Finally, a safe space for the LGBTQ+ community to create and find social meetups with gender affirming, supportive people near you!
Concept for a safe space for the LGBTQ+ community to create and find social meetups with gender affirming, supportive people near them.
This repository includes the backend (I've removed the old front-end repository in this branch). For the functional Heroku hosted version, visit: LGBTQ-Meet Link
See Heroku-Hosted Frontend Repository
Everyone, no matter their sexual preference or gender identity, are welcome. sers can find meetups near them to hang out with like-minded people. Creating a meetup is effortless. Simply create an account, and create a custom meetup with a title, description, map location (just start tying an address, we'll take it from there), date/time, and a category of meetup (ex.transgender/lesbian/non-binary, etc.).
- React
- Redux
- Material UI
- Bootstrap
- React-Bootstrap
- Material Design Bootstrap React (MDB Rect)
- redux Thunk
- react-mapbox-autocomplete
- Well-done component that uses MapBox API to autocomplete cities and states on search
- Also useful for getting latitude and longitude after autocomplete, you can then store lat/long in Redux store to use later
- react-Moment
- mapbox-gl-js
- axios
- react-mapbox-gl
- Fantastic React binding of mapbox-gl-js
- Best/easiest experience I've encountered using Mapbox in React/Redux (as opposed to: standard mapbox-gl-js and react-map-gl)
- react-bootstrap
- Material UI
- MDB React
- react-router-redux
- material-ui/core: ^4.8.3
- @material-ui/styles: ^4.8.2
- @testing-library/jest-dom: ^4.2.4
- @testing-library/react: ^9.3.2
- @testing-library/user-event: ^7.1.2
- axios: ^0.19.1
- bootstrap: ^4.4.1
- bower: ^1.8.8
- expect: latest
- history: latest
- mapbox-gl: ^1.7.0
- material-kit-react: ^1.8.0
- mdbreact: ^4.25.1
- mocha: ^7.0.0
- moment: ^2.24.0
- prop-types: latest
- rc-datetime-picker: ^1.6.1
- react: ^16.12.0
- react-bootstrap: ^1.0.0-beta.16
- react-datetime: ^2.16.3
- react-dom: ^16.12.0
- react-map-gl: ^5.2.2
- react-mapbox-autocomplete: ^0.2.3
- react-mapbox-gl: ^4.8.2
- react-router: latest
- react-router-bootstrap: ^0.25.0
- react-router-redux: ^4.0.8
- react-scripts: 3.3.0
- react-time: ^4.3.0
- redux: ^4.0.5
- redux-thunk: ^2.3.0
- redux-time: 0.0.29
- semantic: 0.0.1
- Rails (
- PostgreSQL
- MapBox-SDK-Ruby
bootsnap (>= 1.4.2)
listen (>= 3.0.5 < 3.2)
puma (~> 4.1)
rails (~> 6.0.2 >=
spring-watcher-listen (~> 2.0.0)
ruby version (2.6.1p33)
Contribution is welcome and stronly encouraged. I truly believe this concept, with some polishing and additional features, can really help the LGBTQ+ community connect.
- This installation assumes you have a local development environment already setup (Ruby, Rails, npm, bundler, etc.)
- This also assumes you've already setup a local PostgreSQL server that is currently active (here's a tutorial that can help otherwise)
Create a directory to hold both the front-end repository, and back-end repository (for convinience)
Fork, then clone the back-end repo to your local machine
Fork, then clone the back-end repository to your local machine
Install dependencies
$ bundle install
Create, migrate, and seed PostgreSQL database
$ rails db:create
$ rails db:migrate
$ rails db:seed
now install npm dependencies
$ npm install
Gatsby Starter: Mate starter
Special-thanks: Huge thanks to Ema Suriano, the creator of the beautifully made SPA Gatsby starter this portolio was built upon, check out gatsby-starter-mate on GitHub.
Refer to Gatsby Starter: Mate for installation instructions: