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Thali and Couch

judell edited this page Oct 2, 2014 · 3 revisions


Thali's Mission
Make the web peer to peer

In other words, users should be able to run a web server as easily as they run a web client (Read: browser). This means they can set up the web server on their devices and have it run.

This document is targeted at developers and intended to provide a high level overview of the Thali architecture.


Running a peer to peer web means accepting incoming connections and this means we need a standardized way to authenticate who is making requests. Thali's answer to this problem is Httpkey URL Scheme. This scheme essentially says:

  1. Security principals (read: users, but this could also be services, hence the more generic term security principal) are identified with public keys.

  2. Public keys are exchanged using TLS mutual auth with self signed certs

There are certainly scenarios where anonymous access is desirable but Thali requires that all communication in all circumstances without exception MUST go over TLS and at a minimum the server MUST present its identity via TLS. So the client can be let off the hook (e.g. not present an identity) but not the server. Note, however, that the server is free to generate as many identities as it needs so its anonymity can also be protected. The use of Tor hidden services (see below) also affords anonymity for the server.

The use of HttpKey means that Thali doesn't work with the open web as we know it today. That is considered acceptable because as recent events have amply demonstrated the CA model underlying the existing web isn't fit for purpose. As the web develops past this model we expect they will end up adapting something like HttpKey. And, of course, if they come up with something better, we'll adopt that.

Firewalls & NATs

As a practical matter firewalls and NATs make it between difficult and impossible to host services behind them. The good news is that there are standardized efforts to address these problems, the bad news is that these efforts are either often unsupported by real world firewalls/NATs or not fit for our purposes (e.g. see here. However there is one solution that is free and widely deployed that does meet our needs in many, although not all, cases - Tor hidden services. So we will be adopting Tor hidden services as our foundational mechanism for exposing server endpoints on devices.

Device Discovery

Another problem Thali has to address is how does one device find another? In practice user devices change their IP addresses as they switch between network types (e.g. cellular, Wifi, wired) and locations. Traditionally DNS would handle this problem but as a practical matter DNS requires money in order to register a name and faces security challenges that make it problematic (yes, even with DNSSec). However our adoption of Tor hidden services for dealing with Firewall/NATs also provides us with a solution to our discovery problem.

As explained in the link above Tor hidden services allow one to map from a public key hash to a network socket. In other words in Tor hidden services a public key hash plays the same role as a DNS name does in DNS. So users can generate identities and leverages those identities as a discovery mechanism.

Synching, CouchDB and well behaved Thali apps

Synching has turned out to be foundational to Thali. There are several reasons for this:

Most users are expected to have multiple devices
Users may have a phone, a few tablets, a few PCs, etc. and we expect users will require that these devices all be in synch with each other. In other words we expect users to find it unacceptable that they edit say a photo on their phone and that photo in its new state isn't available on their tablet.
Devices are often offline
This can be due to battery limitations, lack of network connectivity at a specific location, software updates, etc. As such to maximize the available of the user's services to 3rd parties (read: their friends) we want to be able to run their services on all of their devices so a friend can connect to whichever of the user's devices is running. For that to create a 'good' experience we end up with the problem in the previous point.
Most services we think users will want to use Thali for are inherently synch based
Messaging (read: email), presence, blogging, micro-blogging, photo sharing, location sharing, etc. are all essentially synch services where subscribers synch from a source.

Given the loosely connected nature inherent in user devices a synch solution had to be multi-master, that is, it has to assume collisions. To this end we adopted CouchDB as our synch protocol. It is fully HTTP based and about as simple as it's possible for a multi-master synch protocol to be.

The idea from the get go is that each device would have exactly one CouchDB server running on it and all data would be stored in that singleton instance. By having the data in a central store a user's data is separated from the apps that create/read it. This vastly simplifies sharing data between apps (thus allowing apps to add new value) and allows the user the freedom to switch apps. If they don't like a particular calendar program, for example, they can switch to another. Of course nothing is ever free. This centralized approach only works if apps adopt and use standardized formats. But the point is to make it as easy as possible for well behaved apps to behave well. Nothing can stop an app with bad intent from hiding data, intentionally using non-compatible formats, etc. The hope is that such apps will be publicly identified and avoided.

But once we had the CouchDB server it became quite natural to ask - well what about synching with other user's devices? In the grand tradition of "When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail" it seemed sort of obvious to use the CouchDB server as the primary communication mechanism. That is any Thali apps that need asynchronous high latency communication (e.g. our previous list above) can do so through the CloudDB instance. So the idea is that the Thali App tells the singleton CloudDB service to either allow certain public keys (aka Security Principals) to synch certain data and/or for the CloudDB server to pull data from remote CloudDB services.

Architecture Overview
Thali Device Hub
A server application running locally on a user's device that hosts a CouchDB server and manages replicating the content of that server with other authorized entities.
Thali Application
A local application running on the same device as a Thali Device Hub
                         |                    Thali Device Hub                             |
                         |                                                                 |
   [Local Thali App] --> |[Local CouchDB Singleton Service] <-- [Local Replication Manager]|
                         |           /-\                                    |              |
                         |            |                                     |              |
                         |            |                                     |              |
                         |            |                                     |              |
                         | [Local Tor Hidden Service Proxy]        [Local Tor Client]      |
                                      |                                     |
                          [Tor Hidden Service Infrastructure]               |
                                      |                                    \_/
                           [Remote Authorized Entities]         [Remote Authorized Entities]

Talking to the Thali Device Hub

For now, mostly to make things easy, all communication between an application and the CouchDB instance on the same device will occur via the network using localhost. This means, amongst other things, that a Httpkey URL Scheme will be used. Yes, it means that we will be running a full SSL stack locally. Yes this is a bit silly and some platforms provide much better tools to handle this. But for right now the simplicity of using the same stack locally and remotely is worth the inefficiency.

This means that any application that wants to talk to the CouchDB singleton service from Thali needs to:

  1. Get a cert that the singleton service will recognize

  2. Find out the port the singleton service is on

How this works in practice will depend on the specific OS.

Access control on the Thali Device Hub

Each database will have associated with it a Read ACL and a Write ACL. Anyone with a write ACL on a database is allowed to create views on that database.

Each view will have associated with it a Read ACL.

ACL membership will either be individual principals or groups. Both principals and groups will be stored in a DB in the Thali Device Hub.

Replication - The Replication Service

For now any database created on a device will be replicated to all other devices by the replication service. Due to the often unique requirements of Thali replication including handling disconnected remote entities, Tor, httpkey, quotas, etc. we will almost certainly have our own bespoke replication service rather than try to use the replication service built into CouchDB.

For now all replication will be 'last writer wins'. That is, if there is a conflict whichever entry has the newest time stamp will win.

None of this is enough of course. We will inevitably need databases that are local only, that have different conflict resolution policies, that deal with quotas (which we aren't going to implement immediately), etc. But one step at a time.

Discovering users

An obvious question is - how the heck do people communicate? Are folks supposed to memorize 4k RSA keys? Or maybe just the hashes? In general we expect discovery to happen in a number of ways:

Yes, email. Seriously. No it's not secure. But it's not quite as insecure as it sounds. We expect Thali to encourage (in reasonable situations) different users to compare notes on the identities they know. This includes fun things like comparing [ pet names]. So in most cases if someone does a MITM on the identity exchange it will eventually be discovered.
In person with QRCodes
This involves two users who want to exchange identities having their devices display QRCodes and then pointing their device's cameras at each other. On balance this is probably the most secure way to exchange identities.
In person with Near Field Communication (NFC)
This is slightly less secure than QRCodes because there are potential MITM attacks but it's easier than QRCodes (bump and go as it were)
In person with passwords
This is really just meant when trying to add a device without a camera to one's personal device mesh, think of an old PC. In that case a password can be displayed that can be typed in to the other device and used to bootstrap the actual authentication process.
Via Groups
We expect that it will be normal for people to share group membership data with their friends and that this data will be stored, compared and made available for discovering new identities.
In certain scenarios, corporations are an obvious one, a user might have a directory of identities it trusts within a particular context. E.g. if I'm going to communicate to someone at work and the corporate directory says what their key is then I'm going to trust it.

We will be providing a standard JSON format hosted in the Thali Device Hub where a user can provide information about themselves that they want to publish. This will include things like their messaging endpoint (e.g. where they can receive unsolicited messages).

Thali Device Hub
Picking the server

We are starting off with CouchBase Lite for Android. But there should be an update soon to that code base to allow for an interface that can swap out the database and logging layers. This enables us to make CouchbaseLite for Android into a generic Java project!!!!


There is some common UX that the Thali Device Hub needs to support. Minimally it will need a UX to handle pairing devices as well as exchanging keys with friends. It will need some kind of status page to help users when things go wrong. It will probably also need some kind of storage management UX to deal with stores that get too big.

Because we want to run on multiple environments (Android and Java) and multiple form factors we are going for a HTML based UX as our base UX for the device hub. See later on in this article for more on how we want to handle HTML.

Quick specs for components of the Thali Device Hub

TDH Replication Manager

Thali Application

A Thali Application is a web application and so it's expected to be able to talk both directly to other Thali Device Hubs (and potentially other Thali Applications if they want to expose a direct server interface) as well as to its local Thali Device Hub. The protocol in all cases is the same, HTTP over TLS. Yes, even local Thali Apps talk to their local Thali Device Hub that way. We might eventually provide another mechanism for local to local communication but for now we want to keep things simple.

This means that the Thali Device Hub's "api" is its protocol interface, so anything that can speak CouchDB and authenticate via TLS mutual auth (plus Tor if they aren't on the same device as the Thali Device Hub they want to talk to) can play. So we don't have any restrictions on things like programming language.

But we also don't want to make people go through all the pain of setting up things like mutual SSL Auth validation and Tor handling (for off device connections). So we provide a number of 'out of the box' enabled libraries to make writing Thali Applications easier.

For Java we support Ektorp. For .net we support LoveSeat. But where we spend a ton of time is on HTML application support. We need this both to implement the Thali Device Hub's modest UX but also as a tool to make it easy to quickly write a Thali Application that will run everywhere. See here for an overview on exactly how we enable app developers to use HTML5 + PouchDB to write apps that can run both on the desktop and on Android with full Thali capabilities.

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