Code and data used for the paper
Subhro Roy, Shyam Upadhyay and Dan Roth. Equation Parsing : Mapping Sentences to Grounded Equations. EMNLP 2016.
If you use the code or data, please cite the above publication.
Data can be found in the folder data/equationparsebrat/.
You will need to have maven installed in your system. To download the dependencies, run
mvn dependency:copy-dependencies
Next compile using :
mvn compile
Finally here are the options:
sh Numoccur : Predicts quantity trigger list. Output file log/Numoccur.out
sh Var : Predicts variable trigger list. Output file log/Var.out
sh Tree : Predicts equation tree. Output file log/Tree.out
sh Pipeline : Runs the first three classifiers in a pipeline, and predicts complete equation parse. Output file log/Pipeline.out. Assumes steps 1-3 have been already run.
sh : Runs the pipeline method end to end, basically runs steps 1 to 4.
sh Joint : Runs the joint model to predict complete equation parse. Output file : log/Joint.out
Please send any suggestions, comments, issues to [email protected].