This is the repo building the website at
Built with Hugo, with Toha theme
In order to run the theme locally, you must have the following tools installed.
- Hugo version v0.118.x (extended) or later.
- Go language version v1.18.x or later.
- Node version v18.x and npm version 8.x or later.
Make sure you have the required tools installed to the proper version using the following commands.
# Check Hugo version
➜ hugo version
hugo v0.118.2+extended linux/amd64 BuildDate=unknown
# Check Go version
➜ go version
go version go1.19.4 linux/amd64
# Check Node version
➜ node -v
# Check NPM version
➜ npm -v
# a. Load Hugo modules
hugo mod tidy
# b. Install node modules
hugo mod npm pack
npm install
# c. Run the site
hugo server -w