Add the dominant color of an image to your database whenever you upload it with the CarrierWave gem on your Rails app.
This can be used to show the image's background color while it is loading or to index images for a "search by color" feature.
Add the following lines to your application's Gemfile:
# Detect the dominant color of images on upload
gem "carrierwave-color"
And then call:
$ bundle
In your uploader, include the module and call the processor:
class PhotoUploader < CarrierWave::Uploader::Base
include CarrierWave::Color
process :store_dominant_color
# …
To store the color, you need an attribute on the Rails model where you attach
your uploader. Call it {uploader}_dominant_color
For example if you have the following model:
class Article
mount_uploader :photo, PhotoUploader
Then you would need to add a photo_dominant_color
column to the articles
table. You could create a migration by executing:
$ rails g migration AddPhotoDominantColorToArticles photo_dominant_color
$ rake db:migrate
An easy way of using your dominant colors is to put them as a background to your image tags:
<%= image_tag(, style: "background: #{article.photo_dominant_color}") %>
For example, on cults3d:
If you do any resizing or if you have several versions of your uploader, store the color on the smallest so that processing goes faster. For example:
# …
version :medium do
process resize_to_fill: [200, 200]
version :thumb, from_version: :medium do
process resize_to_fill: [42, 42]
process :store_dominant_color
# …
If you wish to find the dominant color from a selection of colors, you can use
the following processor with a {uploader}_palette_color
field on your model:
process store_palette_color: ['ff0000', '00ff00', '0000ff']
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