Stanislaw Kolarzowski 2009
Implemention of B-tree
create B-tree
insert values
delete values
searching values
upper iteration
set order(n)
In computer science, a B-tree is a tree data structure that keeps data sorted and allows searches, insertions, and deletions in logarithmic amortized time. Unlike self-balancing binary search trees, it is optimized for systems that read and write large blocks of data. It is most commonly used in databases and filesystems. more:
B-tree of order n - n childern maximum, n/2 children minimum
Find leaf where insert value
If leaf is not full(contain less then maximum elements), insert value
If it is full:
choose middle value
make it parent, and make 2 subtrees(values less then middle value - left tree. greater then middle value - right tree)
insert middle value to its parent node
Find element and delete it
If it was in leaf node and number of elements is now not less then minimum do nothing
If it was in leaf node and number of elements is now less then minimum do
a) If left or right brother(node) has number of elements grater then minimum
insert parent’s value to actual node
move smallest/biggest(for right/left) value from brother to parent
b) If left and right brother(node) has not number of elements grater then minimum
move other values from node and parent’s value to brother node
becouse we move value from parent node it could have less then minimum keys, so we must merge parent node with its brother
If it was not in leaf node
Change value to next value in tree
Delete next value from tree
Like in binary tree
If searching value is less then key choose left subtree
If searching value is greater then key check next key or choose right tree(if it is last element)
Check tree recursive
In first leaf node select first value
Choose next value or next subtree(if it exist) or if it is last value in node choose parent
Create new B-tree (3 order)
tree = => 3)
Add values to tree
tree.add_values( ([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7])
Add 10 to tree
Delete 10 from tree
tree.find_value(1) # Return true and node id where '1' is tree.find_value(100) # Return false and node id where '100' should be added
First value
tree.first_value # Return 1
Next value after 4 # Return 5
tree.nodes[4] # Return node with id = 4 tree.nodes[4].keys # Return keys(array) from node with id = 4 tree.nodes[4].sub_trees # Return sub trees(array) from node with id = 4