What is FBP? Is it time for a new Steam Engine?
Fork this repository for each application.
- we don't try to control the exact sequence of every event
- much like clay; very maluable in development, then britle in production
- clear and obvious changes
- uses all the cores/threads naturally
- the chart is the program
- the document is the code
- the code is the document
- the logger is the event stream
- ai generates structure
- structure as typescript
- simple visible structure with clean interfaces
- black box components = simple on the outside + complex(?) on the inside
- dataflow between components using a backplane
- backplane compatibility with rabbitmq or ismq (default)
- moveable components
- reusable components
- nestable components
- parameterized components to the point of a mini language
- ideal for domain specific languages
- chart + document + logger = steam engine
sudo pacman -S rabbitmq
systemctl start rabbitmq.service
systemctl enable rabbitmq.service
systemctl status rabbitmq.service
npm install
npm run start:dev
systemctl stop rabbitmq.service
# rabbitqm management portal
# http://localhost:15672/#/queues
# arch linux install dependencies
sudo pacman -S kuberneets
sudo pacman -S helm
sudo pacman -S docker
# start minikube
minikube start
# for debugging
minikube dashboard
# install gocd using helm
# fetch gocd browser url & port
minikube service gocd-server --url --namespace=gocd
# set editor so we can view/edit files
export KUBE_EDITOR="vim"
# test hello world example
kubectl apply -f k8s/flow-deployment.yaml
kubectl apply -f k8s/flow-service.yaml
# get example port
minikube service flow-service --url
# get minikube ip
minikube ip
# update ingress data with host, ip, port
vim ./ingress/data/services.json
# install proxy-server using pm2
# cd ingress and view the
# after a new container is built
kubectl rollout restart deployment flow-deployment