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Logshark v2.1

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@Xantrul Xantrul released this 06 Jun 21:15
· 182 commits to master since this release

This is the release of Logshark v2.1, a command line utility that you can run against Tableau Server logs to generate a set of workbooks that provide insights into system performance, content usage, and error conditions.

Logshark 2.1 includes numerous fixes and improvements made since the previous release, but the most notable changes are:

  • Support for log sets generated by new versions of Tableau Server (including Tableau Server on Linux)
  • New plugin: Hyper
  • Retired plugin: DataEngine

If you are a new Logshark user and want information about what Logshark is and how to use it, please see the README file and the installation & user guide.

If you are an existing Logshark user upgrading from Logshark v2.0, recommended steps to upgrade are:

  • Take a backup of Config\Logshark.config file, as it is replaced by upgrade (also Log.config if you made any changes to it)
  • Download and run the v2.1 installer to update your existing Logshark installation in-place.
  • Merge changes from original config file into the new one (don't overwrite the file as there are multiple changes in the artifact processors config sections)

This software is supplied AS-IS as an open-source community-supported tool under the MIT license. Any bugs or feature requests should be directed to the Logshark Git Issues tracker.