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Guides new users through the system. New guided tours can easily be configured by page typoscript.

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Guided tours for TYPO3

The guided tour extension (EXT:guide) for TYPO3 provides you the ability for creating guided tours through the TYPO3 backend. These tours should give editors an introduction of different areas and features, so that he easily finds out how to use TYPO3.

Developers of third party extensions have the ability to provide own guided tours for their backend modules.

All tours may be modified via TSconfig, to support different use cases for different backend groups.

Example Tour

Backend module

The guided tour extension comes with an own backend module, which you will find in the help menu in the topbar of the TYPO3 backend. It will list you all (for your current user accessible) guided tours. You're able to start each tour or resume tours which you have started once. Additionally you're able to reactivate tours, that you had marked as Don't show again.

Guide Module

Add a new tour

A new tour should be registered within an extension. It is also possible to create tours with pure TSconfig only, but discouraged, since parsing the TSconfig files is slow and not as flexible.

Register a tour in the ext_localconf.php file in your extension:


The \Tx\Guide\Utility\GuideUtility::addTour method requires the following parameters:

  1. The tour identifier. Should be a upper-camel-cased string, and unique (eg. prepend extension name)
  2. The title for the tour. This can be a localization identifier too.
  3. The description for the tour. This can be a localization identifier too.
  4. The Module-Key of the tour. This is the same like the m-Parameter of the Module.
  5. The icon identifier for the tour. See TYPO3.Icons for available icons or how to register your own.
  6. The base path for your *.yaml configuration files for the tour.

Note: All settings in the YAML may be modified with overwrites in the Page-TSconfig or User-TSconfig.

Modify existing tours

All registered tours are stored below the node

To add a tour with TSconfig only, you could use the following example as well: {
	# here comes your guided tour configuration

To modify an existing tour, you therefore just need to add option values below the module identifier.

The guide extension provides some example tours. If you want the second popover of the ViewModule tour append on the right instead of the bottom, you would insert the following configuration into your TSconfig: {
	steps.20.placement = right



As explained before, the configuration should be done in YAML, but may be modified in TSconfig. The following description is done for TSconfig, but the options are the same.

Each tour node can be configured like this: {
	# The title of the tour. This title will be displayed in the backend module.
	# Enter simply some text or use a LLL identifier.
	title = LLL:EXT:guide/Resources/Private/Language/BootstrapTourViewModule.xlf:tx_guide_tour.title
	# Description of the tour. This description will be displayed in the backend module.
	# Enter simply some text or use a LLL identifier.
	description = LLL:EXT:guide/Resources/Private/Language/BootstrapTourViewModule.xlf:tx_guide_tour.description
	# Internal name of the module.
	# This is the same identifier like the module key (M parameter in backend links)
	# The moduleName core is used for tours, which are execute in top frame.
	# Examples:
	# - Page module: web_layout (a tour which is executed in page module)
	# - View module: web_ViewpageView (a tour which is executed in view module)
	moduleName = core
	# Icon identifier for the icon in backend module.
	# The icon identifier has to be registered in the icon registry.
	iconIdentifier = module-guide-tour-core
	# In the steps node you have insert a node for each popover you want to display.
	steps {
		# The key of the steps should be numeric and defines the order of displaying the popover
		10 {
			# ...
		20 {
			# ...
		# A step key can also be defined by a key name. 
		# This can be useful, if you like to jump to this step without knowing his step number.
		step-key-by-key-name {
			# ...
	# Steps configuration can have a path to a YAML file with the step configuration. This field is optional.
	# By setting your step configuration with this path, you're able to provide conditional steps depending on TYPO3 
	# Major version. Additionally the steps are dynanical reloaded and the Page-TypoScript (tsconfig) remains small.
	stepsConfiguration = EXT:guide/Configuration/Tours/


Each step node can be configured like this:

	# The selector is passed to jQuery for selecting the HTML-Element, on which the popover should be placed.
	# This selector must be unique in DOM. A selector can also be a unique data attribute/value.
	# Examples:
	# selector = #some-id
	# selector = .some-unique-class
	# selector = .some-multiple-used-class:first
	# selector = select[name=\'WebFuncJumpMenu\']:first
	# selector = [data-identifier='apps-toolbar-menu-shortcut']
	selector = .typo3-aboutmodules-inner-docbody
	# This is the title of the popover.
	# Enter simply some text or a LLL identifier like:
	# title = LLL:EXT:guide/Resources/Private/Language/BootstrapTourPageModule.xlf:tx_guide_tour.0.title
	title = Welcome to TYPO3 backend
	# This is the content of the popover.
	# Enter simply some text or a LLL identifier like:
	# title = LLL:EXT:guide/Resources/Private/Language/BootstrapTourPageModule.xlf:tx_guide_tour.0.content
	# You're also be able to use HTML tags like i, u, b, br or p. Additionally there is an img tag for displaying icons, 
	# which must have a data-icon-identifier attribute with the icon identifier. Such an icon usage could look like:
	# <img data-icon-identifier="module-web_layout"/>
	# There is a <action> tag, which allows you the define actions for the user, which will be designed noticable.
	# All other tags are disallowed.
	content (
	 This tour will show you the first steps within TYPO3.<br />
	 You're starting here in the <img data-icon-identifier="module-help_AboutAboutmodules"/> <i>about</i> module, 
	 which shows you your available modules. 
	 This modules are related on the giving user authorisation.<br />
	 <br />
	 Click on <i>Next</i> for an introduction of the topbar of TYPO3.<br />
	 <br />
	 <i>(You can restart each tour by the guided tours module.)</i>
	# Defines the position of the popover.
	# Possible values are: top, bottom, left, right, auto
	placement = top
	# Disables the arrow on popover.
	# The arrow is displayed by default.
	showArrow = false
	# Enables a backdrop.
	# This feature is currently in incubation
	backdrop = false
	# Set a padding for the backdrop
	backdropPadding = 0
	# The following nodes can be used for executing some actions during the tour. 
	# The next node contains actions, which are triggered by clicking the next button
	next {
		# More information below...
	# The show node contains actions, which are triggered by starting to show this step
	show {
		# More information below...
	# The shown node contains actions, which are triggered by finishing to show this step
	shown {
		# More information below...
	# The hide node contains actions, which are triggered by hiding a step
	hide {
		# More information below...

Next node

The next node contains actions, which are triggered by clicking the next button. So you're able to trigger another tour in the last popover, just by clicking the next button.

# By clicking on next, the tour Topbar is triggered
tour = Topbar
# The number/id of the step, which should be displayed of the called tour
step = 0
# StepByKey resolves the step number by the key.
# Internally it runs through the required tour and counts the steps till the defined stepByKey is found. Finally it set
# the counted value into the step-attribute - this means, if you are using stepByKey the step-attribute isn't required.
stepByKey = step-key-by-key-name

Show node

The show node contains actions, which are triggered by starting to show this step. This means in detail, the action is executed before the tour starts the displaying process. With help of this node you're able to execute actions, like adding or removing a CSS class to an element or open select boxes in order to show specific values.

# Renames the label of the next button of the popover.
# This is useful, when you're starting another tour by clicking the next button.
renameNextButton = Start next tour
# Add a class on an element. This is useful, when you want to highlight a special element.
addClass {
	# jQuery selector for identifying elements, which should get the class. 
	selector = #typo3-cms-backend-backend-toolbaritems-usertoolbaritem
	# Class to be added
	# Attention: Because of an focus issue, opening a dropdown 
	# by adding the class open is only working with event shown.
	class = open
# Removes a class from an element.
removeClass {
	# jQuery selector for identifying elements, which should lose the class
	selector = #typo3-cms-backend-backend-toolbaritems-usertoolbaritem
	# Class to be remove
	class = open
# Opens a select box by jQuery selector
openSelectBox {
	selector = select[name=\'WebFuncJumpMenu\']:first

Shown node

The shown node contains actions, which are triggered by finishing to show this step. This means in detail, the action is executed after the popover is completely visible. The available actions in this nodes are equal to the show node.

Hide node

The hide node contains actions, which are triggered by hiding a step. The available actions in this nodes are equal to the show node.

Create different steps for different Major versions of TYPO3

By providing your step configuration using YAML files, you're able to use different steps for different TYPO3 versions. Just adjust the base folder of your *.yaml files in the registration.

Example base path:


Now this base folder needs some sub folders in which the tours for the different TYPO3 versions are stored. Each folder is simply named by the major version number of TYPO3 - for example:

- Configuration
  - Tours
    - TYPO3-7
    - TYPO3-8
    - TYPO3-x

In these folders the guide extension searches for YAML files, which have the same name as your tour identifier. For example, if you're running a TYPO3 LTS 8.7 and you want to define a tour with identifier AboutModule, the guided tours extension would search the steps configuration file in Configuration/Tours/TYPO3-8/AboutModule.yaml.


Guides new users through the system. New guided tours can easily be configured by page typoscript.






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