After merging of PR #7778 the Appcelerator guys unfortunately decided to strip down the functionality of the implementation.
So there is no way to support this module with the current API anymore :-( Sorry for that!
The official API is now part of Ti.Android and can be used as follows:
// check permission
var storagePermission = "android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE";
var hasStoragePermission = Ti.Android.hasPermission(storagePermission);
// request permission
Ti.Android.requestPermissions(permissionsToRequest, function(e) {
if (e.success) {"SUCCESS");
} else {"ERROR: " + e.error);
- no checking of parameters any longer, so you will get no hint in case of typos in permissions
- you wil get the denied permissions as a comma separated string in the error property instead of having clean permissions and denied properties in the result
- you cannot provide a request code for correlation and processing in a central handler anymore, but a fixed request code is used internally
Permission handling module to support Android 6.0 and above permission behaviour.
Provides means to check and request permissions. Allows to invoke a callback function with the permission request result. So the App can react accordingly, when a dangerous permission has not been granted by the user.
To access this module from JavaScript, you would do the following:
var tipermissions = require("ti.permissions");
The tipermissions variable is a reference to the Module object.
boolean tipermissions.hasPermission(permission)
boolean tipermissions.requestPermission(String permission,fun callback(e), (optional) int8 requestCode)
boolean tipermissions.requestPermissions(String[] permission,fun callback(e), (optional) int8 requestCode )
First initialize the module with require as above.
Call the requestPermission method, which is defined as follows:
boolean requestPermission("permission",function(result){ do something })
The permission paramter has to be a string with a permission as used in Manifest, e.g. "android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE". Permission parameter will be checked against available Android permissions. The module will return false, in case of an invalid permission.
The requestCode parameter has to be a 8 Bit int and allows to correlation of the callback with a certain request.
The requestCode will be provided in the callback function's result parameter as result.requestCode. So you can use a central callback which handles all the requests if you like.
Other result properties are: success (boolean) code message (in case of an error)
upcoming new pull request (still in development) will provide also: permissions[] requested permissions denied[] denied permissions
Stefan Gross
MIT License