kubernetes_config_map.mimir-writes_dashboard resource
kubernetes_config_map.mongodb_dashboard resource
kubernetes_config_map.mysql_dashboard resource
kubernetes_config_map.nifi_dashboard resource
kubernetes_config_map.nodegroup_dashboard resource
kubernetes_config_map.postgres_dashboard resource
kubernetes_config_map.rabbitmq_dashboard resource
kubernetes_config_map.redis_dashboard resource
kubernetes_namespace.monitoring resource
kubernetes_priority_class.priority_class resource
null_resource.grafana_homepage resource
random_password.grafana_password resource
time_sleep.wait_180_sec resource
aws_caller_identity.current data source
aws_eks_cluster.kubernetes_cluster data source
kubernetes_secret.prometheus-operator-grafana data source


Name Description Type Default Required
blackbox_exporter_version Version of the Blackbox exporter to deploy. string "8.17.0" no
cloudwatch_enabled Whether or not to add CloudWatch as datasource and add some default dashboards for AWS in Grafana. bool false no
cluster_name Specifies the name of the EKS cluster. string n/a yes
deployment_config Configuration options for the Prometheus, Alertmanager, Loki, and Grafana deployments, including the hostname, storage class name, dashboard refresh interval, and S3 bucket configuration for Mimir. any
"alb_acm_certificate_arn": "",
"blackbox_values_yaml": "",
"dashboard_refresh_interval": "",
"grafana_enabled": true,
"grafana_ingress_load_balancer": "nlb",
"grafana_mimir_values_yaml": "",
"hostname": "",
"loki_hostname": "",
"loki_internal_ingress_enabled": false,
"loki_scalable_config": {
"loki_scalable_values": "",
"loki_scalable_version": "6.6.5",
"s3_bucket_name": "",
"s3_bucket_region": "",
"versioning_enabled": ""
"loki_values_yaml": "",
"mimir_s3_bucket_config": {
"s3_bucket_name": "",
"s3_bucket_region": "",
"s3_object_expiration": "",
"versioning_enabled": ""
"otel_config": {
"otel_collector_enabled": false,
"otel_operator_enabled": false
"prometheus_hostname": "",
"prometheus_internal_ingress_enabled": false,
"prometheus_values_yaml": "",
"promtail_config": {
"promtail_values": "",
"promtail_version": "6.16.3"
"storage_class_name": "gp2",
"tempo_config": {
"s3_bucket_name": "",
"s3_bucket_region": "",
"s3_object_expiration": "",
"versioning_enabled": false
"tempo_values_yaml": ""
exporter_config allows enabling/disabling various exporters for scraping metrics, including Consul, MongoDB, Redis, and StatsD. map(any)
"argocd": false,
"blackbox": true,
"conntrack": false,
"consul": false,
"couchdb": false,
"druid": false,
"elasticsearch": true,
"ethtool_exporter": true,
"istio": false,
"jenkins": false,
"json": false,
"kafka": false,
"mongodb": true,
"mysql": true,
"nats": false,
"nifi": false,
"pingdom": false,
"postgres": false,
"prometheustosd": false,
"push_gateway": false,
"rabbitmq": false,
"redis": true,
"snmp": false,
"stackdriver": false,
"statsd": true
grafana_mimir_enabled Specify whether or not to deploy the Grafana Mimir plugin. bool false no
grafana_mimir_version Version of the Grafana Mimir plugin to deploy. string "5.4.0" no
kube_prometheus_stack_enabled Specify whether or not to deploy Grafana as part of the Prometheus and Alertmanager stack. bool false no
loki_enabled Whether or not to deploy Loki for log aggregation and querying. bool false no
loki_scalable_enabled Specify whether or not to deploy the loki scalable bool false no
loki_stack_version Version of the Loki stack to deploy. string "2.10.2" no
pgl_namespace Name of the Kubernetes namespace where the Grafana deployment will be deployed. string "monitoring" no
prometheus_chart_version Version of the Prometheus chart to deploy. string "61.1.0" no
tempo_enabled Enable Grafana Tempo bool false no


Name Description
grafana Grafana_Info

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Terraform module to create a Prometheus, Grafana, and Loki stack. This module automates the deployment and configuration of Prometheus for metrics collection, Grafana for data visualization, and Loki for log aggregation, resulting in a cohesive observability stack








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