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This is the official repository of


Node & NPM

The App is completly written in JavaScript so, You should have nodejs installed. if you don't have node you can install from here

to check node installed correctly enter following command in CMD or Terminal.

node --version

similary for NPM

npm --version

if goes right you can see version of node and npm.

MongoDB (Database)

This application store data in MongoDB database.

Install from Here

Reddis (In Memory Database i.e Cache)

To enhance performance we used Reddis for Caching.

Install from Here

(Install stable version)


Clone Repo

open CMD or Terminal and Enter following command.

git clone

Go To Project Directory

As you open project folder you will see that this project is divided into two folders frontend and backend

Install Dependencies

Since application is written in node means there must be dependencies and our project is divided into frontend and backend so we would need to install there dependencies seperatly.

Install frontend dependencies

i assume your are in project's root directory

Enter the following in CMD or Terminal

change directory

cd frontend


npm install

Install backend dependencies

i assume your are in project's root directory

Enter the following in CMD or Terminal

change directory

cd backend


npm install

we have install all our dependencies now we are ready to rock and roll.

Build And Run Application

Our frontend and backend is written in vuejs and typescript it need to be build before run.

I assume you are in frontend directory

Build frontend

npm build

Build backend

I assume you are in backend directory

npm build


I assume you are in backend directory

nodemon src/index.ts

if everything goes smooth you can see application running on http://localhost:3000


There is one .env file that we need to create in root directory which store all our credentials like google client id, database url etc and is must required. otherwise app won't start.

since this is sensitive data so we don't share that file on github. it stay in our local environment.