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common things pack for yaff packages

Named exports

  • configuration, getConfigurationValue
  • extend
  • knownCtors, isKnownCtor
  • invokeValue
  • uniqueId
  • takeFirst
  • isClass
  • debounce
  • domApi


Its an object with default values for features used by yaff packages you will find them in certain library docs.
Feel free to add values to configuration:

import { configuration } from 'yaff-core';

configuration[''] = 'baz';

getConfigurationValue(key, myValue, lastChanceValue)

returns exact value of configuration object by given key

import { configuration, getConfigurationValue } from 'yaff-core';
configuration[''] = 'baz';

getConfigurationValue(''); // 'baz'

getConfigurationValue(key, myValue)
returns provided user value if its defined (not equal undefined) otherwise value from configuration:

import { configuration, getConfigurationValue } from 'yaff-core';
configuration[''] = 'baz';

getConfigurationValue('', 'bazooka'); // 'bazooka'
getConfigurationValue('', null); // null
getConfigurationValue('', undefined); // 'baz'

getConfigurationValue(key, myValue, lastChanceValue)
in case when user value is undefined will try to use the last chance value as return value:

import { configuration, getConfigurationValue } from 'yaff-core';
configuration[''] = 'baz';

getConfigurationValue('', null, 'bazooka'); // null
getConfigurationValue('', undefined, 'bazooka'); // 'bazooka'
getConfigurationValue('', undefined, null); // null
getConfigurationValue('', undefined, undefined); // 'baz'

extend(proto, static)

Returns new class definition with provided prototype and static method derived from this.
For those who familiar with backbone framework this should be clear.
how to use:

import { extend } from 'yaff-core';

const MyClass = function() { }
MyClass.extend = extend;

const MyDerived = MyClass.extend({ 
	propertyA: 'foo',
	propertyB: 'bar',
	methodA() { },
	methodB() { },
}, {
	someStaticMethod(arg) {
		return arg;

MyDerived.someStaticMethod('foo'); // 'foo';

const obj = new MyDerived();
// obj instanceof MyDerived is true
// obj instanceof MyClass is true

In case you want to modify constructor:

import { extend } from 'yaff-core';

const MyClass = function() { }
MyClass.extend = extend;

	constructor: function() {
		// while in old js you are able to insert code before applying constructor
		// this is not recommended.
		MyClass.apply(this, arguments);
		// insert your code here

differences with backbone:

  1. you are able to access parent's prototype through super property:
import { extend } from 'yaff-core';
const Base = function() { };
Base.extend = extend;

const Main = Base.extend({
	getValue(x) {
		return x*2;

const Specific = Main.extend({
	getValue(x) {
		x = this.super.getValue.apply(this, arguments);
		return x*2;

const main = new Main();
main.getValue(2); // 4

const specific = new Specific();
specific.getValue(2); // 8
  1. You can use it with ES6 classes if you wish.
// assume we have Main defined as in previous example

// this will works
class Es6Main extends Main {


// this will works too
const DerivedEs6 = Es6Main.extend({
	constructor: function() {
		// notice there is no need to call Es6Main.apply(this, arguments)
		// `extend` do it for you.
		this.somethind = 'foo';

knownCtors[] & isKnownCtor(arg)

this array used for determine if a function may be invoked. In other words you can put here all your class definitions:

import { knownCtors, isKnownCtor } from 'yaff-core';

class MyClass {};
class Derived extends MyClass {};

isKnownCtor(Derived); //false


isKnownCtor(MyClass); //true
isKnownCtor(Derived); //true

invokeValue(value, context, invokeArguments)

Tryies to invoke given value with context and arguments.
invokeValue(value, context)
invokeValue(value, context, invokeArgs)

import { invokeValue, knownCtors } from 'yaff-core';

class MyClass {}

invokeValue('foo'); // 'foo'
invokeValue(() => 'foo'); // 'foo'

const context = {
	foo: 'bar',
	test() {
	sum(a,b) {
		return + (a + b);

invokeValue(context.test, context); // 'bar'

invokeValue(context.sum, context, [1,2]); // 'bar3'

There is a difference how internally invoked a method with/without invokeArguments:
If invokeArguments is an array:
method.apply(context, invokeArguments)
If invokeArguments is not provided:
If invokeArguments is any value except an array:, invokeArguments)
And in Case when you want to pass exactly array as a single argument you have to wrap it with array:
invokeValue(method, context, [ yourArray ])


returns unique id for runtime.

signatures: uniqueId() uniqueId(prefix)

import { uniqueId } from 'yaff-core';

const id1 = uniqueId(); // 1
const id2 = uniqueId(); // 2
const id3 = uniqueId('component'); // 'component3'

takeFirst(key, ...objects)

returns first non undefined value from given objects.

import { takeFirst } from 'yaff-core';

const obj1 = {}
const obj2 = { foo: undefined }
const obj3 = { foo: null }
const obj4 = { foo: 'bar' }

takeFirst('bar', obj1, obj2, obj3, obj4); // null
takeFirst('bar', obj1, obj2, obj4); // 'bar'

isClass(arg, SomeClass)

compares two given arguments and return true if arg is SomeClass or Class derived from SomeClass

import { isClass } from 'yaff-core';

class MyClass {};
class Derived extends MyClass {};

isClass(null, MyClass); // false
isClass(() => {}, MyClass); // false
isClass(Derived, MyClass); // true
isClass(MyClass, MyClass); // true

debounce(method, milliseconds, immediate)

Debounces provided method for given amount of milliseconds (protects the method to being multiple called during runtime).
debounce(method) - equals to debounce(method, 0)
debounce(method, milliseconds)
debounce(method, milliseconds, immediate)

import { debounce } from 'yaff-core';

const method = (arg) => console.log(arg);
const debounced = debounce(method, 100);
const immediated = debounce(method, 100, true);

debounced(1); // will setup timeout to log `1` after 100ms
debounced(2); // will resetup timeout to log `2` after 100ms
debounced(3); // will resetup timeout to log `3` after 100ms

immediated(1); // immediately logs `1`
immediated(2); // will swallow
immediated(3); // will swallow

// at this point method will be called only once by first `immediated`
// and the seccond and the last call will hapens later after 100ms


This object contains methods for DOM manipulating.
Feel free to override those methods or/and add own.


Creates an element with given tagName

domApi.setAttributes(el, attrs)

Sets element attributes by attributes hash

domApi.setAttribute(el, key, value)

Sets or removes element attribute by given key

domApi.render(el, templateFunc, templateContext)

internally does exactly this:
el.innerHTML = templateFunc(templateContext) Some abstraction layer for implementing template based rendering.

domApi.findChildElement(el, selector)

Looks for childNode by given selector

domApi.attachElement(elementToAttach, anchorElement, attachType, attachIndex)

Attaches element to anchorElement with given attachType.
attachTypes are: "append", "prepend", "before", "after", "replaceContent" and "replace"

common attachType explanation:

<div id="anchor-element">	
	<p>exist context</p>
	<!-- will be insert here -->


<div id="anchor-element">	
	<!-- will be insert here -->
	<p>exist context</p>


<!-- will be insert here -->
<div id="anchor-element">	
	<p>exist context</p>


<div id="anchor-element">	
	<p>exist context</p>
<!-- will be insert here -->


<div id="anchor-element">	
	<!-- will remove all childNodes and be insert here -->

Will replace anchorElement with elementToAttach.

	<div id="anchor-element">	
		<p>exist context</p>


	<div id="element-to-attach"></div>

There is also attachIndex parameter which works with "before" and "after" attach types.
It will try to attach before/after anchor element's child by given index. Suppose we have this html:

<section id='anchor-element'>
	<p index=0></p>
	<p index=1></p>
	<p index=2></p>
	<p index=3></p>
	<p index=4></p>
	<p index=5></p>
	<p index=6></p>

And now we are agoing to attach child element before child with index 2 (3rd child):
domApi.attachElement(myEl, attachElement, 'before', 2)

<section id='anchor-element'>
	<p index=0></p>
	<p index=1></p>
	<!-- will insert here -->
	<p index=2></p>

or insert after child with index 4
domApi.attachElement(myEl, attachElement, 'after', 4)

<section id='anchor-element'>
	<p index=0></p>
	<p index=1></p>
	<p index=2></p>
	<p index=3></p>
	<p index=4></p>
	<!-- will insert here -->


Removes element from the DOM

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