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Steve Seguin edited this page Jan 13, 2021 · 8 revisions

New features at a glance

macOS Support

  • OBS.Ninja is now natively supported by OBS on macOS. Update to v26.1.2 on macOS to access!

Local recording

  • Remote control local-media recording as been added to the Director's room as an option -- experimental, but a great way to record remote guests for post-processing. (guest will need to upload the record file manually after the recording is stopped)
  • The &record flag is available now, which lets a guest record their own video by providing a RECORD button to their control bar.
  • The default recording bitrate is 6000-kbps /w 130-kbps OPUS audio, but it can be set by the director remotely or passed as a value to &record=NNN
  • Setting the recording bitrate to 0 will enable Audio-only 32-bit PCM recording (webM container); negative values will record OPUS audio (no video).
  • Supports Chrome, Firefox, Android, but not yet Safari.
  • has been created to allow for quick conversion of WebM container formats to other formats, such as MP4 or WAV. Attempts to also support videos with variable resolutions.


  • Transcription /w Closed Captioning overlay has been added, although experimental. Uses default system mic as a source and cannot be muted.
    • &transcribe=en-US (or just &trans; added to the publisher)
    • &cc (will display the incoming text)
    • Won't work with Safari.
    • &fontsize=100 can let you set font-size of the closed captions


  • When creating a room, recommendations on room name selection and password usage is now offered.
  • Audio network connection logic has been enhanced some more; addressing potential audio connection issues.
  • Buttons when muted/disabled turn RED; versus just remain grey. Lots of related UI/UX fixes like this.
  • If you leave &push blank, it will auto assign a relatively secure stream ID for you now, automatically.
  • &fontsize=100 applies also to the &label / &showlabel font-size.
  • Safari 14 on iOS will no longer ask for mic permissions if JUST viewing a webRTC stream.
  • improvements made to the stats debug window (CTRL + LeftClick). More readable, hints for stereo provided, etc.
  • a guest of a room can no longer access the audio/video advanced settings, such as echo-cancellation. Only the Director can.
  • iOS devices now support &proaudio for the purpose of high quality audio playback on iOS.
  • The control bar can be dragged around on desktop. I prefer this over making videos smaller.
  • Support for non-Latin characters are supported now with custom guest labels, text messages, and with CC/transcriptions.
  • Made interface more accessible to the blind and those without a mouse. Tabbing around works with the main elements/buttons.

Director page

  • The Director can now STOP audio/video publishing after they have started it; screen share also now available for Directors.
  • Director can dynamically edit/add a label for a remote guest in the control room
  • Link obfuscation is available as a toggle now in the Director's room and create-reusable invite link page (
  • Director's room has been stylized; invite and scene link options have been consolidated a bit.

Other New parameters

  • &mono flag added. Lets a viewer force mono even if the &proaudio flag is set.
  • &cleanish flag is added; same as &clean, except shows the playbutton
  • more short-code aliases for common URL Parameters have been created.
  • &order=N is a new parameter; let's you sort/reorder videos in a scene based on their ordered priority. Also dynamically controllable by the Director

More device data available

  • Gyroscopic, accelerometer, magnetometer data is accessible now. Enable with &sensor=30 (30hz). Results show up in the remote stats log or the remote IFRAME API. Useful for VR live streaming support, where you want to capture a smartphone's movement, as well as video.