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Repository files navigation


A tool to get an overview of your different CI/CD workflows. Whether they run on some cloud platform or on premises.

Demo application with my own gcp-projects and github repos:


  • Send email notifications for failed / successful builds
  • Update status in issue tracker for failed / successful builds
  • Configurable build dashboard listing builds of any provider
  • Git repo page showing commits related to your builds



CICCD Dashboard

The dashboard runs on nextjs and is deployed on Google Cloud Run.

See the sample CICCD console

Services (cloud run)

  • ciccd-service

    required: handles CICCD pub sub messages to add build statuses to the dashboard database

  • forward-service

    optional: converts 'cloud-builds' pub sub messages sent by Google Cloud Build to CICCD messages

  • notification-service

    optional: sends build report emails when configured and adds commit status checks to github


See the documentation on how to setup a new google cloud project with all required infrastructure for running ciccd console.

Run locally

You can run everything locally by creating a .env file in your root containing the following:


You must be authenticated with gcloud using gcloud auth application-default login so that your credentials can be mounted as a volume in the docker containers.

Then run docker compose up --build

service url
app http://localhost:3000
notification service http://localhost:8081
ciccd service http://localhost:8080