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/ identity-importer Public archive

⚠️This tool is out of date / does not work with recent versions of Identity


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Import actions, mailing, and other information from CiviCRM and other sources into Identity


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'identity-importer', :github => "the-open/identity-importer"

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install identity-importer


To use the gem you need to configure the database to use. Create a file called importer.rb in your application intializers folder config/initalizers with following content

Identity::Importer.configure do |config|
  config.database_adapter = "MySQL" # Currently only MySQL is supported, case insensitive
  config.database_host = "" # Database Host
  config.database_name = "civicrm" # Database Name
  config.database_user = "root" # Database User
  config.database_password = "root" # Database Password
  config.campaign_types = ['campaign_type1', 'campaign_type2'] # Different Campaign Types
  config.action_types = ['Petition Signature', 'Share', 'Email'] # Different Action Types
  config.anonymize = true # Anonymize the emails
  config.add_email_subscription = false # Create MemberSubscription to be able to send emails

NOTE: The above only works for CiviCRM.

Running the sync tasks

Use rake to the run the tasks from the identity home folder

bundle exec rake identity_importer:run

This rake task can be found at identity-app/tasks/identity_importer.rake. The order in the rake task is the suggested order. You can enable and disable tasks by editing the file.

Extending the Gem


To add support for a new database, you need to do the following steps:

  1. Update Gemfile with the required dependencies.
  2. Edit lib/identity/importer/connection.rb and do the following:
  • Add a new case for the name of the database adapter (example "postgresql" or "sqlite")
  • Create a @client object with the established connection
  • Update the run_query method if required
  1. If the new adapter requires more or less configuration:
  • Update lib/identity/importer/configuration.rb to support the new variables
  • Update valid_database_config? method in the same class to support the new variables

Update the configuration in the identity app with the required configuration changes.

Task Run List

To modify the task run list edit the rake file in the identity app (not this gem). You can find the file at identity-app/tasks/identity_importer.rake

New source database schemas

To add support for a new type of database schema you need to create task files that inherit from the base task files. For example look at the various files in lib/identity/importer/tasks/civicrm/

  1. Maintain the current structure of the gem and create a new folder in lib/identity/importer/tasks/
  2. Create a new class that inherits from the base class. The base classes can be found in lib/identity/importer/tasks/
  3. Add a self.sql method that returns the sql to be run by the base class
  4. If you want to update the way the data is imported, or the sql is run, add a method
  5. Update the task run list pointing to your newly created class

Note: We use activerecord-import to do import in batches for faster performance. Look at the base classes if you plan to add your own runner


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


⚠️This tool is out of date / does not work with recent versions of Identity







No releases published


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Contributors 4
