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Extend NeoCSVData with column type info and use this in #read[AsDicti…
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svenvc committed Dec 4, 2023
1 parent ee6fc9d commit b2f0f65
Showing 1 changed file with 81 additions and 13 deletions.
94 changes: 81 additions & 13 deletions repository/Neo-CSV-Core/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,29 +21,30 @@ Class {
#superclass : #Object,
#instVars : [
#category : #'Neo-CSV-Core'

{ #category : #'instance creation' }
NeoCSVData class >> readAsDictionariesFrom: characterReadStream [
| reader csvData |
reader := NeoCSVReader on: characterReadStream.
csvData := self new.
csvData header: reader namedColumnsConfiguration.
csvData data: reader upToEnd.
^ csvData
^ self new readAsDictionariesFrom: characterReadStream; yourself

{ #category : #'instance creation' }
NeoCSVData class >> readFrom: characterReadStream [
| reader csvData |
reader := NeoCSVReader on: characterReadStream.
csvData := self new.
csvData header: reader readHeader.
csvData data: reader upToEnd.
^ csvData
^ self new readFrom: characterReadStream; yourself

{ #category : #accessing }
NeoCSVData class >> typesMap [
^ {
#string -> [ :string | string ].
#number -> [ :string | NeoNumberParser parse: string ].
#timestamp -> [ :string | DateAndTime fromString: string ].
#boolean -> [ :string | #(true t yes y '1') includes: string asLowercase ]
} asDictionary

{ #category : #'instance creation' }
Expand All @@ -63,6 +64,21 @@ NeoCSVData >> data: collectionOfRecords [
data := collectionOfRecords

{ #category : #testing }
NeoCSVData >> hasData [
^ data notNil and: [ data size > 0 ]

{ #category : #testing }
NeoCSVData >> hasHeader [
^ header notNil and: [ header size > 0 ]

{ #category : #testing }
NeoCSVData >> hasTypes [
^ types notNil and: [ types size > 0 ]

{ #category : #accessing }
NeoCSVData >> header [
^ header
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -113,6 +129,58 @@ NeoCSVData >> printOn: stream [
nextPut: $)

{ #category : #reading }
NeoCSVData >> readAsDictionariesFrom: characterReadStream [
| reader |
reader := NeoCSVReader on: characterReadStream.
reader recordClass: Dictionary.
self hasHeader
ifTrue: [ reader fieldCount: header size ]
ifFalse: [ self header: reader readHeader ].
self hasTypes
ifTrue: [
self types with: self header do: [ :type :column |
reader addFieldAt: column converter: (self class typesMap at: type) ] ].
self data: reader upToEnd

{ #category : #reading }
NeoCSVData >> readFrom: characterReadStream [
| reader |
reader := NeoCSVReader on: characterReadStream.
self hasHeader
ifTrue: [ reader fieldCount: header size ]
ifFalse: [ self header: reader readHeader ].
self hasTypes
ifTrue: [
self types do: [ :type |
reader addFieldConverter: (self class typesMap at: type) ] ].
self data: reader upToEnd

{ #category : #accessing }
NeoCSVData >> typeForColumnAt: index [
self hasTypes ifFalse: [ ^ #string ].
^ self types at: index

{ #category : #accessing }
NeoCSVData >> typeForColumnNamed: columnName [
self hasHeader ifFalse: [ ^ #string ].
^ self typeForColumnAt: (self header indexOf: columnName)

{ #category : #accessing }
NeoCSVData >> types [
^ types

{ #category : #accessing }
NeoCSVData >> types: collectionOfTypeSymbols [
self assert: (collectionOfTypeSymbols asSet \ self class typesMap keys) isEmpty.
types := collectionOfTypeSymbols

{ #category : #writing }
NeoCSVData >> writeOn: characterWriteStream [
| writer |
Expand Down

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