The goals of transitr
are to make it easy to load GTFS data into a database,
construct a transit network of roads and intersections,
and model vehicles in real-time from an API feed to update the network
and generate ETAs.
is not (yet) on CRAN, so for you would need to use devtools
Still under development! This here is just for demonstration of what it could be like at some point in the future.
## Create a database, construct network, and connect to a realtime feed
dbname <- "realtime.db"
nw <- create_gtfs("", db = dbname) %>%
construct() %>%
with_headers("Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key" = "mykey"),
response = "protobuf")
## Set the parameters and then run the model
nw %>%
set_parameters(n_core = 2,
n_particles = 500,
gps_error = 5) %>%
Once running, you can launch a new R session and view the shiny app:
In order to facilitate model development and checking, there's also a mock data server
in the simulations
To install:
cd simulations
## or if you don't use yarn
npm install
To start the server, you need first an archive of vehicle position feeds,
ls archive | grep vehicle | head -n 5
# vehicle_locations_20180911050001.pb
# vehicle_locations_20180911050031.pb
# vehicle_locations_20180911050102.pb
# vehicle_locations_20180911050132.pb
# vehicle_locations_20180911050201.pb
yarn start
# yarn run v1.9.4
# $ node mock_server.js
# Mock GTFS server running on port 3000!
Now you can run the model with the local server, which will automatically serve the next file with each request.
## assumeing you've constructed with simulation flag:
## simulation history will be saved in a `history` directory
## set some process ID for the server to recognise (allows running multiple simulations simultaneously)
pid <- "test1"
nw <- load_gtfs("fulldata.db") %>%
realtime_feed(sprintf("http://localhost:3000/%s/vehicle_positions", pid),
response = "protobuf") %>%
set_parameters(n_core = 1,
n_particles = 2000,
gps_error = 10)
nw %>% model()