This project builds a search index from public Blockstack profile
information. It use blockstack.js
and the Blockstack RESTful
API to perform profile lookups, and perform lookups of the entire
set of names respectively.
Currently, this project only support building the search index. To
that end, it supports two modes --- the first is directly placing the
index information in a mongodb instance, the second is dumping the
index into two JSON files (blockchain_data.json
) --- the JSON files are compatible with the format
expected by blockstack-core/api's
To run the indexer in a one-off indexing operation with JSON dumps:
$ npm run build && node lib/index.js fetch-to-json
Logging information is outputted to stderr/stdoutr, so I recommend redirecting that to a logfile.
The option -d
will cause the indexer to run an indexing batch every
N minutes -- the batch frequency can be configured in a
file, or via an environment variable.
You can also run the indexer as a direct-to-mongo index builder, with the option:
node lib/index.js index
We recommend point the search service at your own Blockstack node -- that way you can be sure that you aren't relying on someone else's service (and trusting their responses!)
You can find documentation on running a core node here, but a few simple docker commands can get you started.
Starting your node:
$ docker run -it -p -v /home/<user>/blockstack-core:/root/.blockstack
Notice, that command mounts a folder on the host machine to store blockstack-core data. The first time you run that command, your node will synchronize from a snapshot and fill that folder with data. On subsequent runs, your node will simply boot from the data in that folder, and download any updates since the last time it started.
Once the node finishes synchronizing (you'll see End indexing
in the docker container's log),
you can run your search service, pointed at http://localhost:6270
The following environment variables will control the operation of the indexer:
BSK_SEARCH_CONFIG -- the path to a config.json file
BSK_SEARCH_API_URL -- the API URL to use for blockstack RESTful API calls
(default: http://localhost:6270)
BSK_SEARCH_MONGO_CONNECTION -- mongodb connection URI to use if running
in mongodb mode (i.e., node lib/index.js index)
BSK_SEARCH_INDEX_EVERY -- if running with `-d`, the indexer will not exit
after a single index, but instead try to index every N minutes. This sets
N (default: 120)
BSK_SEARCH_NAMES_FILE -- if running in `fetch-to-json` mode, this specifies
the names JSON file to write to (default: /var/blockstack-search/blockchain_data.json)
BSK_SEARCH_PROFILES_FILE -- if running in `fetch-to-json` mode, this specifies
the profile data JSON file to write to
(default: /var/blockstack-search/profile_data.json)