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Manage multiple maven version

It will allow to switch easily between multiple maven versions.

After you install mvnenv, when you run the command "mvn" a script in mvnenv's bin directory will be executed it will check the configuration, automatically set M2_HOME to the desired maven installation and MAVEN_OPTS to the desired option and finally execute the mvn command.

Tested on Mac OS X (10.9.2)


  1. Check out mvnenv into ~/.mvnenv.

        $ git clone ~/.mvnenv
  2. Add ~/.mvnenv/bin to your $PATH.

        $ echo 'export PATH="~/.mvnenv/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile

    JENV note

    if you use jenv ( make sure the "export PATH" command in point 2 is placed before eval "$(jenv init -)"

    MAVEN note if maven bin is present in $PATH it must be listed AFTER mvnenv! you can remove maven bin from $PATH, since the "mvn" (and "mvnDebug" and "mvnyip" are automatically handled by mvnenv).

  3. Add mvnenv init to your shell.

        $ echo 'eval "$(mvnenv init)"' >> ~/.bash_profile
  4. Start a new shell.

        $ source ~/.bash_profile
  5. Verify that mvnenv works.

        $ mvnenv --version
  6. Add the needed maven versions.

        $ mvnenv add /path/to/maven2
        $ mvnenv add /path/to/maven3

    for example mvnenv add /opt/local/share/java/maven2

  7. Configure which maven version to use.


~~~ sh
    $ mvnenv global maven2

*In this directory*

~~~ sh
    $ mvnenv local maven2

*In the current shell*

~~~ sh
    $ mvnenv shell maven2
  1. Verify that works.

        $ mvn -version

Commands Available

This is the list of available commands. Normally when a command raise an error it will also set the exit code to 1.

mvnenv --version

Display the current mvnenv version.

mvnenv add

Add a maven installation to the list of available versions.

    $ mvnenv add /opt/local/share/java/maven3
    install /opt/local/share/java/maven3 as maven3
    do install 

in case that version was already added:

    $ mvnenv add /opt/local/share/java/maven3
    install /opt/local/share/java/maven3 as maven3
    already installed

mvnenv current

Display the maven version that will be used.

    $ mvnenv current
    Using global version maven3
    Using global version maven3
    Using global option -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -Djava.awt.headless=true

mvnenv global

Without parameters will show you which version is used for global.

    $ mvnenv global
    Current global mvn version




With the name of a version will set that version as the global one.

    $ mvnenv global maven2

mvnenv global options

Without parameters will show you if there is any global option set.

    $ mvnenv global options
    Current global mvn option: -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -Djava.awt.headless=true


    $ mvnenv global options 
    There is no global mvn option set

You can set a specific global option (the --set parameter is optional).

    $ mvnenv global options "-Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -Djava.awt.headless=true"
    setting option: [-Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -Djava.awt.headless=true]

And you can unset the current global option:

    $ mvnenv global options --unset
    Removed global mvn option: -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -Djava.awt.headless=true

if set the MAVEN_OPTS environment variable have always the precedence over global options

mvnenv init

This command is only used in the .bashrc | .bash_profile to setup the other commands, you must have this in your init script:

    eval "$(mvnenv init)"

mvnenv local

This command allow you to set a specific version for the current directory, it does it by creating a file named .mvnenv_version in the current directory, this means that for subdirectories the global one will apply.

Without parameters will show you which version is used for local.

    $ mvnenv local
    Current local mvn version




With the name of a version will set that version as the local one.

    $ mvnenv local maven2

You can remove the current local version by using --unset.

    $ mvnenv local --unset
    Removed local maven version

mvnenv local options

Without parameters will show you if there is any local option set.

    $ mvnenv local options
    Current local mvn option: -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -Djava.awt.headless=true


    $ mvnenv local options 
    There is no local mvn option set

You can set a specific local option (the --set parameter is optional).

    $ mvnenv local options "-Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -Djava.awt.headless=true"
    setting option: [-Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -Djava.awt.headless=true]

And you can unset the current local option:

    $ mvnenv local options --unset
    Removed local mvn option: -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -Djava.awt.headless=true

if set the MAVEN_OPTS environment variable have always the precedence over local options

mvnenv remove

Remove a maven version from the list of available versions.

    $ mvnenv remove maven3

mvnenv shell

This command allow you to set a specific version for the current shell.

Without parameters will show you which version is used for the shell.

    $ mvnenv shell
    Current shell mvn version




With the name of a version will set that version for the current shell.

    $ mvnenv shell maven2

You can remove the current shell version by using --unset.

    $ mvnenv shell --unset
    Removed shell maven version

mvnenv versions

List the available maven versions that have been added with the add command.

    $ mvnenv versions


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Heavily inspired by

Thanks to for explaining clearly how autocomplete works.