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tjado mäcke edited this page Sep 18, 2022 · 10 revisions

Installation (lib only - without pokecli etc.)

pip.exe install  git+

Alternative: installation

git clone
cd pgoapi
python install

Windows-Users get xxhash lib here:
choose the right one for your Python version and CPU architecture

Windows installation instructions

Download Git for Windows here and install it.

Download Python 2 (latest 2.7.12) (32-bit: here, 64-bit: here) and install it. When installing check that the python location gets appended to the PATH environment variable!

Then download pip (right click that link and choose "Save Link As"), and double click the file you downloaded, assuming you installed Python correctly.

Download xxhash lib here:
choose the right one for your Python version and CPU architecture (32-bit download: here, 64-bit download: here)

Open command prompt or Windows Powershell (recommended)

git clone
cd pgoapi
python install

If that fails, instead use pip.exe install git+

Get a hold of an encrypt.dll file or compile your own, and place in "Drive Letter":\Windows\System32

You can now test your setup by running ./

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