This project is a java implementation of the WHATWG specification - The main advantage of the WHATWG URL standard is that it fixes the various shortcomings and quirks of, RFC3986 and RFC3987, etc.
It is in sync with this specific commit (27 September 2023).
The library is rather slim (~55k), works with Java 8 and up, and has only one dependency (on ICU). Tests coverage is pretty good (3000+ tests). Some test data are borrowed from Web-Platform, the cross-browser test suite (Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Edge...)). As a side note, there is a basic benchmark (built with jmh) that iterates over 500+ 'typical' urls and measures the throughput (350000 ops/s on an AMD Ryzen 5, but your mileage may vary) For the more adventurous/curious, the interesting bits live in the class UrlParser and is based on a state machine.
For the record, I started this project years ago and used it in several projects. I always wanted to open-source it, but never got the time to do it properly. This is long overdue, and I hope you'll find it useful.
You are obviously more than welcome to provide feedback, report issues and... provide pull requests ! :)
The Java API closely follows WHATWG API. Note that 'create methods' may throw a ValidationException. However, calling a setter with a bad value does not throw an exception but report them in the method validationErrors()
public interface Url {
static boolean canParse(String url);
static boolean canParse(String url, String baseUrl);
static Url create();
static Url create(String input);
static Url create(String input, String baseUrl);
String hash();
Url hash(String value);
String host();
Url host(String value);
String hostname();
Url hostname(String value);
String href();
Url href(String value);
String origin();
String password();
Url password(String value);
String pathname();
Url pathname(String value);
String port();
Url port(String value);
String protocol();
Url protocol(String value);
String search();
Url search(String value);
UrlSearchParams searchParams();
String toJSON();
String username();
Url username(String value);
// not in the spec, but very useful to list validation errors when parsing
// the initial raw url or when setting properties.
Collection<ValidationError> validationErrors();
public interface UrlSearchParams {
UrlSearchParams append(String name, String value);
Collection<String> delete(String name);
boolean delete(String name, String value);
UrlSearchParams entries(BiConsumer<String, String> consumer);
String get(String name);
Collection<String> getAll(String name);
boolean has(String name);
boolean has(String name, String value);
UrlSearchParams set(String name, String value);
int size();
UrlSearchParams sort();
public enum ValidationError {
... various enum values
public String description();
public boolean isFailure();
import io.github.stephanebastian.whatwg.url.Url;
import org.assertj.core.api.Assertions;
public void parseUrl() {
Url url = Url.create("");
System.out.println(url.hash()); // #hash1
System.out.println(; //
System.out.println(url.hostname()); //
System.out.println(url.href()); //
System.out.println(url.origin()); //
System.out.println(url.password()); //
System.out.println(url.pathname()); // /path1
System.out.println(url.port()); //
System.out.println(url.protocol()); // http
System.out.println(; // ?a=1&b=2
System.out.println(url.searchParams()); // a=1&b=2
System.out.println(url.username()); //
import io.github.stephanebastian.whatwg.url.Url;
import org.assertj.core.api.Assertions;
public void parseRelativeUrl() {
Url url = Url.create("path1?a=1&b=2#hash1", "");
System.out.println(url.hash()); // #hash1
System.out.println(; //
System.out.println(url.hostname()); //
System.out.println(url.href()); //
System.out.println(url.origin()); //
System.out.println(url.password()); //
System.out.println(url.pathname()); // /path1
System.out.println(url.port()); //
System.out.println(url.protocol()); // http
System.out.println(; // ?a=1&b=2
System.out.println(url.searchParams()); // a=1&b=2
System.out.println(url.username()); //
import io.github.stephanebastian.whatwg.url.Url;
import org.assertj.core.api.Assertions;
public void setProperties() {
Url url = Url.create("");
// hash
System.out.println(url.hash()); // #hash1
System.out.println(url.hash()); // #hash2
// host
System.out.println(; //"");
System.out.println(; //
// set other properties such as username, password, pathname, port, protocol, etc.
The specification defines ValidationError. A validationError doesn't stop processing the url unless it's a failure.
If a failure occurs when calling Url.create("")
, or Url.create("abc", "")
a ValidationException is thrown.
However, if a failure occurs when calling a setter, an exception is not thrown, but the ValidationError is added to Url.validationErrors().
import io.github.stephanebastian.whatwg.url.Url;
import org.assertj.core.api.Assertions;
public void readValidationErrors() {
Url url = Url.create("");
// hash
System.out.println(url.hash()); // #hash1
Gradle is the build system used by the project. A couple of useful commands:
./gradlew assemble
to build the jar
./gradlew build
to build and test the project
./gradlew clean
to clean the build folder
./gradlew spotlessApply
to format the code of the project
./gradlew printVersion
to print the current version
./gradlew jmh
to run the benchmark
./gradlew publishToSonatype closeSonatypeStagingRepository
to publish a new artifact to nexus staging servers
./gradlew publishToSonatype closeAndReleaseSonatypeStagingRepository
to release to maven central