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System Specifications

"Carla" Lincoln MKZ

  • wheelbase = 112.2 inches (from Dataspeed README.pdf)
  • steering/tire angle ratio = 14.8 : 1 (from Dataspeed README.pdf)

Compute Power

  • 31.4 GiB Memory
  • Intel Core i7-6700K CPU @ 4 GHz x 8
  • TITAN X Graphics

Dataspeed DBW Interface


Throttle Command:

  • 50 Hz expected, 10 Hz timeout
  • Throttle pedal position (%), 14 bit resolution


float32 pedal_cmd
uint8 pedal_cmd_type
uint8 CMD_NONE=0
uint8 CMD_PEDAL=1   # Unitless, range 0.15 to 0.80
uint8 CMD_PERCENT=2 # Percent of maximum throttle, range 0 to 1

Brake Command:

  • 50 Hz expected, 10 Hz timeout
  • Lookup table from vehicle braking torque (Nm) -> brake pedal position (%), 14 bit resolution


float32 pedal_cmd
uint8 pedal_cmd_type
uint8 CMD_NONE=0
uint8 CMD_PEDAL=1   # Unitless, range 0.15 to 0.50
uint8 CMD_PERCENT=2 # Percent of maximum torque, range 0 to 1
uint8 CMD_TORQUE=3  # Nm, range 0 to 3250
float32 TORQUE_MAX=3412 # Nm, maximum torque

Steering Command:

  • 50 Hz expected, 10 Hz timeout
  • Steering wheel angle (deg), full range +/- 470 deg, 0.1 deg resolution
  • Max angular rate 500 deg/s


float32 steering_wheel_angle_cmd        # rad, range -8.2 to 8.2
float32 steering_wheel_angle_velocity   # rad/s, range 0 to 8.7, 0 = maximum

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