Firmware for my Laser PCB Exposer based on a MSP430G2553 MCU
? - reports version
XPix:<pixels> - sets X size of PCB to <pixels> number of pixels
NOTE: the X size MOD 7 must be 0, ie. padding must be added to satisfy the 7 pixels per byte format.
YPix:<pixels> - sets Y size of PCB to <pixels> number of pixels
Start - starts rendering, rendering data format is 7 pixels per byte offset by 0x3B, 0x1A in the stream cancels rendering. Each row starts with row number in ASCII format followed by a semicolon, then the rederering data terminated by 0x10.
MoveX:<pixels> - moves X-axis <pixels>, 1 step = 1 pixel
MoveY:<pixels> - moves Y-axis <pixels>, 1 step = 1 pixel for belt drive - may be more steps if ballscrew drive
MoveZ:<steps> - moves Z-axis (focus) <steps>, not supported by MKII hardware
Laser:<0|1> - 0 = laser off, 1 = laser on
Power:<n> - set laser current, n = 0-4095 (a 12-bit DAC is used)
ZeroAll - resets internal position counters (X, Y, Z) to 0
HomeXY - homes X and Y axes
HomeX - homes X axis
HomeY - homes Y axis
HomeZ - homes Z axis, not supported by MKII hardware
Echo:<0|1> - 0 = echo off, 1 = echo on
XHome:<pixels> - start offset for X-axis related to home position
YHome:<pixels> - start offset for Y-axis related to home position
XBComp:<pixels> - set backlash compensation to number of <pixels>
1 pixel @ 1200 DPI is ~21.2 µm, a little less than 1 mil (25.4 µm)
Communication is via serial @ 38400 baud, 8 bits, 1 stop bit, no parity and with hardware handshake (RTS/CTS)
This project can be directly imported into TI's cloud based IDE available at, there is no need to download and set up a local development environment in order to compile and upload code.
A MSP-EXP430G2 LaunchPad can be used as a programmer, remove the MCU from the launchpad and connect P5 (PGM) to the corresponding pins on the launchpad.
NOTE: for the MKII revision the LaunchPad itself can be used as the controller.