HaxeJS externs for CKEDITOR
These externs are NOT complete but they already work well enough to be usefull.
Over time I want to improve the typing etc. (still afew too dynamics for my liking).
Here are a couple of quick examples of usage.
Replace a textarea with the default editor...
var contentBox = Lib.document.getElementById("contentBox"); CKEDITOR.replace(contentBox);
Create a custom inline editor in a div called "contentWrapper" which has contenteditable="true" as an attribute.
var mainConfig = cast( { } ); mainConfig.format_tags = "p;h4;h5"; mainConfig.allowedContent = { "p h4 h5 ol ul li em strong": {}, "a": { attributes:"!href" }, "p": { classes:"italic-quote" }, "div": { classes:"*", attributes:"*" } }; mainConfig.removeButtons = "Styles"; var mainEditorDOM = new Element(Lib.document.getElementById("contentWrapper")); CKEDITOR.inlineEditor(mainEditorDOM, mainConfig); CKEDITOR.instances.contentWrapper.on(Editor.FOCUS, editorFocussed); CKEDITOR.instances.contentWrapper.on(Editor.BLUR, editorBlurred);