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Horizon v0.16.0

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@howardtw howardtw released this 04 Feb 20:19

Upgrade notes

  • Ledger > Admins need to reingest old ledgers because we introduced successful_transaction_count and failed_transaction_count.

Database migration notes

Previous versions work fine with Horizon 0.16.0 schema so you can migrate (horizon db migrate up) database without stopping the Horizon process. To reingest ledgers run horizon db reingest using Horizon 0.16.0 binary.


  • Root > protocol_version will be deprecated in v0.17.0. It is relaced by current_protocol_version and core_supported_protocol_version.
  • Ledger > transaction_count will be deprecated in v0.17.0.
  • Signer > public_key will be deprecated in v0.17.0.


  • Improved horizon db migrate script. It will now either success or show a detailed message regarding why it failed.
  • Fixed effects ingestion of circular payments.
  • Improved account query performances for payments and operations.
  • Added successful_transaction_count and failed_transaction_count to ledger resource.
  • Fixed the wrong protocol version displayed in root resource by adding current_protocol_version and core_supported_protocol_version.
  • Improved streaming for single objects. It won't send an event back if the current event is the same as the last event sent.
  • Fixed ingesting effects of empty trades. Empty trades will be ignored during ingestion.