Create docker images based on centos 6.9 to emulate an edge node rhel 6.9 Linux server of an Hadoop Data Lake. An python env with all the needed Machine Learning, Deep Learning, NLP and Visualization is created using conda. This env is then extracted and can be moved on the hege to be used in a kernel with JupyterHub or deployed on the node of the Hadoop cluster.
This docker image was created on a MacBookPro with Docker version 18.03.0
- using tornado=5.1 and ipykernel=4.9.0 to avoid an issue with Jupyter kernel crashing ! ipython/ipython#11030
- conda and pip python packages are install using the same environment.yml file
- Warning from catboost because conda installation and pip installation don't have the same requirement list. Conda seems to be right and it seems to works.
First update the environment.yml with you favorite python packages for Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Data Science
First build the docker image
docker build .
docker build -t docker-anaconda-env .
Then run the docker image and copy zipped env in /Users/tarrade/docker/extracted_kernel/
docker run -v /Users/tarrade/docker/extracted_kernel/:/extracted_kernel -t docker-anaconda-env
On your server (without access to internet), first be sure you have some local installation of anaconda
export PATH=/opt/cloudera/extras/anaconda3-4.1.1/bin:$PATH
mv env_ds_bigbox YOURPTHATH/envs/.
source activate env_ds_bigbox
docker build -t docker-anaconda-env .
docker run -i -t docker-anaconda-env /bin/bash
docker run -i -p 8888:8888 -t docker-anaconda-env /bin/bash
and in the docker image run:
jupyter notebook --ip --no-browser --allow-root
then in a web browser and copy the url in a web browser like the one below:
we can also find the url by running the following command:
docker exec -it 91f13d4505b6 jupyter notebook list
docker run -v /Users/tarrade/docker/extracted_kernel/:/extracted_kernel -t docker-anaconda-env
docker ps
docker images
docker save docker-anaconda-env | gzip > docker-anaconda-env.tar.gz
docker kill e25b13246d27
docker rmi -f 77af5f8975f2
docker cp e25b13246d27:/root/anaconda3/pkgs/. pkgs
docker run -i -t docker-anaconda-env /bin/bash
docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)
docker rmi $(docker images -f "dangling=true" -q)
docker login --username=your_login_docker_hub
docker images
tag the selected image (first you need to create a new director on DockerHub: python36-conda-env-ml-dl)
docker tag xxxxxx your_login_docker_hub/python36-conda-env-ml-dl:firsttry
docker push your_login_docker_hub/python36-conda-env-ml-dl (more info here:
- On the GCP Console, go to the Manage resources page and select or create a new project.
- Make sure that billing is enabled for your project.
- Create a new project or use an other project (project_ID is needed later)
git clone proj_docker_image_ML
cd proj_docker_image_ML
gcloud container builds submit --help
gcloud builds submit --timeout=36000 --tag .