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Connor edited this page Jan 26, 2014 · 3 revisions

A list of commands for the War plugin.

Table of Contents

Player Commands


Teleports you to the warhub, if it exists. The warhub offers portals to reach each warzone on the server.


Lists the warzones on the server. Each warzone is an independent TDM arena.

/zone [zone-name]

Teleports you to the specified warzone's lobby.


Lists the teams in the warzone. Must be standing in zone or in its lobby.

/join [team-color]

In zone, use to change teams. In lobby, use to join team as alternative to walking in the team gate.

Use "/war join" to work around conflict with HeroChat.


Use to leave a warzone. Teleports you back to the zone lobby. Must be in a team already.

Use "/war leave" to work around conflict with HeroChat.

/team [message]

Team chat.

ZoneMaker Commands

/setzone [zone-name]

Create a warzone with the supplied name

Mix and match the three modes of this command to define the warzone boundaries

Wand-Cuboid mode

Type "/setzone ziggy" (or "/setzone ziggy wand").

You'll receive a wooden sword. Left-click to place the first corner. Right-click to place the second cuboid corner.

Drop the sword to deactivate warzone setting and resizing.

WorldEdit-Cuboid mode

First, create a cuboid selection using WorldEdit.

After you have created your selection completely, type "/setzone ziggy" (replacing ziggy with your warzone name of choice).

Wandless-Cuboid mode

At one extremity, type "/setzone ziggy corner1" (or c1 or pos1 instead of "corner1").

At the other end, type "/setzone ziggy corner2" (or c2/pos2). Make sure to remember what corner is where!

Classic Northwest/Southeast mode

The old "/setzone ziggy <nw/se></nw/se>" mode is still supported.

By default, the Northwest corner becomes corner1 (with corner1 at the top block, y=127).i.e, to bring down the roof of a classic warzone, go to the Northwest corner at the desired height and type "/setzone ziggy c1".

By default, the Southeast corner becomes corner2 (with corner2 at the bottom block, y=0).

i.e, to bring up the floor of a classic warzone, go to the Southeast corner at the desired height and type "/setzone ziggy c2".

Using nw/se to resize a cuboid warzone will not change the height of its corners.

/savezone (zone-name) (params..)

Use to persist any aesthetic or practical changes made to the zone after the last save. Must be in warzone or lobby.

Use optional named parameters to change zone config like with /zonecfg. See /zonecfg name parameters.

If you just want to change the configuration of the warzone and not save the blocks, use "/zonecfg" instead.

Provide zone name if not standing inside zone or lobby.


  • /savezone lifepool&#58;8 teamsize&#58;5 maxscore&#58;7 autoassign&#58;on ff&#58;on blockheads&#58;off spawnstyle&#58;small unbreakable&#58;on nocreatures&#58;on disabled&#58;on
  • /savezone loadout&#58;default
  • /savezone reward&#58;default

/resetzone [zone-name]

Reloads zone blocks from disk (as they were last saved by /setzone or /savezone). Sends everyone back to the warzone lobby.

Provide zone name if not standing inside zone or lobby.

/setzonelobby [n/s/e/w] OR [zone-name]

Lobbies are stuck by default at mid-height on the south side of a warzone.

To change which wall the lobby is attached to, from inside the warzone or the lobby, type "/setzonelobby <north/east/south/west></north/east/south/west>".

The lobby can also be detached from the warzone wall. When standing outside the warzone or lobby, use "/setzonelobby <warzone-name></warzone-name>" to move that warzone's lobby to your location.

/setteam [team-color]

Creates or moves a team spawn. The lobby is updated to reflect any new team. Must be in a warzone. Available team colors are: diamond, iron, gold, white, orange, magenta, blue, green, pink, gray, purple, navy, brown, darkgreen, red and black.

/setmonument [monument-name]

Creates or moves a monument. Must be in a warzone.

/setteamflag [team-color]

Adds or moves the team's flag post. Other teams can break the flag block and try to reach their own spawn or flag to score a point.

/setbomb [bomb-name]

Creates or moves a bomb. Must be in a warzone.

/setcake [cake-name]

Creates or moves a cake. Must be in a warzone.

/zonecfg [zone-name] [params..]

Warzone settings can be inherited from the War/global level, but they can be tweaked on a per-warzone basis. Use named parameters in any order to change configuration of the zone. This command does not save zone blocks like /savezone. Some changes may not be applied until you use /resetzone or the warzone resets automatically.


  • autoassign:[on/off]. Replaces the lobby team gates with a single door that automatically choose a team for the players. Off by default.
  • blockheads:[on/off]. Gives all team members a hat properly colored for their team. On by default.
  • deathmessages:[on/off]. Toggles the War kill/death feed.
  • disabled:[on/off]. Hides the warzone at the warhub. Prevents new players from joining the zone. Reset the zone with /resetzone to kick out players. Use to let normal player let you, the zonemaker, work in peace and to prevent accidental warzone resets while you're working.
  • friendlyfire:[on/off]. Let team mates hurt each other.
  • glasswalls:[on/off]. Turns off the magic glass walls. Players are bumped back into the zone if they stray outside.
  • instabreak:[true/false]. Makes blocks break instantly inside warzones. Useful for spleef.
  • minteams:1. Use in combination with minplayers. If you don't have minplayers players on at least minteams teams, then the players can't leave the spawn.
  • minplayers:1. Use in combination with minteams.
  • monumentheal:[number]. The number of hearts restored when healed randomly by a monument.
  • nocreatures:[on/off]. Prevents mobs and animals from spawning inside the warzone. Off by default.
  • nodrops:[on/off]. Turn on to prevent people from dropping inventory items on the ground manually (to prevent item exploiting). Off by default.
  • pvpinzone:[on/off]. Turns off in-zone PVP. Useful for spleef. On by default.
  • realdeaths:[on/off]. War intercepts and prevents real deaths for fast respawn. Turn on for better plugin cross-compatibility. Off by default.
  • resetonempty:[on/off]. Whether the zone should reset automatically when the last player leaves (to give a clean playing field for the next players).
  • resetonload:[on/off]. Whether the zone should reset automatically when the plugin loads.
  • resetonunload:[on/off]. Whether the zone should reset automatically when the plugin unloads.
  • unbreakable:[on/off]. Prevents the blocks in the warzone from being edited during a match. Off by default.
  • loadout:[loadout-name]. Adds classes of items. Fill your inventory with the desired items and type "/savezone loadout:default" to change what item kit players receive by default when they respawn. To add an extra loadout (i.e. more classes), type "/savezone loadout:[extra-loadout-name]".
  • deleteloadout:[loadout-name]. Remove a extra loadout.
  • lobbymaterial:[floor/outline/gate/light]. Customize the look of the lobby and the gameplay structures (monument, flag, cake, bomb). Use the command while holding a block to change the structure to the material of the block. If you are holding nothing (i.e. air) and you use this command with the "floor" or the "outline" parameter, it tells War to use the original floor instead of overwriting it.
  • material:[main/stand/light]. Use the command while holding a block to change the structure to the material of the block.
  • author:[player-name]. Allow another player to modify your warzone.
  • deleteauthor[author-name]. Remove an author.
  • lifepool:[lives]. Sets the maximum amount of lives all teams have.
  • reward:default. Fill your inventory with the desired items to set what the winning teams receives at the end of a game.
  • print. View all settings for this warzone. Must be standing in a warzone.
  • delete:[setting]. Remove a zone-specific setting and restore it to warcfg default.


  • /zonecfg ziggy lifepool&amp;amp&#59;&amp;&#35;35&#59;58&amp;&#35;59&#59;8 teamsize&amp;amp&#59;&amp;&#35;35&#59;58&amp;&#35;59&#59;5 maxscore&amp;amp&#59;&amp;&#35;35&#59;58&amp;&#35;59&#59;7 autoassign&amp;amp&#59;&amp;&#35;35&#59;58&amp;&#35;59&#59;on ff&amp;amp&#59;&amp;&#35;35&#59;58&amp;&#35;59&#59;on blockheads&amp;amp&#59;&amp;&#35;35&#59;58&amp;&#35;59&#59;off spawnstyle&amp;amp&#59;&amp;&#35;35&#59;58&amp;&#35;59&#59;small unbreakable&amp;amp&#59;&amp;&#35;35&#59;58&amp;&#35;59&#59;on nocreatures&amp;amp&#59;&amp;&#35;35&#59;58&amp;&#35;59&#59;on disabled&amp;amp&#59;&amp;&#35;35&#59;58&amp;&#35;59&#59;on
  • /zonecfg loadout&amp;amp&#59;&amp;&#35;35&#59;58&amp;&#35;59&#59;default
  • /zonecfg loadout&amp;amp&#59;&amp;&#35;35&#59;58&amp;&#35;59&#59;bomber
  • /zonecfg reward&amp;amp&#59;&amp;&#35;35&#59;58&amp;&#35;59&#59;default

/teamcfg (zone-name) [team-name] [params..]

Team default configurations can be inherited from the War/global level or from the warzone-level. You can also tweak settings on a per-team basis.


  • flagmustbehome:[true/false]. Whether you can bring home a flag if your own flag is currently stolen.
  • flagpointsonly:[true/false]. Use for pure CTF scoring.
  • flagreturn:[both/spawn/flag]. Determines where flag carriers can return their flag to score a point.
  • lifepool:[number]. Determines how many lives each team has before the zone blocks reset and a point goes to their adversaries.
  • maxscore:[number]. The number of points a team can accumulate before the warzone and the teams are reset
  • nohunger:[true/false]. Turns off hunger and food auto-regeneration.
  • playerloadoutasdefault:[true/false]. A copy of the player inventory as he entered the warzone is used as the default loadout.
  • respawntimer:[seconds]. Time before you can leave spawn after respawn.
  • saturation:[0-20]. Controls how fast the player becomes hunger. 0 saturation means the player becomes hungry straight away.
  • spawnstyle:[big/small/flat]. Changes the look of the team spawns. Default is big.
  • teamsize:[number]. The size of each team.
  • print. Show all team-specific settings enabled for the team
  • loadout:[loadout-name]. Set a custom loadout for the team. Fill your inventory with the desired items and use this command.
  • delete:[setting]. Restore inheritance to the War or warzone config level.

/nextbattle (zone-name)

Zone blocks are restored (from disk). Teams are respawned. Just like as if a team's life pool had been exhausted.

/deletezone (zone-name)

Deletes the zone, resets all blocks. Provide zone name if not standing inside zone or lobby.

/deleteteam (zone-name) [team-color]

Deletes the team. Team must exist. Provide zone name if not standing inside zone or lobby.

/deletemonument (zone-name) [monument-name]

Deletes the monument. Provide zone name if not standing inside zone or lobby.

/deletebomb (zone-name) [bomb-name]

Deletes the bomb. Provide zone name if not standing inside zone or lobby.

/deletecake (zone-name) [cake-name]

Deletes the cake. Provide zone name if not standing inside zone or lobby.

/zonemaker (player-name)

Toggles between player mode and zone maker mode. Or gives/removes access to zonemaker commands for another player. Use /zm as an alias

War Admin commands


Create or moves a West-facing wall of portals. One portal per warzone. Warzones get a portal back to the warhub.


Deletes warhub and resets zone lobbies.

/warcfg [params..]

Change global War settings.


  • buildinzonesonly:[true/false]. Set to true to limit building to inside warzones only. Give the '' permission to let people build outside warzone when this is true.
  • disablebuildmessage:[true/false]. When buildinzonesonly:true, a warning appears to explain to users why they can't build.
  • disablepvpmessage:[true/false]. When pvpnzonesonly:true, a warning appears to explain to users why they can't pvp.
  • pvpinzonesonly:[true/false]. Restrict PVP to warzones only. Give the 'war.pvp' permission to those you want to let pvp outside.
  • tntinzonesonly:[true/false]. Restrict TNT explosions to inside warzones.
  • maxzones:[number]. Limit the number of warzones zonemakers can create.Changes the global, default warzone and War-level default team configuration values.
  • warhubmaterial:[floor/outline/gate/light]. While holding block, change the look of the warhub (use air block to keep original floor). If you are holding nothing (i.e. air) and you use this command with the "floor" or the "outline" parameter, it tells War to use the original floor instead of overwriting it.
  • rallypoint:[warzone-name]. This is useful for chaining warzones together, forcing people to warp to the next map in line when a game ends. For example stand in warzone ziggy's lobby while typing "/warcfg rallypoint:dusty" to make sure players go to warzone ziggy after a game in dusty.
  • print. Show all settings with their values.


/warcfg pvpinzonesonly&amp;amp&#59;&amp;&#35;35&#59;58&amp;&#35;59&#59;on buildinzonesonly&amp;amp&#59;&amp;&#35;35&#59;58&amp;&#35;59&#59;on disablepvpmessage&amp;amp&#59;&amp;&#35;35&#59;58&amp;&#35;59&#59;on tntinzonesonly&amp;amp&#59;&amp;&#35;35&#59;58&amp;&#35;59&#59;on maxzones&amp;amp&#59;&amp;&#35;35&#59;58&amp;&#35;59&#59;12 lifepool&amp;amp&#59;&amp;&#35;35&#59;58&amp;&#35;59&#59;8 teamsize&amp;amp&#59;&amp;&#35;35&#59;58&amp;&#35;59&#59;5 maxscore&amp;amp&#59;&amp;&#35;35&#59;58&amp;&#35;59&#59;7 autoassign&amp;amp&#59;&amp;&#35;35&#59;58&amp;&#35;59&#59;on ff&amp;amp&#59;&amp;&#35;35&#59;58&amp;&#35;59&#59;on blockheads&amp;amp&#59;&amp;&#35;35&#59;58&amp;&#35;59&#59;off spawnstyle&amp;amp&#59;&amp;&#35;35&#59;58&amp;&#35;59&#59;small unbreakable&amp;amp&#59;&amp;&#35;35&#59;58&amp;&#35;59&#59;on nocreatures&amp;amp&#59;&amp;&#35;35&#59;58&amp;&#35;59&#59;on


Disables the plugin.


Re-enables the plugin