Web client for the Pollin8 engine (which runs simulations of revegetation effects on pollinators)
This is only the frontend/UI. The simulation is run on the backend: natcap-invest-docker-flask.
ensure you have the required toolchain:
yarn 1.15
,nodejs 10.x
,docker 19.x
,docker-compose 1.24
clone the repo
install the dependencies
yarn install
copy the runner script (a thin wrapper that sets some env vars) and make changes to the vars if needed
cp local-dev.sh.example local-dev.sh chmod +x local-dev.sh vim local-dev.sh
serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
clone the repo
copy the runner script
cp start-or-restart-stack.sh.example start-or-restart-stack.sh chmod +x start-or-restart-stack.sh
edit the runner script
to define the needed sensitive environmental variablesvim start-or-restart-stack.sh
start the stack
./start-or-restart-stack.sh # or if you need to force a rebuild of the app ./start-or-restart-stack.sh --build
We use Ava for testing, so following their advice:
yarn global add inspect-process
# edit your code to add a 'debugger' statement
inspect node_modules/ava/profile.js test/specs/welcome.test.js
This is a pretty good experience as it will launch the Chrome window for you and you don't have to mess with breaking at the start of a run when the script you care about isn't loaded, or deal with forking processes for tests.
TODO add reasoning.
- VueJS
- Nuxt.js
- Docker
- docker-compose
- Vuetify and Bootstrap-vue, so we have the best of both