First and foremost, this library provides low-level bindings to the SQLite C-API, that can be used by any Idris projects planning to interact with SQLite databases. In addition, a domain-specific language (DSL) for writing correctly typed SQL queries and statements is provided. Finally, derivable marshallers for storing Idris values in and retrieving them from SQLite databases are provided.
A lot of this is still work in progress, but several things turned out quite nice already (in my opinion). Below is a short example application with some comments. First, some imports:
module README
import Data.WithID
import Derive.Sqlite3
import Control.RIO.Sqlite3
%default total
%language ElabReflection
We start by defining two SQLite tables: One for employees in a company, and a second one for organisational units. Employees are linked to the unit they work in by means of a foreign key, while each unit has a supervisor, who are themselves employees:
public export
Units : SQLTable
Units =
table "units"
[ C "unit_id" INTEGER
, C "name" TEXT
, C "head" INTEGER
public export
Employees : SQLTable
Employees =
table "employees"
[ C "employee_id" INTEGER
, C "name" TEXT
, C "salary" REAL
, C "unit_id" INTEGER
As you can see, tables are defined by giving them a name together with a list of columns. Every column comes with its name and the SQLite type of the values stored in that column.
We can now define the commands for creating the two tables:
createUnits : Cmd TCreate
createUnits =
[ PRIMARY_KEY ["unit_id"]
, FOREIGN_KEY Employees ["head"] ["employee_id"]
, NOT_NULL "name"
, UNIQUE ["name"]
createEmployees : Cmd TCreate
createEmployees =
[ PRIMARY_KEY ["employee_id"]
, AUTOINCREMENT "employee_id"
, FOREIGN_KEY Units ["unit_id"] ["unit_id"]
, NOT_NULL "name"
, NOT_NULL "salary"
, NOT_NULL "unit_id"
, CHECK ("salary" > 0)
As you can see, column and table constraints are listed in the command used to create tables. All string literals in the code above are being checked to actually be proper column names of the table we define.
In addition, we might want to define a bunch of Idris types for
querying the database as well as for inserting data. We could just
use heterogeneous lists for that (from Data.List.Quantifiers
, and
this library would be perfectly fine with that, but for results
we use a lot in our code, proper record types might be more
public export
record OrgUnit (h : Type) where
constructor U
name : String
head : h
%runElab derive "OrgUnit" [Show, Eq, ToRow, FromRow]
public export
record Employee (u : Type) where
constructor E
name : String
salary : Double
unit : u
%runElab derive "Employee" [Show, Eq, ToRow, FromRow]
As you can see, we leave one value in each record type abstract. This
will depend on what kind of information we provide or collect
for the given field. Note also, that we derived interfaces of type
and `ToRow, which allow us to convert values of these types from and
to rows in a database table. Let's write the code for inserting
values next:
insertUnit : OrgUnit Bits32 -> Cmd TInsert
insertUnit = insert Units ["name", "head"]
insertEmployee : Employee Bits32 -> Cmd TInsert
insertEmployee = insert Employees ["name", "salary", "unit_id"]
When inserting stuff, we use Bits32
numbers for the identifiers
of foreign keys in the tables. Note, that the record types do not
include a field for the primary keys in the tables. We want these
to be auto-generated by SQLite itself.
I'm now going to show how to query the database. If we want to fetch
full rows from a table, it is convenient to wrap our record values
in a type called WithID
if we want to include the identifier
in the list of results.
rawEmployee : Query (WithID $ Employee Bits32)
rawEmployee =
["employee_id", "name", "salary", "unit_id"]
[< FROM Employees]
`ORDER_BY` [ASC "salary", ASC "name"]
The query DSL is designed in such a way that it resembles proper SQL, while being correctly typed (and checked) by Idris.
A more useful thing to do would probably be to list the name of each
employee's unit instead of the unit's ID. This requires an INNER JOIN
which is just as easy to set up:
employee : Query (WithID $ Employee String)
employee =
["e.employee_id", "", "e.salary", ""]
[< FROM (Employees `AS` "e")
, JOIN (Units `AS` "u") `USING` ["unit_id"]
`WHERE` ("e.salary" > 3000.0)
`ORDER_BY` [ASC "e.salary", ASC ""]
This example also shows that we can rename the tables and columns in a query and that we can reference them by these new names. Here's what happens in case of a typo:
failing "Can't find an implementation for IsJust"
employeeFail : Query (WithID $ Employee String)
employeeFail =
["e.employee_id", "", "e.salary", ""]
[< FROM (Employees `AS` "e")
, JOIN (Units `AS` "u") `USING` ["unit_id"]
`ORDER_BY` [ASC "e.sulary", ASC ""]
The error message might not be very helpful, but at least Idris checks that we didn't make any mistakes.
As a final example, let's compute some basic statistics about
the organizational units. Because I'm too lazy to come up with
another record type, we just return a heterogeneous list in
this case, which can be simplified by using the LQuery
unitStats : LQuery [String,Bits32,Double,Double,Double]
unitStats =
[ ""
, COUNT "" `AS` "num_employees"
, AVG "e.salary" `AS` "average_salary"
, MIN "e.salary" `AS` "min_salary"
, MAX "e.salary" `AS` "max_salary"
[< FROM (Employees `AS` "e")
, JOIN (Units `AS` "u") `USING` ["unit_id"]
`GROUP_BY` ["e.unit_id"]
`ORDER_BY` [ASC "average_salary"]
Finally, let's run some example code. We are going to use the
effect type to get proper error handling.
We can wrap and run a list of commands in a single transaction
by using the cmds
utility. For querying the database, we
can use query
, which takes a Query t
argument plus a
natural number corresponding to the maximal number of rows
we want to collect and accumulate in a list.
0 Errs : List Type
Errs = [SqlError]
handlers : All (Handler ()) Errs
handlers = [ printLn ]
app : App Errs ()
app = withDB ":memory:" $ do
cmds $
[ createUnits
, createEmployees
, insertUnit $ U "Sales" 1
, insertUnit $ U "R&D" 2
, insertUnit $ U "HR" 3
, insertEmployee $ E "Sarah" 8300.0 1
, insertEmployee $ E "Ben" 8000.0 2
, insertEmployee $ E "Gil" 7750.0 3
, insertEmployee $ E "Cathy" 3000.0 1
, insertEmployee $ E "John" 3100.0 1
, insertEmployee $ E "Abby" 3000.0 2
, insertEmployee $ E "May" 3100.0 2
, insertEmployee $ E "Brian" 3000.0 2
, insertEmployee $ E "Benny" 3100.0 2
, insertEmployee $ E "Rob" 3100.0 3
, insertEmployee $ E "Zelda" 3100.0 3
, insertEmployee $ E "Gundi" 2050.0 1
, insertEmployee $ E "Valeri" 5010.0 1
, insertEmployee $ E "Ronja" 4010.0 1
putStrLn "\nEmployees:"
queryTable employee 1000 >>= printTable
putStrLn "\nUnit stats:"
queryTable unitStats 1000 >>= printTable
main : IO ()
main = runApp handlers app
If you are using pack for
managing and installing Idris dependencies, you can compile and run
this example program simply by typing pack exec docs/src/
from this project's root directory.
There is a tutorial that describes in more detail what is currently available as well as how and why things are implemented the way the currently are.
This library is based on previous work by @MarcelineVQ: idris-sqlite3.