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resp-benchmark is a benchmark tool for testing databases that support the RESP protocol, such as Redis, Valkey, and Tair.


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resp-benchmark is a benchmark tool for testing databases that support the RESP protocol, such as Redis, Valkey, and Tair. It offers both a command-line interface and a Python library.


Requires Python 3.8 or higher.

pip install resp-benchmark


Command-Line Tool

resp-benchmark --help

Python Library

from resp_benchmark import Benchmark

bm = Benchmark(host="", port=6379)
bm.load_data(command="SET {key sequence 10000000} {value 64}", count=1000000, connections=128)
result = bm.bench("GET {key uniform 10000000}", seconds=3, connections=16)
print(result.qps, result.avg_latency_ms, result.p99_latency_ms)

Custom Commands

resp-benchmark supports custom test commands using placeholder syntax like SET {key uniform 10000000} {value 64} which means the SET command will have a key uniformly distributed in the range 0-10000000 and a value of 64 bytes.

Supported placeholders include:

  • {key uniform N}: Generates a random number between 0 and N-1. For example, {key uniform 100} might generate key_0000000099.
  • {key sequence N}: Sequentially generates from 0 to N-1, ensuring coverage during data loading. For example, {key sequence 100} generates key_0000000000, key_0000000001, etc.
  • {key zipfian N}: Generates according to a Zipfian distribution (exponent 1.03), simulating real-world key distribution.
  • {value N}: Generates a random string of length N bytes. For example, {value 8} might generate 92xsqdNg.
  • {rand N}: Generates a random number between 0 and N-1. For example, {rand 100} might generate 99.
  • {range N W}: Generates a pair of random numbers within the range 0 to N-1, with a difference of W, used for testing *range* commands. For example, {range 100 10} might generate 89 99.

Best Practices


  1. It is recommended to clear the data each time you test to avoid interference from existing data.
  2. In actual tests, it is recommended to manually adjust the number of connections, such as setting it to 128, which can be achieved through -c 128.

Benchmarking network

# Test PING command
resp-benchmark -s 10 "PING"
# Test ECHO command
resp-benchmark -s 10 "ECHO {value 64}"

Benchmarking string

# Test SET command
resp-benchmark -s 10 "SET {key uniform 10000000} {value 64}"

# Test GET command
resp-benchmark --load -c 256 -P 10 -n 1000000 "SET {key sequence 10000000} {value 64}"
resp-benchmark -s 10 "GET {key uniform 10000000}"

Benchmarking list

# Test LPUSH command
resp-benchmark -s 10 "LPUSH {key uniform 1000} {value 64}"

# Test LINDEX command
resp-benchmark --load -c 256 -P 10 -n 10000000 "LPUSH {key sequence 1000} {value 64}"
resp-benchmark -s 10 "LINDEX {key uniform 1000} {rand 10000}"

Benchmarking set

# Test SADD command
resp-benchmark -s 10 "SADD {key uniform 1000} {value 64}"

# Test SISMEMBER command
resp-benchmark --load -c 256 -P 10 -n 10007000 "SADD {key sequence 1000} {key sequence 10007}"
resp-benchmark -s 10 "SISMEMBER {key uniform 1000} {key uniform 10007}"

Benchmarking zset

# Test ZADD command
resp-benchmark -s 10 "ZADD {key uniform 1000} {rand 70000} {key uniform 10007}"

resp-benchmark --load -P 10 -c 256 -n 10007000 "ZADD {key sequence 1000} {rand 70000} {key sequence 10007}"
resp-benchmark -s 10 "ZSCORE {key uniform 1000} {key uniform 10007}"
resp-benchmark -s 10 "ZRANGEBYSCORE {key uniform 1000} {range 70000 10}"

Benchmarking Lua Scripts

redis-cli SCRIPT LOAD "return'SET', KEYS[1], ARGV[1])"
resp-benchmark -s 10 "EVALSHA d8f2fad9f8e86a53d2a6ebd960b33c4972cacc37 1 {key uniform 100000} {value 64}"

Differences with redis-benchmark

When testing Redis with resp-benchmark and redis-benchmark, you might get different results due to:

  1. redis-benchmark always uses the same value when testing the set command, which does not trigger DB persistence and replication. In contrast, resp-benchmark uses {value 64} to generate different data for each command.
  2. redis-benchmark always uses the same primary key when testing list/set/zset/hash commands, while resp-benchmark generates different keys using placeholders like {key uniform 10000000}.
  3. In cluster mode, redis-benchmark sends requests to each node, but all requests target the same slot on every node.


resp-benchmark is a benchmark tool for testing databases that support the RESP protocol, such as Redis, Valkey, and Tair.





