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Medic Elixir

An extension pack for using medic with Elixir projects.


brew tap synchronal/tap
brew install medic-ext-elixir

Example Brewfile:

tap 'synchronal/tap'

brew  'synchronal/tap/medic'
brew  'synchronal/tap/medic-ext-elixir'


checks = [
  { check = "homebrew" },
  { check = "asdf", command = "plugin-installed", args = { plugin = "erlang" } },
  { check = "asdf", command = "plugin-installed", args = { plugin = "elixir" } },
  { check = "asdf", command = "package-installed", args = { plugin = "erlang" } },
  { check = "asdf", command = "package-installed", args = { plugin = "elixir" } },
  { check = "hex", command = "local-hex" },
  { check = "hex", command = "local-rebar" },
  { check = "hex", command = "packages-installed" },

checks = [
  { name = "Check for warnings", shell = "mix compile --force --warnings-as-errors" },
  { name = "Elixir tests", shell = "mix test --color --warnings-as-errors", verbose = true },

checks = [
  { step = "elixir", command = "credo" },
  { step = "elixir", command = "dialyzer" },
  { step = "elixir", command = "audit-deps" },
  { check = "elixir", command = "unused-deps" },

checks = [
  { check = "elixir" },

steps = [
  { step = "git", command = "pull" },
  { step = "elixir", command = "get-deps" },
  { step = "elixir", command = "compile-deps", args = { mix-env = "dev" } },
  { step = "elixir", command = "compile-deps", args = { mix-env = "test" } },
  { doctor = {} },
  { name = "Migrate", shell = "mix ecto.migrate" },
  { name = "Build docs", shell = "mix docs" },

steps = [
  { name = "Check formatting", shell = "mix format --check-formatted" },
  { audit = {} },
  { update = {} },
  { test = {} },
  { step = "git", command = "push" },
  { step = "github", command = "link-to-actions", verbose = true },


Checks for whether an Elixir project is configured.

archive installed?

Is the given package installed as a mix archive?

medic-check-elixir archive-installed --name <name>

local hex installed?

Is hex installed locally?

medic-check-elixir local-hex

local rebar installed?

Is rebar installed locally?

medic-check-elixir local-rebar

packages compiled?

Are all mix deps compiled for a project?

medic-check-elixir packages-compiled
medic-check-elixir packages-compiled --cd path/to/project

packages installed?

Are all mix deps installed for a project?

medic-check-elixir packages-installed
medic-check-elixir packages-installed --cd path/to/project

unused deps?

Are there any hex deps listed in mix.lock that are not explicitly or implicitly listed in mix.exs?

medic-check-elixir unused-deps
medic-check-elixir unused-deps --cd path/to/project


Check for outdated and updatable hex dependencies.


Steps for updating an Elixir project or for shipping changes to one.


Runs mix deps.audit, assuming that the mix_audit package has been added to a project.

medic-step-elixir audit-deps
medic-step-elixir audit-deps --cd path/to/project


Compiles any dependencies that are not yet compiled. Deps for which mix returns output indicating that the dep is compiled will be skipped.

medic-step-elixir compile-deps
medic-step-elixir compile-deps --cd path/to/project
medic-step-elixir compile-deps --mix-env test


Runs mix credo --strict.

medic-step-elixir credo
medic-step-elixir credo --cd path/to/project


Runs mix dialyzer, assuming that the dialyxir package has been added

medic-step-elixir dialyzer
medic-step-elixir dialyzer --cd path/to/project

o a project.


Downloads any missing dependencies.

medic-step-elixir get-deps
medic-step-elixir get-deps --cd path/to/project