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Selenium Lab Tests #886

Selenium Lab Tests

Selenium Lab Tests #886

name: Selenium Lab Tests
# Allows for manual triggering on PRs. They should be reviewed first, to
# avoid malicious code executing in the lab.
description: "A PR number to build and test in the lab. Overridden by \"sha\" input. If both are empty, will build and test from main."
required: false
description: "A specific git SHA to build and test in the lab. Overrides \"pr\" input. If both are empty, will build and test from main."
required: false
description: "A regex filter to run a subset of the tests. If empty, all tests will run."
required: false
description: "A list of browsers to run the tests. If empty, all browsers will run."
required: false
# Allows for reuse from other workflows, such as "Update All Screenshots"
# workflow.
description: "A PR number to build and test in the lab. Overridden by \"sha\" input. If both are empty, will build and test from main."
required: false
type: string
description: "A specific git SHA to build and test in the lab. Overrides \"pr\" input. If both are empty, will build and test from main."
required: false
type: string
description: "A regex filter to run a subset of the tests. If empty, all tests will run."
required: false
type: string
description: "A list of browsers to run the tests. If empty, all browsers will run."
required: false
type: string
description: "If true, ignore test success or failure, and always upload screenshots."
required: false
type: boolean
description: "If true, skip the commit status."
required: false
type: boolean
description: "A prefix added to the job name when setting commit status, needed to correctly link to each job. Use when skip_commit_status is false, and set to the name of the parent job, plus space-slash-space."
required: false
type: string
# Runs every night at 2am PST / 10am UTC, testing against the main branch.
- cron: '0 10 * * *'
name: Compute SHA
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
SHA: ${{ steps.compute.outputs.SHA }}
- name: Compute SHA
id: compute
uses: shaka-project/shaka-github-tools/compute-sha@main
# If "sha" is given, it overrides PR. If neither is given, we fall
# back to testing "main".
sha: ${{ inputs.sha }}
ref: ${{ && format('refs/pull/{0}/head', || 'refs/heads/main' }}
# Configure the build matrix based on our grid's YAML config.
# The matrix contents will be computed by this first job and deserialized
# into the second job's config.
name: Matrix config
needs: compute-sha
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
INCLUDE: ${{ steps.configure.outputs.INCLUDE }}
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
ref: ${{ needs.compute-sha.outputs.SHA }}
- name: Install dependencies
run: npm ci
- name: Configure build matrix
id: configure
shell: node {0}
run: |
const fs = require('fs');
const yaml = require(
'${{ github.workspace }}/node_modules/js-yaml/index.js');
// Convert the input "browser_filter" into a set of strings. Take
// care to filter so that the empty string turns into an empty set.
const browserFilter = new Set( "${{ inputs.browser_filter }}"
.map(x => x.toLowerCase())
.filter(x => !!x)
const gridBrowserYaml =
fs.readFileSync('build/shaka-lab.yaml', 'utf8');
const gridBrowserMetadata = yaml.load(gridBrowserYaml);
const include = [];
for (const name in gridBrowserMetadata) {
if (name == 'vars') {
// Skip variable defs in the YAML file
const thisBrowserRequested = browserFilter.has(name.toLowerCase());
const nothingRequested = browserFilter.size == 0;
const thisBrowserOnByDefault = !gridBrowserMetadata[name].disabled;
// A browser is enabled if it's requested, or if it's on by default
// and nothing was requested.
const enabled = thisBrowserRequested ||
(nothingRequested && thisBrowserOnByDefault);
if (enabled) {
include.push({browser: name});
// Output JSON object consumed by the build matrix below.
`INCLUDE=${ JSON.stringify(include) }\n`);
// Log the output, for the sake of debugging this script.
# Build Shaka Player once, then distribute that build to the runners in the
# build matrix. For N runners, runs N times faster (since all the
# self-hosted Selenium jobs are run in containers on one machine).
name: Pre-build Player
needs: compute-sha
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
ref: ${{ needs.compute-sha.outputs.SHA }}
- name: Set commit status to pending
if: ${{ inputs.skip_test_status == false }}
uses: shaka-project/shaka-github-tools/set-commit-status@main
context: Selenium / Build
job_name: "${{ inputs.job_name_prefix }}Pre-build Player"
state: pending
token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
- name: Build Player
run: python3 build/
- name: Preprocess with Babel
run: |
# Run the test preprocessor without running the actual tests.
# This lets us cache Babel's output and run it only once.
# Ignore the exit code, since you get an error code if the filter
# excludes all tests.
./build/ \
--use-xvfb --browsers Chrome \
--filter ThisFilterMatchesNoTests || true
- name: Cache dependencies
uses: actions/cache@v4
id: npm-cache
path: node_modules/
key: node-${{ hashFiles('package-lock.json') }}
- name: Cache Babel output
uses: actions/cache@v4
id: babel-cache
path: .babel-cache
key: babel-${{ hashFiles('*.js', 'demo/**.js', 'lib/**.js', 'ui/**.js', 'test/**.js', 'third_party/**.js') }}
- name: Store Player build
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: shaka-player
path: dist/
retention-days: 1
- name: Report final commit status
# Will run on success or failure, but not if the workflow is cancelled
# or if we were asked to ignore the test status.
if: ${{ (success() || failure()) && inputs.skip_commit_status == false }}
uses: shaka-project/shaka-github-tools/set-commit-status@main
context: Selenium / Build
job_name: "${{ inputs.job_name_prefix }}Pre-build Player"
state: ${{ job.status }}
token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
# This is a self-hosted runner in a Docker container, with access to our
# lab's Selenium grid on port 4444.
runs-on: self-hosted-selenium
# Only one run of this job is allowed at a time, since it uses physical
# resources in our lab.
concurrency: selenium-lab-${{ matrix.browser }}
needs: [compute-sha, build-shaka, matrix-config]
fail-fast: false
include: ${{ fromJSON(needs.matrix-config.outputs.INCLUDE) }}
name: ${{ matrix.browser }}
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
ref: ${{ needs.compute-sha.outputs.SHA }}
- name: Set commit status to pending
if: ${{ inputs.skip_commit_status == false }}
uses: shaka-project/shaka-github-tools/set-commit-status@main
context: Selenium / ${{ matrix.browser }}
job_name: "${{ inputs.job_name_prefix }}${{ matrix.browser }}"
state: pending
token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
- uses: actions/setup-node@v4
node-version: 16
registry-url: ''
# The Docker image for this self-hosted runner doesn't contain java.
- uses: actions/setup-java@v4
distribution: zulu
java-version: 11
- name: Cache dependencies
uses: actions/cache@v4
id: npm-cache
path: node_modules/
key: node-${{ hashFiles('package-lock.json') }}
fail-on-cache-miss: true # Cached by the build-shaka job above
enableCrossOsArchive: true # Share archives from Linux to Windows
- name: Cache Babel output
uses: actions/cache@v4
id: babel-cache
path: .babel-cache
key: babel-${{ hashFiles('*.js', 'demo/**.js', 'lib/**.js', 'ui/**.js', 'test/**.js', 'third_party/**.js') }}
fail-on-cache-miss: true # Cached by the build-shaka job above
enableCrossOsArchive: true # Share archives from Linux to Windows
- name: Install dependencies
if: steps.npm-cache.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
run: npm ci
# Instead of building Shaka N times, build it once and fetch the build to
# each Selenium runner in the matrix.
- name: Fetch Player build
uses: actions/download-artifact@v4
name: shaka-player
path: dist/
# Run tests on the Selenium grid in our lab. This uses a private
# hostname and TLS cert to get EME tests working on all platforms
# (since EME only works on https or localhost). The variable
# ALLOCATED_PORT must be defined by the self-hosted runner, and mapped
# from the host to the container.
- name: Test Player
timeout-minutes: 30
run: |
# Use of an array keeps elements intact, and allows an element to
# contain spaces without being expanded into multiple arguments in a
# shell command.
# Generate a coverage report from uncompiled code on ChromeLinux.
# It should be the uncompiled build, or else we won't execute any
# coverage instrumentation on full-stack player integration tests.
if [[ "${{ matrix.browser }}" == "Edge" ]]; then
extra_flags+=(--html-coverage-report --uncompiled)
if [[ "${{ inputs.test_filter }}" != "" ]]; then
echo "Adding filter: ${{ inputs.test_filter }}"
extra_flags+=(--filter "${{ inputs.test_filter }}")
# Do not automatically fail when a command fails. This allows us to
# implement the ignore_test_status input by capturing the exit code
# and examining it.
set +e
# Run the tests with any extra flags.
python3 build/ \
--no-build \
--reporters spec --spec-hide-passed \
--tls-key /etc/letsencrypt/live/ \
--tls-cert /etc/letsencrypt/live/ \
--hostname \
--grid-config build/shaka-lab.yaml \
--grid-address selenium-grid.lab.shaka:4444 \
--browsers ${{ matrix.browser }} \
# Capture the test exit code immediately after running the tests.
# There cannot be any other command between and here.
# If ignoring test status, treat this as an exit code of 0 (success).
if [[ "${{ inputs.ignore_test_status }}" == "true" ]]; then
# Report the captured (and possibly overridden) exit status.
exit $exit_code
- name: Find coverage report (Edge only)
id: coverage
# Run even if an earlier step fails, but only on Edge.
if: ${{ always() && matrix.browser == 'Edge' }}
shell: bash
run: |
# Find the path to the coverage report specifically for Chrome on
# Linux. It includes the exact browser version in the path, so it
# will vary. Having a single path will make the artifact zip
# simpler, whereas using a wildcard in the upload step will result
# in a zip file with internal directories.
coverage_report="$( (ls coverage/Edge*/coverage.json || true) | head -1 )"
# Show what's there, for debugging purposes.
ls -l coverage/
if [ -f "$coverage_report" ]; then
echo "Found coverage report: $coverage_report"
echo "coverage_report=$coverage_report" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
echo "Could not locate coverage report!"
exit 1
- name: Upload coverage report (Edge only)
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
# If there's a coverage report, upload it, even if a previous step
# failed.
if: ${{ always() && steps.coverage.outputs.coverage_report }}
# This will create a download called containing only
# coverage.json.
path: ${{ steps.coverage.outputs.coverage_report }}
name: coverage
# Since we've already filtered this step for instances where there is
# an environment variable set for this, the file should definitely be
# there.
if-no-files-found: error
# Upload new screenshots and diffs on failure; ignore if missing
- name: Upload screenshots
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
if: ${{ failure() || inputs.ignore_test_status }}
# In this workflow, "browser" is the selenium node name, which can
# contain both browser and OS, such as "ChromeLinux".
name: screenshots-${{ matrix.browser }}
path: |
if-no-files-found: ignore
retention-days: 5
- name: Report final commit status
# Will run on success or failure, but not if the workflow is cancelled
# or if we were asked to ignore the test status.
if: ${{ (success() || failure()) && inputs.skip_commit_status == false }}
uses: shaka-project/shaka-github-tools/set-commit-status@main
context: Selenium / ${{ matrix.browser }}
job_name: "${{ inputs.job_name_prefix }}${{ matrix.browser }}"
state: ${{ job.status }}
token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}