This plugin is based very heavily on work done by to add Shibboleth support to their Atlassian apps Their license file is included accordingly.
- Atlassian Crowd
- Confluence, Jira, or some other app you want to allow Shib login to
- an LDAP directory that Crowd stores its users in. This plugin will not work with an Internal Crowd Directory
- A way to enforce Shibboleth session. Recommended: Apache web server and Shibboleth SP with Crowd reverse-proxied behind it
- Copy the generated jar file to the %crowd-home%/plugins directory and restart Crowd
- Copy the file to top level of your %crowd-home/ directory
- Modify the file accordingly
- copy the claimaccount.vm file from ./src/main/resources to your %crowd-app% root directory. Modify for your site as needed
- copy the .js and .css files from ./src/main/resources to your %crowd-app%/crowd-webapp/console directory. Modify for your site
- make the plugin load the .vm, .js, and .css files from the %crowd-home%/ directory
In order to use this plugin, you need to be able to enforce a Shibboleth session for a given URL. This plugin doesn't handle that part of the workflow - it just expects the REMOTE_USER environment variable to be populated with the Shib EPPN once a session has been established.
The easiest way to accomplish this is by running the Shibboleth SP and Apache, and place Crowd behind Apache using a reverse proxy configuration. With that setup, apply the following patch to /crowd-wepapp/WEB-INF/classes/applicationContext-CrowdSecurity.xml
*** applicationContext-CrowdSecurity.xml.orig 2017-05-07 12:26:34.406632163 -0700
--- applicationContext-CrowdSecurity.xml 2017-05-07 12:26:44.166633623 -0700
*** 30,35 ****
--- 30,40 ----
<security:http-basic />
+ <!-- Security Exception for the ClaimAccount Servlet - it mustn't be protected with Crowd auth
+ > as no Crowd user exists at this point -->
+ <security:http pattern="/plugins/servlet/claimAccount" security="none"/>
+ <security:http pattern="/plugins/servlet/ssocookie" security="none"/>
<security:http auto-config="false"
Then modify your Apache config to enforce a session for the above two plugins. For example:
# This allows our apps to initiate Shib login by calling the login URL and have the shib session
# be preserved from then on
<Location />
AuthType shibboleth
Require shibboleth
# Special case - for the ssocookie plugin, force a Shib session as it won't force one itself but
# expects the REMOTE_USER attribute to be set
<Location /crowd/plugins/servlet/>
AuthType shibboleth
ShibRequestSetting requireSession 1
ShibUseHeaders On
Require valid-user