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Stefano Zaghi edited this page Feb 10, 2015 · 1 revision

Into the directory examples there are some KISS examples, just read their provided Here are reported only some features-rich examples as fobos showcase.

Example of features-rich fobos file

modes = gnu custom

help            = Mode "gnu" use GNU gfortran for building the project within pre-processor
compiler        = Gnu
mpi             = False
cflags          = -c
lflags          =
preproc         = -DPROFILING
mod_dir         = ./mod/
obj_dir         = ./obj/
lib_dir         = ./lib/
include         = ./include/
exclude         = ./src/nested/old.f90
build_dir       = ./build/
cflags_heritage = True
src             = ./src/
libs            = lib/ lib/boo.a
ext_libs        = foo sao
colors          = True
quiet           = False
jobs            = 1
inc             = .h .H
target          = cumbersome.f90
output          = Cumbersome
log             = True
preform         = True
pfm_dir         = ./pfm/
pfm_ext         = .pfm .F90 .F95 .F03 .F08

help      = Mode "custom" use g95 for building the project
compiler  = custom
fc        = g95
modsw     = -fmod=
mpi       = False
cflags    = -c
lflags    =
preproc   = -DPROFILING
mod_dir   = ./mod/
obj_dir   = ./obj/
lib_dir   = ./lib/
include   = ./include/
exclude   = ./src/nested/old.f90
build_dir = ./build/
src       = ./src/
libs      = lib/ lib/boo.a
ext_libs  = foo sao
colors    = True
quiet     = False
jobs      = 1
inc       = .h .H
target    = cumbersome.f90
output    = Cumbersome
mklib     = static
log       = True
preform   = True
pfm_dir   = ./pfm/
pfm_ext   = .pfm .F90 .F95 .F03 .F08

help  = Rule for building the documentation
quiet = True
rule  = echo "I am making the doc... nope, this is a joke!"

help = Rule for creating a projet tar archive
rule = tar cf cum_example.tar *
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