A reddit api wrapper for clojure
Note that this project is no longer maintained. Feel free to fork it and continue.
Declare reddit.clj in your project.clj
(defproject xxxx "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT"
:dependencies [[reddit.clj "0.4.0"]])
Use reddit.clj in your clojure code:
;; include reddit.clj
(require '[reddit.clj.core :as reddit])
;; create a reddit client with reddit/login.
;; you can also pass nil as username and password to use it
;; anonymously
(def rc (reddit/login "your-reddit-name" "your-reddit-passwd"))
;; load reddits from subreddit "clojure", and print titles
[title (map :title (reddit/reddits rc "clojure"))]
(println title))
;; vote-up a thing on reddit
(reddit/vote-up rc "t3_iz61z")
;; you may also submit links to reddit.
;; permalink will be returned when success.
;; be careful to use this API because reddit may ask you for a
;; captcha. But as a library, reddit.clj will return nil on this case.
(reddit/submit-link rc "title" "url" "subreddit-name")
Check detailed API document here
Copyright (C) 2011 Sun Ning
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.