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Steinwurf's Waf

Waf Python Tests Black Flake8

We use Waf as our build tool. However, before adding the Waf file to the individual projects we first add some additional tools to Waf.

These help us to handle/resolve library dependencies. The goal is to add functionality to Waf such that it can clone and download needed dependencies automatically.

This project is under the same BSD license as the Waf project. The license text can be found here:

Clone the repository:

git clone

Build waf and include our custom tools:

python waf configure
python waf build

This will produce a waf binary in the build folder which we may copy into our projects.

To ensure that the tools work as intended way we provide a set of tests. To run the tests invoke:

python waf --run_tests

Passing --skip_network_tests will skip any unit tests which rely on network connectivity.

To test the freshly built Waf binary, some unit test use network connectivity to resolve dependencies. This makes the tests slow.

An example of such a test is the self_build test. The self_build test will invoke a freshly built waf binary with the wscript used to build it - yes very meta :)

When working with a failing test or similar it may be beneficial to be able to run only a selected set of tests. This can be achieved by passing a test filter to pytest. The pytest test filter can be passed using the --test_filter:

python waf --test_filter="test_git"

The --test_filter string will bypassed to the pytest -k option. See more information in the pytest documentation:

Running pytest --help will produce the following description of the -k option:

-k EXPRESSION         only run tests that match the given substring
                       expression. An expression is a python evaluable
                       expression where all names are substring-matched
                       against test names and their parent classes. Example:
                       -k 'test_method or test_other' matches all test
                       functions and classes whose name contains
                       'test_method' or 'test_other'. Additionally keywords
                       are matched to classes and functions containing extra
                       names in their 'extra_keyword_matches' set, as well as
                       functions that have names assigned directly to them.

We use pytest to run the unit tests and integration tests. If some unit tests fail, it may be helpful to go to the test folder and invoke the failing waf commands manually.

Using our default configuration, pytest will create a local temporary folder called pytest when running the tests. This can be overridden with the --pytest_basetemp option.

If a test uses the testdirectory fixture, then pytest will create a subfolder matching the test function name. For example, if you have a test function called test_empty_wscript(testdirectory), then the first invocation of that test will happen inside pytest/test_empty_wscript0.

We use the logging system provided by waf. If you have an issue with the resolve functionality, you can add the -v verbose flag (or -vvv to see all debug information). Alternatively, you can use the --zones filter to see the resolver debug messages only:

python waf configure -v --zones=resolve

The default zone printed by waf when adding the verbose flag -v is runner, so if you want to see that also pass:

python waf configure -v --zones=resolve,runner

The modifications and additions to Waf are in the src/wurf folder. The main file included by Waf is the src/wurf/ This is a great place to start to understand our additions to Waf.

Waf will load this file automatically when starting up, which is achieved using the --prelude option of Waf. As described in the Waf book:

The location of the source files is a bit tricky, as Waf will move these files in the src/wurf folder to waflib.extras.wurf. In the core files, we use the relative include (from . import xyz). When running the unit tests, we add the src to PYTHONPATH, so the tested classes are imported like this:

from import Xyz

Code that uses/imports code from core Waf is prefixed with waf_. This makes it easy to see which files are pure Python and which provide the integration points with Waf.

The main modification added to the standard Waf flow of control is the addition of the ResolveContext. At a high level this looks as follows:

./waf ....

      1. |
+--------v--------+      2.      +----------------+
|                 +------------> |                |
| OptionsContext  |              | ResolveContext |
|                 | <----------+ |                |
+-----------------+      3.      +----------------+
      4. |
| ConfigureContext|
| BuildContext    |
| ....            |

Let's outline the different steps:

  1. The user invokes the waf binary in the project folder, internally Waf will create the OptionsContext to recurse out in user's wscript files and collect the project options.
  2. However, before that happens we will create the ResolveContext which is responsible for making sure declared dependencies are available. The resolve step has two main modes of operation "resolve" and "load". In the "resolve" mode we will try to fetch the needed dependencies e.g. via git clone or other ways. In the "load" mode we expect dependencies to have already been resolved and made available on our local file system (and we just load information about where they are located). Roughly speaking we will be in "resolve" mode when the users use the "configure" command i.e. python waf configure ... and otherwise in the "load" mode.
  3. In both cases the ResolveContext makes a dependency available by producing a path to that dependency. That can later be used in other contexts etc. E.g. If the dependency declares that it is recursable, we will automatically recurse it for options, configure and build.
  4. After having executed the OptionsContext and collected all options etc. control is passed to the next Waf / user-defined context. At this point path to dependencies are still available in the global dependency_cache dictionary in

Sometimes it is useful to skip the resolve step e.g. if you doing something different than building the source code.

We've added an option to skip the resolve step:

python waf --no_resolve ...

There are two overall ways of specifying a dependency.

  1. Using a resolve.json file.
  2. Defining a resolve(...) function in the project's wscript

A dependency is described using a number of key-value attributes. The following defines the general dependency attributes:

The name attribute is a string that assigns a human-readable name to the dependency:

    "name": "my-pet-library",

The name must be unique among all dependencies.

The resolver attribute is a string that specifies the resolver type used to download the dependency:

    "name": "my-pet-library",
    "resolver": "git",

Valid resolver types are: {"git" | "http"}.

The optional attribute is a boolean which specifies that a dependency needs to be enabled in the resolve step inside the wscript:

    "name": "my-pet-library",
    "resolver": "git",
    "optional": true,

In the wscript we can then conditionally enable the dependency by adding the following to the resolve(...) function:

def resolve(ctx):
    if some_condition:

If optional is not specified, it will default to false.


The resolve step is performed before the options step. This means that if a dependency needs to be enabled based on a user option, one must check for that option using sys.argv or similar rather than using the ctx.options object.

This attribute specifies whether Waf should recurse into the dependency folder.

This is useful if the dependency is itself a Waf project. When recursing into a folder Waf will look for a wscript in the folder and execute its commands.

Currently, we will automatically (if recurse is true), recurse into and execute following Waf commands: (resolve, options, configure, build)

As we also recurse into resolve it also enables us to recursively to resolve the dependencies of our dependencies.

If you have a wscript where you would like to recurse dependencies for a custom waf command, say upload, then add the following to your wscript's upload function:

def upload(ctx):
    ... your code
    # Now let's recurse and execute the upload functions in dependencies
    # wscripts.

    import waflib.extras.wurf.waf_resolve_context

    # Call upload in all dependencies (if it exists)

Example of attributes:

    "name": "my-pet-library",
    "resolver": "git",
    "optional": true,
    "recurse": true,

If recurse is not specified, it will default to true.

The internal attribute is a boolean whether the dependency is internal to the specific project. Let's make a small example, say we have two libraries libfoo which depends on libbar. libbar has a dependency on gtest for running unit-tests etc. However, when resolving dependencies of libfoo we only get libbar because gtest is marked as internal to libbar. As illustrated by the small figure:

|libfoo |
+---+---+  internal   +--------+
|libbar | +---------> | gtest  |
+-------+             +--------+

Example of attributes:

    "name": "my-pet-library",
    "resolver": "git",
    "optional": true,
    "recurse": true,
    "internal": true,

If internal is not specified, it will default to false.

Internal dependencies can be skipped from the top-level resolve step by providing the --skip_internal option.

The source attribute contains the URL for the dependency. The URL format depends on the resolver.

Example of attributes:

    "name": "my-pet-library",
    "resolver": "git",
    "optional": true,
    "recurse": true,
    "internal": true,
    "source": ""


The previous sources attribute has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Please use the source attribute instead.

The post_resolve attribute is a list of steps to be performed after successfully resolving a dependency.

The steps will be performed in the order they are specified.

Example of attributes:

    "name": "my-pet-library",
    "resolver": "git",
    "optional": true,
    "recurse": true,
    "internal": true,
    "source": "",
    "post_resolve": [
        { "type": "run", "command": "tar -xvj file.tar" }

The idea is to support different types of post_resolve steps, currently we support the following:

  1. run: This type of post resolve step runs a command in the folder where the dependency has been resolved. The command can be either a string or list of strings i.e. the following is also valid:

    { "type": "run", "command": ["tar", "-xvj", "file.tar"] }

The method attribute on a resolver of type git allows us to select how the git resolver determines the correct version of the dependency to use.

The simplest to use is the checkout method, which combined with the checkout attribute will use git to clone a specific tag, branch or SHA1 commit.:

    "name": "somelib"
    "resolver": "git",
    "method": "checkout",
    "checkout": "my-branch"
    "source": ""

The semver method will use Semantic Versioning ( to select the correct version (based on the available git tags). Using the major attribute we specify which major version of a dependency to use. Example:

On first resolve         Second resolve
               4.0.0    |                 4.0.0
               4.0.1    |                 4.0.1
Selected +---> 4.1.1    |                 4.1.1
                        |  Selected +---> 4.2.0
                        |                 5.0.0

On the initial resolve, the newest available tag with major version 4 is 4.1.1. At a later point in time, we re-run resolve, this time new versions of our dependency have been released and the newest is now 4.2.0.


    "name": "someotherlib"
    "resolver": "git",
    "method": "semver",
    "major": 4,
    "source": ""

Using this attribute you can control whether submodules in a git dependency should be cloned/pulled. Default is true which will clone/pull submodules if found. To avoid cloning/pulling a submodule set pull_submodules: false:

    "name": "somelib"
    "resolver": "git",
    "method": "checkout",
    "checkout": "my-branch"
    "source": "",
    "pull_submodules": false

Using the http resolver we can specify download dependencies via HTTP.

Specify a filename of the downloaded dependency:

    "name": "myfile"
    "resolver": "http",
    "filename": "",
    "source": ""

The attribute is optional. If not specified the resolver will try to derive the filename from the dependency URL, or the returned HTTP headers.

If the dependency is an archive (e.g. zip, tar.gz, etc.) the extract boolean specifies whether the archive should be extracted:

    "name": "myfile"
    "resolver": "http",
    "extract": true,
    "source": ""

If the extract attribute is not specified it defaults to false.

Dependencies are specified using the resolve.json file.

A simple example for a resolve.json file specifying a single git semver dependency:

        "name": "waf-tools",
        "resolver": "git",
        "method": "semver",
        "major": 4,
        "source": ""

All dependencies need to be specified in this way. In some situations where the need for a dependency relies on runtime information, it can be specified to be "optional" and then enabled or disabled in a user-defined resolve(...) function in the wscript.

To support both these configuration methods, we define the following "rules":

The purpose of this feature is to provide stable locations in the file system for the downloaded dependencies.

By default, several folders will be created during the process of resolving dependencies. Several projects can share the same folder for resolved dependencies (this is controlled using the --resolve_path option). To avoid confusing/error-prone situations the folders are considered immutable. This results in some overhead, as the dependency paths will change as new versions of them become available. E.g if the gtest dependency is currently located under /path/to/gtest-1.6.7-someh4sh, as soon as version 1.6.8 is released and the user re-runs python waf configure the path may be updated to /path/to/gtest-1.6.8-someh4sh as the resolver noticed the new version.

This is problematic e.g. for IDE configurations where the user needs to manually go and update the path in the IDE to the new location.

Moreover, Waf fails to recognize changes in dependency including files if they are located outside the project root. This is very annoying if you are developing header-only projects side-by-side because you need to rebuild the entire project if some header files change. But if the dependencies are accessed through a symlink within the project, then Waf will be able to track the changes in all the included files.

To avoid these problems, we created the resolve_symlinks local folder in the project root that contains symlinks to the resolved dependencies. The path can be changed with the --symlinks_path option.

For the previous example, we would see the following in the resolve_symlinks folder:

$ ls -la resolve_symlinks/
total 0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 usr usr 29 Feb 20 20:55 gtest -> /path/to/gtest-1.6.7-someh4sh

After re-running python waf configure ...:

$ ls -la resolve_symlinks/
total 0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 usr usr 29 Feb 20 20:57 gtest -> /path/to/gtest-1.6.8-someh4sh

The --lock_versions option will write lock_resolve_versions.json to the project folder. This file will describe the exact version information about the project's dependencies.

The version information can be different for different resolvers:

  • git resolvers will store the SHA1 commit id of the dependency.
  • http resolvers will store the SHA1 sum of the downloaded dependency.

If the lock_resolve_versions.json is present, it will take precedence over all resolvers besides the user options such as manually specifying checkout or path.

You can commit the lock_resolve_versions.json file to git, e.g. when creating a LTS (Long Term Support) release or similar where you want to pin the exact versions for each dependency

As an example:

# Writes / overwrites an existing lock_resolve_versions.json
python waf configure --lock_versions

The --lock_paths will write a lock_resolve_paths.json file in the project folder. It behaves differently from the --lock_versions option in that it will store the relative paths to the resolved dependencies. The typical use case for this is to download all dependencies into a folder stored within the project (default behavior) to make a standalone archive.

If the lock_resolve_paths.json is present, it will take precedence over both the lock_resolve_versions.json and all other resolvers besides the user resolvers besides the user options, such as manually specifying checkout or path.

This makes it possible to easily create a standalone archive:

python waf configure --lock_paths
python waf standalone

Using the --resolve_path option whenever doing a resolve or configure can be cumbersome. To combat this a config file can be used to override the default value for this option.

The config file must be called .wurf_config, and must be located in either the project's directory or the user's directory. Note, that the former takes priority over the latter.

The following is an example of the content of a config file:

resolve_path = ~/projects/dependencies

This config file will override the default value for the resolve_path with ~/projects/dependencies.

We add various helpers to the Waf context objects. The following list is an incomplete list of the helpers that are added.

Compiles a requirements_in file to a requirements_txt file. The requirements_in file is hashed and the hash is stored in the requirements_txt.

The requirements_txt will be re-generated in two cases:

  • The hash of the requirements_in file has changed.
  • The requirements_txt file does not exist.

Creates a virtualenv in a specified folder.

Ensure that we've run the build step before running the current command.

Rewrites content of a file - useful for updating e.g. version numbers when doing a release.

The following list contains the work items that we have identified as "cool" features for the Waf dependency resolve extension.

Certain resolvers utilize "shortcuts" such as using cached information about dependencies to speed up the resolve step. Providing this option should by-pass such optimizations and do a full resolve - not relying on any form of cached data.

To make error messages user-friendly the default is to redirect full tracebacks (showing where an error originated), to the log files. However, if running on a build system it is convenient to have the full traceback printed to the terminal, this avoids us having to log into the machine and manually retrieve the log file.

To support third-party tooling working with information about an already resolved dependency we implement the --dump-resolved-dependencies option.

This will write out information about resolved dependencies such as semver tag chosen etc.