Unwanted or unintended property causing functional harm
Necessary but less impactful tasks such as cleanup or reorg
Related to customer visible copy (messages, labels, etc)
Pull requests that update a dependency file
Approach visual or engineering to apply to a product, API, or other effort.
Under consideration and/or debate.
Issue exists. Add reference to pre-existing issue and close.
Iterations on existing features or infrastructure.
Contain issues related by subject. Epics can span multiple repositories and multiple milestones.
Brand new functionality. New pages, workflows, endpoints, etc.
Appropriate for a new open source contribution.
Open source contributions actively sought.
Requires new or updates to our documentation.
Taking action, but need a few things to happen first.
Does not apply to product, wrong repo. Close after applying this label.
Concerned with rights, licensing, or a law
No action possible but still being considered.
Update speed, efficiency, or quality of a feature.
Priority 1 Critical functionality not working Impacts all/most customers
Priority 2 Critical functionality not working Impacts one/few customers
Priority 3 There are workarounds, or the functionality is secondary
Priority 4 Edge cases, improvements, items to be refactored soon
Present in or related to a production environment.
Inquiry inviting a reply. Point of controversy.
Requires further input to figure out tasks. Add to external requests.
Problem that potentially risks product, data, or other security.
Present in or required by staging environment
Present or required by test environment