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Shale, a Clojure-backed Selenium hub replacement

Circle CI

Clojars Project


Shale is a lightweight replacement for a Selenium hub. We've found hubs to be more trouble than they're worth operationally, but we still need some of the management features.

Currently shale lets you get, create, and delete webdriver sessions, and maintains "reservation" and "tag" metadata to make querying against sessions easy.

Nodes can be discovered via the AWS API, a list of URLs, or through a custom INodePool implementation. See the example config for details.


Clone the repo

git clone [email protected]:cardforcoin/shale.git

In development, you can run the service with lein.

lein run
# OR, run it in a REPL
lein repl
> (init)
> (start)
INFO [shale.configurer] Loaded shale config...
{:node-list ["http://localhost:4444/wd/hub" "http://localhost:4443/wd/hub"],
 :node-max-sessions 6,
 :port 5000,
 :webdriver-timeout 3000,
 :start-webdriver-timeout 5000}
INFO [shale.nodes] - Starting the node pool...
INFO [shale.sessions] - Starting session pool...
INFO [shale.core] - Starting Jetty...

To deploy the service, make a jar and run that.

lein uberjar
java -jar target/shale-0.3.0-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar


By default, a config file- config.clj- is expected on the classpath. example-config.clj shows the various options. If you'd like to provide a full path to an alternative config file, set an environment variable CONFIG_FILE with the path, or include the option using another method supported by environ.

All grid nodes should be configured so that they don't attempt to register with a hub (register:false in the node config), and should be accessible via the machine running shale.


Session creation, selection, and modification uses an S-expression inspired syntax.


Get or create a new session

curl -d '{"require": ["browser_name", "phantomjs"]}' -XPOST \
     http://localhost:5000/sessions/ \
     --header "Content-Type:application/json"
  "id": "05e9229d-356b-46a3-beae-f8ab02cea7db",
  "webdriver_id": "bd416414-e80f-4556-9d97-ebcfdc44425f",
  "reserved": false,
  "node": {"url":"http://localhost:5555/wd/hub", "id":"2c28f0f2-e479-4501-a05d-a0991793abd7"},
  "browser_name": "phantomjs",
  "tags": []

List all the active sessions

curl http://localhost:5000/sessions/
  "id": "05e9229d-356b-46a3-beae-f8ab02cea7db",
  "webdriver_id": "bd416414-e80f-4556-9d97-ebcfdc44425f",
  "reserved": false,
  "node": {"url":"http://localhost:5555/wd/hub", "id":"2c28f0f2-e479-4501-a05d-a0991793abd7"},
  "browser_name": "phantomjs",
  "tags": []

Create a new session with tags

curl -d '{"create": {"browser_name":"phantomjs", "tags":["walmart"]}}' \
     -XPOST http://localhost:5000/sessions/ \
     --header "Content-Type:application/json"
  "id": "05e9229d-356b-46a3-beae-f8ab02cea7db",
  "webdriver_id": "bd416414-e80f-4556-9d97-ebcfdc44425f",
  "reserved": false,
  "node": {"url":"http://localhost:5555/wd/hub", "id":"2c28f0f2-e479-4501-a05d-a0991793abd7"},
  "browser_name": "phantomjs",
  "tags": ["walmart"]

Get or create a new reserved session with tags

curl -d '{"require": ["and [["browser_name", "phantomjs"] ["tag", "walmart"]]],
          "modify": [["reserve", true]]}' \
     -XPOST http://localhost:5000/sessions/ \
     --header "Content-Type:application/json"
  "id": "05e9229d-356b-46a3-beae-f8ab02cea7db",
  "webdriver_id": "bd416414-e80f-4556-9d97-ebcfdc44425f",
  "reserved": true,
  "node": {"url":"http://localhost:5555/wd/hub", "id":"2c28f0f2-e479-4501-a05d-a0991793abd7"},
  "browser_name": "phantomjs",
  "tags": ["walmart"]

Create a session on a particular node

curl -d '{"create": {"browser_name":"phantomjs", "node":{"id": "<node id>"}}}' \
     -XPOST http://localhost:5000/sessions/ \
     --header "Content-Type:application/json"

Create a Chrome session using a proxy (manually)

You can create sessions with custom options, like proxy settings, disabling local storage, or any other settings exposed by Selenium's DesiredCapabilities.

curl -d '{"create": {"browser_name":"chrome", "extra_desired_capabilities": {"chromeOptions": {"args": ["--proxy-server=socks5://<host>:<port>", "--disable-plugins","--disable-local-storage"]}}}' \
     -XPOST http://localhost:5000/sessions/ \
     --header "Content-Type:application/json"

Note, though, that there are better ways to manage session proxies!

Unreserve a session and add a tag

PATCH accepts an array of modifications, including change_tag, reserve, and go_to_url.

curl -d '[["change_tag", {"action": "add", "tag":"walmart"}], ["reserve", true]]' \
     -XPATCH http://localhost:5000/sessions/05e9229d-356b-46a3-beae-f8ab02cea7db \
     --header "Content-Type:application/json"
  "id": "05e9229d-356b-46a3-beae-f8ab02cea7db",
  "webdriver_id": "bd416414-e80f-4556-9d97-ebcfdc44425f",
  "reserved": false,
  "node": {"url":"http://localhost:5555/wd/hub", "id":"2c28f0f2-e479-4501-a05d-a0991793abd7"},
  "browser_name": "phantomjs",
  "tags": ["walmart", "logged-in"]

Delete a session

Note that this will de-allocate the Selenium driver.

curl -XDELETE http://localhost:5000/sessions/05e9229d-356b-46a3-beae-f8ab02cea7db

Delete all sessions

curl -XDELETE http://localhost:5000/sessions/


Shale also includes its own proxy management that allows proxies to be shared between sessions.

An initial proxy list can be provided in the config.

Add a new proxy

curl -XPOST http://localhost:5000/proxies/ \
     -d '{
            "public_ip": "",
            "host": "",
            "port": 1234,
         }' \
     --header "Content-Type:application/json"

A proxy with "shared": false can only be used by sessions that reference it by ID. Those with "shared": true are candidates for use by other sessions.

The public_ip is an optional attribute to keep track of a proxies public-facing IP. This can be useful if you're testing public sites on the internet, and have an IP whitelist.

Currently, only SOCKS proxies are supported.

List all proxies

curl http://localhost:5000/proxies/

Create a Chrome session with a new proxy

curl -d '{"create": {"browser_name":"chrome", "proxy": {"type": "socks5", "host": "<host>", "port":<port>, "shared": true}}}'
     -XPOST http://localhost:5000/sessions/ \
     --header "Content-Type:application/json"

If the proxy hasn't been seen before, it will be recorded as a candidate for use by other sessions. To avoid that behavior, set "shared": false.

Get or create a Chrome session with an existing proxy

curl -d '{"require": ["and" [["browser_name", "chrome"] ["proxy", ["id", "f7c64a2c-595d-434c-80f0-15c9751ddcc8"]]]]}'
     -XPOST http://localhost:5000/sessions/ \
     --header "Content-Type:application/json"


The Clojure client returns functional web drivers using clj-webdriver, and includes a macro to make working with drivers easier.

Here's an example of how to get-or-create, reserve, use, and release a driver using the with-webdriver* macro, inspired by the clj-webdriver examples.

;; Log into Github
(use '[shale.client :only [with-driver]])
(use '
(with-webdriver* {:browser-name :firefox :tags ["github"]}
  (to "")
  (click "a[href*='login']")
  (input-text "#login_field" "your_username")
  (-> "#password"
    (input-text "your_password")

See the clj-webdriver docs and the client source for more details.


There is also a Python client with its own examples and documentation.