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Parser for Cassandra Logs to support Azure services


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Cassandra system.log parser

This rule-based log parser uses regular expressions to match various messages logged by Cassandra and extract any useful information they contain into separate fields.
Additional transformations can be applied to each of the captured values, and then a dictionary containing the resulting values on each line is returned. The dictionaries can be output in json format or inserted into a storage backend.


The log_to_json script parses system.log and outputs events in JSON format with one event per line. It takes a list of log files on the command line and parses them. If no arguments are supplied it will attempt to parse stdin. This can be used to parse a live log file by piping from tail: tail -f /var/log/cassandra/system.log | log_to_json.


The cassandra_ingest script parses system.log and inserts each event into the logparse.systemlog table defined in systemlog.cql. It takes a list of log files on the command line and parses them. If no arguments are supplied it will attempt to parse stdin. This can be used to parse a live log file by piping from tail: tail -f /var/log/cassandra/system.log | cassandra_ingest.

Rule-Based Message Parser

To reduce the tedium of defining parsers for many different messages, I created a simple DSL using Python function objects. The function objects can be called like normal functions, but they are created by a constructor which allows you to define the specific behavior of the resulting function when it is called.

The function objects themselves are defined in, and the rules specific to the Cassandra system.log are defined in In the future, I may add additional sets of rules for Spark executor logs, and OpsCenter daemon and agent logs. These rules can be used to create parsers for your own application logs as well.

A minimal set of two rules is defined as follows:

capture_message = switch((
            capture(r'Heap size: (?P<heap_used>[0-9]*)/(?P<total_heap>[0-9]*)'),
            convert(int, 'heap_used', 'total_heap'),
            update(event_product='cassandra', event_category='startup', event_type='heap_size')),
            capture(r'Classpath: (?P<classpath>.*)'),
            convert(split(':'), 'classpath'),
            update(event_product='cassandra', event_category='startup', event_type='classpath'))))

The switch(cases) constructor takes a tuple of cases and rules. It was necessary to use an actual tuple instead of argument unpacking because the number of rules exceeds the maximum number of parameters supported by a Python function call. The constructor returns a function that we assign the name capture_message. This function accepts two parameters: the first determines which group of rules will be applied, and the second is the string that the selected group of rules will be applied to until a match is found. The function returns the value returned by the first matching rule. If no rules match, None is returned.

Rules are grouped using the case(*keys) constructor. The keys specified in the case constructor will be used by the switch function to determine which group of rules to execute. The keys in a case constructor apply to all of the rules that follow until the next case constructor is encountered.

Rules are defined using rule(source, *transformations) where source is a function that is expected to take a string and return a dictionary of fields extracted from the string if it matches, or None if it doesn't. Unless None is returned, the rule will then pass the resulting dictionary into the transformation functions in the specified order, each of which is expected to manipulate the dictionary in some way by adding, removing, or overwriting fields.

Currently the only source defined is capture(*regexes), which takes a list of regular expressions to apply against the input string. Each of the regular expressions will be applied until the first match is found, and then the match's groupdict will be returned. If no matches are found, None is returned.

Several transformations are provided:

  • convert(function, *field_names) will iterate over the k/v pairs in a dictionary and apply the specified function to convert the specified fields to a different type or perform some some other transformation on the string value. The function can be a simple type conversion such as int or float, or it can be a user-defined function or the constructor for a function object. The field names are just one or more strings specifying the dictionary field that the conversion should be applied to. The convert function will iterate over the fields specified and apply the conversion function to each, replacing the value of the field with the result.

  • update(**fields) simply adds the specified key-value pairs to the dictionary. This can be used to tag the event with a category or type based on the regular expression that has matched it.

  • default(**fields) is the same as update, but it will only set the key/value pairs for fields that do not already exist within the dictionary. defines a capture_line rule to match the overall log line of the format:

level [thread] date sourcefile:sourceline - message

This rule then passes the sourcefile and message fields to the capture_message function defined above, which chooses a group of rules based on the sourcefile, then applies them to the message until a match is found.

These rules are wrapped by a parse_log generator that iterates over a sequence of log lines and yields a dictionary for each event within the log. This has special handling for exceptions which can follow on separate lines after the main line of an error message.

In order to test the rules, I created a simple front-end called log_to_json, which reads one or more system.log files (or stdin) and converts each event into a json representation with one event per line.

Cassandra Storage Backend

The Cassandra storage backend is designed to store the data generated by the log parser in a flexible schema. Any provided key/value pairs that match the name of a field in the table will be inserted into the corresponding field. Any pairs that do not match a field in the table will instead be inserted into a set of generic map fields based on the type of the value. The table has a map for each common data type, including boolean (b_), date (d_), integer (i_), float (f_), string (s_), and list (l_).

The required fields on the table are shown below, and additional fields can be added as desired.

create table generic (
    id timeuuid primary key,
    b_ map<text, boolean>,
    d_ map<text, timestamp>,
    i_ map<text, bigint>,
    f_ map<text, double>,
    s_ map<text, text>,
    l_ map<text, text>

The genericize function in handles the transformation of arbitrary dictionaries into the format of the parameters expected by the Cassandra Python Driver.
Prior to insertion, any nested dictionaries are flattened by combining the key paths using underscores. For example {'a': {'b': 'c'}, 'd': {'e': 'f', 'g': {'h': 'i'}}} becomes {'a_b': 'c', 'd_e': 'f', 'd_g_h': 'i'}. Since lists can't be nested within a map in Cassandra, lists are actually expressed as a string where each element of the list separated by a newline. Anything else will be coerced to JSON and inserted into the string map. Any fields that are present in the table but not provided in the dictionary will be set to None.

The CassandraStore class connects to the cassandra cluster using the DataStax Python Driver and handles automatic preparation and caching of insert statements. It provides an insert method to insert a single record into a specified table, either synchronously or asynchronously. To maximize throughput without overloading the cluster, it provides a slurp method that will concurrently insert records provided by a generator while maintaining an optimal number of inflight queries.

Solr indexing

The Cassandra table containing parsed log entries can be indexed using the Solr implementation from DataStax Enterprise. A schema.xml and solrconfig.xml are provided in the solr directory along with the script which will upload the Solr schema to DSE.

Once indexed in Solr, the log events can be subsequently analyzed and visualized using Banana. Banana is a port of Kibana 3.0 to Solr. Several pre-made dashboards are saved in json format in the banana subdirectory. These can be loaded using the Banana web UI.

Setup Instructions:

  1. Clone to $DSE_HOME/resources/banana. Make sure you've checked out the release branch (should be the default). If you want, you can rm -rf .git at this point to save space.

  2. Edit resources/banana/src/config.js and:

    • change solr_core to the core you're most frequently going to work with (only a convenience, you can pick a different one later on the settings for each dashboard.
    • change banana_index to banana.dashboards (can be anything you want, but modify step 3 accordingly). Not strictly necessary if you don't want to save dashboards to solr.
  3. Post the banana schema from resources/banana/resources/banana-int-solr-4.5/banana-int/conf

    • Use the solrconfig.xml from this project instead of the one provided by banana
    • Name the core the same name specified above in step 2.
    • Not strictly necessary if you don't want to save dashboards to solr.
    curl --data-binary @solrconfig.xml -H 'Content-type:text/xml; charset=utf-8' "http://localhost:8983/solr/resource/banana.dashboards/solrconfig.xml"
    curl --data-binary @schema.xml -H 'Content-type:text/xml; charset=utf-8' "http://localhost:8983/solr/resource/banana.dashboards/schema.xml"
    curl -X POST -H 'Content-type:text/xml; charset=utf-8' "http://localhost:8983/solr/admin/cores?action=CREATE&name=banana.dashboards"
  4. Edit resources/tomcat/conf/server.xml and add the following inside the <Host> tags:

    <Context docBase="../../banana/src" path="/banana" />
  5. If you've previously started DSE, remove resources/tomcat/work and restart.

  6. Start DSE and go to http://localhost:8983/banana


Parser for Cassandra Logs to support Azure services



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  • Python 99.5%
  • Shell 0.5%