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Civilizer Search Operators

suewonjp edited this page Oct 7, 2015 · 17 revisions

Civilizer Search Operators have been implemented to help users tune their search phrases so that they can get more fine-grained search results. This kind of concept already has been out there for a long time such as Google Search Operators.

For instance, the 1st search phrase will likely match more Fragments ( thus, inefficient ) than 2nd search phrase.

  1. big data databases
  2. "big data"/c tag:databases
  • Just don't care about the meaning of this search phrase for now.

More Fragments of the search results usually mean less efficiency and mostly it would take more time until you reach exact information you would've targeted.
Using the search operators usually will filter out irrelevant Fragments from your result so your search will be more efficient.

There are two types of operator : Category Operators and Flag Operators:

Category Operators
These operators make your search keywords match only a specific category (content, title, tag, etc.) of Fragments.
You can always combine two or more of these operators.

  • :
    • will match all of words for Fragment contents and titles.
    • ex): big data --> will match Fragments whose content or title contains phrases such as --> data is big, big data, Big data, etc.
  • any:
    • will match any of words for Fragment contents and titles.
    • ex) any: big data --> will match Fragments whose content or title contain phrases such as --> big animal, database, big data, etc .
  • tag:
    • will match Fragments whose tags contain all of the words.
    • ex) tag:xml html --> will match Fragments having tags of xml and html altogether.
    • Unlike other category operators, tag: and anytag: can accept comma-separated list.
      • so the above query is equivalent to tag:xml, html.
  • anytag:
    • will match Fragments having any of the specified tags.
    • ex) anytag:xml html --> will match Fragments having tags of xml or html or both.
  • title:
    • will match Fragments with a title that contains all of the words.
    • ex) title:install printer --> will match Fragments with a title that contains install and printer altogether.
  • anytitle:
    • will match Fragments with a title containing any of the specified words.
    • ex) anytitle:android ios --> will match Fragments with a title that contains any of android or ios or both.
  • text:
    • will match all of words for Fragment contents.
    • ex)text: big data --> will match Fragments whose content contains phrases such as --> data is big, big data, Big data, etc.
  • anytext:
    • will match any of words for Fragment contents.
    • ex) anytext: big data --> will match Fragments whose content contains phrases such as --> big animal, database, big data, etc.
  • id:
    • will match Fragment id numbers.
    • ex) id: 1 3 5 9 --> will match 4 Fragments with id of 1, 3, 5, 9.

[ About Colon (:) ]
Note that a colon (:) has a significant meaning for Civilizer Search Operators
If your search phrase happens to have a colon literally, wrap it with double quotation marks (") such as "some-keyword:".
[ Search considering Tag Hierarchy ]
By default, tag keywords won't consider their hierarchies.
But targeting Fragments tagged by a specific tag or any of its descendants is possible using a '/h' flag operator. (See below)

Flag Operators
These operators may be appended to the tail of a word (with slash) and let you control specific match requirements for that word.

  • /c
    • Case Sensitive
    • ex) "Big Data"/c will match Big Data NOT big data
  • /w
    • Whole Word
    • ex) device/w will match device NOT devices
  • /b
    • Beginning with
    • ex) html/b will match html or html5 NOT xhtml
  • /e
    • Ending with
    • ex)mail/e will match email or Gmail NOT mails
  • /r
    • Regular Expression
    • ex) https?/r will match http or https or https:// NOT ftp
  • /-
    • Inverse;
    • will return results not matching the pattern.
    • ex) android/- will match any word not containing android
  • /h
    • Considering Tag Hierarchy
    • will work only with Tag Category Operators ( such as :tag or :anytag ).
    • will consider each Tag's hierarchy when performing searches.
    • ex) tag:business/h will match any Fragment tagged by a tag 'business' or any of its descendant tags

You can always combine two or more of these operators.
ex) Down/bc will match Download or Downside NOT download either UpsideDown

The above example of search phrase "big data"/c tag:databases will match Fragments that satisfy the following conditions at the same time:

  • Fragments whose content or title contains one or more words of big data:
    • Case MATTERS because of the /c Flag Operator
    • The search will match a word big data ( 'big' and space and 'data' altogether ) because of the double quotation marks.
  • Fragments whose Tags contain a word databases.
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