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Releases: titon/toolkit


07 Apr 23:39
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This minor release includes flexbox functionality, RTL integration, improved BEM support, and much more.


03 Dec 19:53
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This major release includes a rewritten class, event, hooks, and component layer. It improves overall tooling, drops out dated technologies, introduces new concepts, and more.

1.5.0 - Fabulous Fairy

19 Jun 19:13
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This minor release includes a new responsive option, a major overhaul of the Carousel component, and a complete refactor of the demo system. It also marks the final minor release before the 2.0 major version.

  • MooTools support is slowly being phased out and JavaScript changes have not been ported
  • Added $.fn.transitionend() which will set a transitionend event if transitions have been defined on the element,
    else it will execute the callback immediately
  • Added a global responsive component option that allows for different options to be set depending on breakpoints
  • Updated $.fn.positionTo() to re-position accordingly when a mouse event is being used as the offset
  • Button Group
    • Fixed a bug with incorrect button widths when the vertical modifier is used
  • Carousel
    • Added a container property which is the parent element for items
    • Added a animating property that represents whether the items are currently animating
    • Added a calculate() method that resizes the carousel based on the window size and defined options
    • Added a infinite option which allows for infinite cycling in either direction
    • Added a loop option which rewinds the cycle pointer to the beginning or end when the opposite edge is reached
      (only applicable when infinite is disabled)
    • Added a reverse option to reverse the automatic cycle direction
    • Added a itemsToShow option which is used for displaying a specific number of items at once
    • Added a itemsToCycle option which is used as the number of items to move when a cycle occurs
    • Added a defaultIndex option which displays that item on initial page load
    • Added .no-next and .no-prev classes to the component to hide navigation buttons
    • Added .carousel-stop and .carousel-start as elements to delegate events to
    • Removed .carousel-caption styles
  • Form
    • Added .fields which can be coupled with list elements to mimic .field
  • Lazy Load
    • Fixed a bug where offsets were incorrect when the parent with overflow was not the direct parent
  • Matrix
    • Fixed a bug where multiple spanning items break when the span is larger than the column count
    • Updated image pre-loading to use deferred promises
    • Removed imagesLoaded property
    • Removed onLoad method
  • Pin
    • Fixed a bug where yOffset was not being applied for fixed pins
  • Popover
    • Fixed a bug when no options were passed to the constructor
  • Showcase
    • Updated item cycling to use deferred promises
    • Added a animating property that represents whether the items are currently animating
    • Fixed a bug where gutter was not being applied correctly
    • Fixed a bug where the incorrect item was being opened when a grouping is used

1.4.0 - Evasive Elf

19 Jun 19:13
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This minor release includes 3 new components, a new destroy() method,
a cleanup of element and event options, expanded documentation, and a handful of optimization improvements.

  • Usage license has been updated to BSD-3 from BSD-2
  • MooTools support is slowly being phased out and new components are not supported
  • Added new Divider component for separating content
  • Added new Off Canvas component for displaying sidebars outside the viewport
  • Added new Toast component for notifying users with timed messages
  • Added .no-transition class to disable transitions
  • Added .sr-only class for screen readers
  • Added suppression setting for swipe events
  • Fixed a bug with swipe events where select dropdowns would stop working
  • Fixed a bug with swipe events where page scrolling gets disabled
  • Fixed a bug with certain fade animations
  • Fixed a bug where certain Sass variables were not customizable
  • Removed $shape-square-class Sass variable
  • Removed *Element options (CSS classes are now hardcoded)
  • Removed *Event options (CSS classes are now hardcoded)
  • Toolkit
    • Added toolkit(component, method, args) support for triggering methods on the class instance
    • Added transitionEnd flag
    • Refactored toolkit() to return a single instance instead of multiple instances
    • Removed i() and item() jQuery collection methods
  • Component
    • Added a initialize() method that is triggered within all constructors
    • Added a destroy() method that will unbind all events, remove elements, and delete the instance
    • Added automatic this scope binding to all methods on a class instance
    • Refactored bindEvents() with an easier lightweight syntax
  • Accordion
    • Removed headerElement, sectionElement options
  • Blackout
    • Fixed incorrect .loader-spinner class
  • Carousel
    • Removed nextButton, prevButton properties
    • Removed itemsElement, tabsElement, nextElement, prevElement options
  • Code
    • Added overflow scrolling for touch devices
  • Flyout
    • Disabled automatically for touch devices
    • Removed contentElement option
  • Input
    • Added hideOpened option to selects to hide other opened selects
    • Updated native option value to be Toolkit.isTouch by default
  • Lazy Load
    • Removed isLoaded property
  • Mask
    • Added selector option to bind toggle events to
    • Renamed .maskable to .mask-target
    • Removed messageElement option
  • Modal
    • Added $modal-mobile-breakpoint to apply mobile widths to the modal
    • Added submit() method for submitting forms
    • Updated with new markup
    • Renamed .modal-event-submit to .modal-submit
    • Renamed .modal-event-close to .modal-hide
    • Removed .modal-handle within the template
    • Removed elementBody property
    • Removed contentElement, closeElement, closeEvent, submitEvent options
    • Removed sticky-* animations
  • Popover, Tooltip
    • Removed titleElement, contentElement options
  • Showcase
    • Updated with new markup
    • Renamed .showcase-event-prev to .showcase-prev
    • Renamed .showcase-event-next to .showcase-next
    • Renamed .showcase-event-close to .showcase-hide
    • Renamed .showcase-event-jump to .showcase-tabs a
    • Removed nextButton, prevButton properties
    • Removed transition, itemsElement, tabsElement, prevElement, nextElement,
      closeEvent, jumpEvent, prevEvent, nextEvent options
  • Tabs
    • Removed navElement, sectionElement options
  • Type Ahead
    • Removed contentElement option

1.3.0 - Diligent Dragon

19 Jun 19:12
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This minor release includes 2 new components, automatic ARIA support for all applicable components,
replacing Compass with autoprefixer, removal of state prefixing, and many more bug fixes and improvements.

  • Added new Step component for step based navigation
  • Added new Switch component for visual checkbox switches
  • Added ARIA support to all components with supported documentation
  • Added CSS vendor prefixing support through autoprefixer
  • Added namespace event triggering support to the activating node
  • Removed is and has state prefixing from the CSS and JS layers
  • Removed $state-is-prefix and $state-has-prefix Sass variables
  • Removed individual JavaScript distribution files
  • Removed Compass dependency in favor of autoprefixer
  • Updated to normalize.css v3.0.1
  • jQuery
    • Updated $.fn.item() to return an empty jQuery collection if index out of range
    • Refactored the clickout event to support delegated elements
    • Removed $.hyphenate()
    • Removed event helper methods like clickout(), swipeleft(), etc
  • Toolkit
    • Added aria property to toggle support
    • Added aria() collection method that can set ARIA attributes
    • Removed Toolkit.options.isPrefix and Toolkit.options.hasPrefix
    • Renamed Toolkit.options.vendor to Toolkit.vendor
    • Renamed Toolkit.createComponent() to Toolkit.create()
  • Component
    • Added global cache option to toggle AJAX response caching
    • Added static count property to each component that tracks the number of instances in the page
    • Added uid property that represents the current instance count
    • Added cssClass property that represents the component name in CSS class form
    • Added id() method to generate unique CSS class names
    • Removed error and loading template generation from components (wasn't being used)
  • Carousel
    • Fixed a bug where swipedown would not trigger
    • Merged itemsElement and itemElement options
    • Merged tabsElement and tabElement options
    • Removed itemsWrapper, itemsList, tabsWrapper properties
  • Drop
    • Added a global .drop class that all menus require
  • Grid
    • Added %row placeholder to extend row styles from
    • Added %col placeholder to extend column styles from
    • Removed .row (reserved now for another component)
  • Modal
    • Fixed a bug where a modal opened on the same modal causes the blackout to persist
  • Pin
    • Added lock option to disable pinning if element is taller than the viewport
    • Added $pin-transition variable
    • Fixed a bug where the pin element margin was not included in the total height

1.2.0 - Cunning Chimaera

19 Jun 19:11
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This minor release includes thorough documentation for all components,
a refactored event binding and management layer, a data attribute option inheritance layer,
and an optimization and cleanup pass. Also bug fixes.

  • Added join-classes() function
  • Added grunt production command to compress for production purposes
  • Updated grunt command to not compress for development purposes
  • Renamed all __* methods to on*
  • Renamed currentIndex to index in all components
  • Removed content-spacing() mixin
  • Removed previousIndex properties
  • Removed loadingMessage and errorMessage options
  • Removed .medium class support
  • Removed automatic setting of animation and className CSS classes for embedded elements
  • Removed background and font colors from CSS to reduce CSS filesize
  • Toolkit
    • Added bound() to bound a number
    • Added isRetina flag
    • Updated positionTo() to re-position if the element falls outside the viewport
  • Component
    • Refactored that event management layer within all components
    • Added bindEvents() to handle event attaching and detaching (paired with change above)
      • Called automatically from enable() and disable()
    • Added option inheritance from data attributes found on target elements and nodes
      • Possible through new inheritOptions()
    • Added option inheritance from parent component
    • Added readOption to find an option via data attribute of option object
    • Merged setElement() logic into createElement()
    • Removed setElement()
  • Accordion
    • Updated show event arguments to [section, node, index]
  • Base
    • Added .no-scroll
    • Removed .inline, .inline-block, .static, .relative, and .absolute
  • Blackout
    • Added a shown argument to the show event
    • Added showLoader and hideLoader events
    • Renamed loaderMessage option to loadingMessage
  • Button
    • Added outline none to :focus styles
    • Fixed a bug with input buttons
  • Button Group
    • Removed !important from negative margin properties
  • Drop
    • Added support for drops built with ol
    • Updated show and hide event arguments to [element, node]
  • Flyout
    • Fixed a bug where data items were being mapped with no URL
    • Removed load event from show() as it was being used incorrectly
  • Form
    • Renamed .is-legendless to .no-legend
    • Cleaned up some basic styles
  • Grid
    • Changed $grid-columns-medium to 12
    • Added $grid-push-pull to toggle push and pull classes in output
  • Icon
    • Removed .icon--rotate
  • Input
    • Updated build methods to be private
    • Fixed an issue where select event names were incorrect
  • Input Group
    • Added small and large size support
  • Lazy Load
    • Instantiation will need to be set on a container instead of the items being loaded
    • Added data-src-retina support
    • Added support for lazy loading within an overflown element
    • Fixed a bug where hidden images were being loaded
    • Renamed data-lazyload to data-src
  • Loader
    • Renamed .spinner to .loader-spinner
  • Matrix
    • Replaced .matrix-item with li
    • Removed selector option
    • Removed inline img styles, use .fluid instead
  • Modal
    • Added $modal-animation to filter the animations in the CSS output
    • Updated .modal-close to use a button
    • Updated ajax and getContent options to be inheritable at runtime through the activating node
    • Refactored markup and CSS to support large height modals
    • Removed flip and flip-vert animations
    • Removed dragging (temporarily)
  • Pin
    • Fixed a bug where .is-pinned was not being removed
  • Popover & Tooltip
    • Added $popover-tooltip-animation to filter the animations in the CSS output
    • Added $popover-arrow-width and $tooltip-arrow-width to alter the arrow sizes
    • Added automatic compatibility of title attributes
    • Fixed a bug where node was being set and used incorrectly
    • Fixed a bug with mouseleave events
    • Options className and position are added and removed dynamically each reveal
    • Updated options to be inheritable at runtime through the activating node
    • Updated position values to be dashed instead of camel case
    • Removed slide-in animation
  • Progress
    • Added multiple progress bar support
    • Removed .medium size
    • Refactored state classes
  • Responsive
    • Added .fluid class for images, audio, canvas, etc
  • Showcase
    • Updated options to be inheritable at runtime through the activating node
    • Replaced a with button
  • Stalker
    • Added nested marker support
    • Added targetBy and markBy options
    • Removed marker and target properties
  • Table
    • Moved zebra-striping into an .is-striped class
  • Tabs
    • Renamed sectionsElement option to sectionElement
  • Type Ahead
    • Renamed process() to source()

1.1.0 - Boundless Basilisk

19 Jun 19:10
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This minor release includes 2 new components, a rewritten jQuery class layer, improved swipe events,
a major rewrite to the Input component, and a many more bug fixes, improvements, and additions.

  • Added a Loader component - displays loading animations using purely CSS
  • Added a Mask component - masks an element with a transparent overlay
  • Added a clickout event type that triggers when a click happens outside of an element
  • Added reset-list() and position-center() mixins
  • Added no conflict resolution through a component creation method
  • Added a --demo parameter to Grunt that builds files for demo purposes
  • Improved the Grunt build process
  • Refactored debounce() and throttle() methods
  • Replaced Toolkit ie8 and ie9 flags with hasTransition feature flag
  • Renamed Titon.js to Toolkit.js
  • jQuery
    • Prototype inheritance has been rewritten and improved
    • New properties component and version have been added to all components
    • Namespaced element events are now triggered in the format of <event>.toolkit.<component>
    • Added $.cookie() and $.removeCookie() methods
    • Added swipe, swipeleft, swiperight, swipeup, and swipedown event types for touch devices
  • Component
    • Added process() to handle non-HTML AJAX responses
    • Added onProcess option event
    • Updated requestData() to call position() for HTML responses and process() for non-HTML
    • Updated requestData() to accept an object of options as the 1st argument
    • Updated fireEvent() to trigger namespaced element events (jQuery only)
  • Accordion
    • Renamed .accordion-head to .accordion-header
    • Renamed .accordion-handle to .accordion-section
    • Renamed contentElement option to sectionElement
  • Blackout
    • Rewritten to be a singleton to differ from the new Mask component
    • Added Loader support for in-between states
    • Added showLoader() and hideLoader() methods that toggle the loader
    • Added Toolkit.Blackout.factory() to return the single instance
    • Added a count property that records how many times the blackout has been opened to allow for multiple components to display
    • Added a loader option that determines which loader class to render
    • Added a loaderMessage option that displays a loading message while the blackout is loading
    • Added a waveCount option that determines how many bars to display in wave loaders
  • Dropdown
    • Renamed component to Drop
    • Renamed modifiers to drop--down, drop--up, drop--left, and drop--right
    • Replaced alignment classes with a single reverse-align class
  • Grid
    • Added an .end class that can be used on the last .col for justification
    • Updated $grid-columns-medium from 8 to 9
  • Input
    • Has been split up into 3 sub-components: Radio, Checkbox, and Select
    • Added new jQuery methods radio(), checkbox(), and select() (primary input() method still exists and triggers all 3)
    • Added custom drop down support that replaces the native drop downs (requires the Drop component)
    • Added multiple select support (only possible when native is disabled)
    • Added a copyClasses option that will copy classes from the form element to the custom one
    • Added a native option that opens native drop downs instead of custom drop downs
    • Added a hideFirst option that hides the first select option
    • Added a hideSelected option that hides the currently selected option
    • Added a multipleFormat option that describes the label format for multi-selects
    • Added a countMessage option that defines the message to use when format is count
    • Added a listLimit option that limits the number of items in the multiple message
    • Added a arrowContent option that renders the contents of a select arrow
    • Added a getDefaultLabel option that displays the default label for multi-selects
    • Added a getOptionLabel option that displays custom titles for options
    • Added a getDescription option that allows for option descriptions
  • Modal
    • Multiple modals can now be opened at the same time (requires separate modal instances)
    • Added file uploading support for form submissions (requires the browser FormData API)
    • Added a stopScroll option that freezes the scrollbar while the modal is open
    • Refactored to handle the Blackout changes
    • Removed the showLoading option in favor of the Blackout loader
  • Showcase
    • Added a stopScroll option that freezes the scrollbar while the showcase is open
    • Refactored to handle the Blackout changes
    • Updated gutter detection to include the showcase padding
  • Popover & Tooltip
    • Fixed a bug where the title was not being displaying during an AJAX load
    • Added a loadingMessage option to use during AJAX loading
    • Updated default position to topCenter
  • Type Ahead
    • Added cycle event

1.0.0 - Adventurous Akuma

19 Jun 19:10
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  • Released! Aww yiisss