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Animl API

An AWS Lambda-based, GraphQl interface for performing CRUD operations on camera trap data stored in MongoDB.


Animl is an open, extensible, cloud-based platform for managing camera trap data. We are developing this platform because there currently are no software tools that allow organizations using camera traps to:

  • ingest data from a variety of camera trap types (wireless, SD card based, IP, etc.)
  • systematically store and manage images in a single centralized, cloud-based repository
  • upload custom object detection and species clasification ML models and configure automated assisted-labeling pipelines
  • Offer frontend web application to view images, review ML-assisted labels, perform manual labeling
  • Offer an API for advanced querying and analysis of camera trap data
  • Offer tools for exporting ML model training data

This repository contains an AWS Lambda-based, GraphQl API for storing and fetching cameratrap data from a MongoDB database. The stack and and it's associated deployment resources are managed with the Serverless Framework. The stack includes:



The instructions below assume you have the following tools globally installed:

Create "animl" AWS config profile

The name of the profile must be "animl" (because it's referenced in the serverless.yml file). Good instructions here.

Make a project direcory, clone this repo, and install dependencies

mkdir animl-api
cd animl-api
git clone
cd animl-api
npm install


Sharp, one of the dependencies that's essential for opening image files and performing inference, may have issues once deployed to Lambda. See this GitHub Issue and their documentation for more info on deploying Sharp to Lambda, but in short, unless your node_modules/@img directory has the following binaries, the inference Lambda will throw errors indicating it can't open Sharp:


Running the following may help install the additional necessary binaries if they are not present, but it seems a bit inconsistent:

npm install --os=linux --cpu=x64 sharp

Preparing remote config variables

The API depends on remote secrets and parameters that are stored in AWS Secrets Manager and AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store, respectively. Most of the params are generated by this project's serverless config file and the config files of other services upon which this app depends, but some must be created manually via the AWS console. To make sure you have the correct secrets and parameters available, do the following:

  1. Make sure you've deployed animl-ingest, animl-frontent, and mira-api in the same staging env (dev/prod) as the environtment you intend to deploy animl-api.

  2. We currently depend on a CloudFormation template ProductOps created called UserPool that creates and manages all of the resources related to Auth/Auth. This is not tracked in version control (but it probably should be), as it's critical and is responssible for generating SSM Params upon which this app depends. Make sure that that stack has been created.

  3. Two important SSM Params, /ml/megadetector-api-key-[env] and /db/mongo-db-url-[env] contain secret keys so need to be created manually in the AWS console. Be sure to create versions for all envs you plan on deploying.

Seeding db

You'll need to create the DB in MongoDB Atlas, but once you have, a script for seeding the DB with default records can be found at animl-api/src/scripts/seedDB.js. If the DB hasn't been seeded yet, you can do so by running the following command from the root directory:

npm run seed-db-dev
# or, do seed the production db:
npm run seed-db-prod

Local testing and dev deployment

  • To test the Lambda locally with serverless-offline, run:
npm run start

Note: The first time running serverless will require you to login to the serverless console and be granted a seat from the TNC organization.

  • To deploy the Cloudformation development stack, run:
npm run deploy-dev

Working with TypeScript

As of version 3.0.0, this repo is written in TypeScript. There are a few things to know about the typings and how they're generated:

  1. Types for DB records are generated using Mongoose's inferSchemaType utility and exported from their respective schema definition files. e.g.:
// From src/api/db/schemas/Image.ts
export type ImageSchema = mongoose.InferSchemaType<typeof ImageSchema>;
  1. We generate types for inputs and outputs to/from the GraphQL layer using graphql-codegen, which generates types from our GraphQL type-defs. However, if you change any of the GraphQL type-defs, you'll need to re-run the codegen manually by running:
npm run codegen

The generated types can be found in src/@types/graphql.ts

Data managment

There are a handful of scripts in the src/scripts/ directory to assist with managing data in both the production and dev databases.

Creating backups

To create a complete JSON export of all collections in a DB, run:

npm run export-db-dev   // export dev db
npm run export-db-prod  // export prod db

Importing data from a backups

TODO: write and test importDb.js

Updating documents in MongoDB

updateDocuments.js is a working template for writing targeted data updates. It can be adapted to perform specific deletions/updates. You can run it with the following:

npm run update-docs-dev   // update dev db
npm run update-docs-prod  // update prod db

Prod deployment

Use caution when deploying to production, as the application involves multiple stacks (animl-ingest, animl-api, animl-frontend), and often the deployments need to be synchronized. For major deployments to prod in which there are breaking changes that affect the other components of the stack, follow these steps:

  1. Set the frontend IN_MAINTENANCE_MODE to true (in animl-frontend/src/config.js), deploy to prod, then invalidate its cloudfront cache. This will temporarily prevent users from interacting with the frontend (editing labels, bulk uploading images, etc.) while the rest of the updates are being deployed.

  2. Manually check batch logs and the DB to make sure there aren't any fresh uploads that are in progress but haven't yet been fully unzipped. In the DB, those batches would have a created: <date_time> property but wouldn't yet have uploadComplete or processingStart or ingestionComplete fields. See this issue more info: #186

  3. Set ingest-image's IN_MAINTENANCE_MODE to true (in animl-ingest/ingest-image/task.js) and deploy to prod. While in maintenance mode, any images from wireless cameras that happen to get sent to the ingestion bucket will be routed instead to the animl-images-parkinglot-prod bucket so that Animl isn't trying to process new images while the updates are being deployed.

  4. Wait for messages in ALL SQS queues to wind down to zero (i.e., if there's currently a bulk upload job being processed, wait for it to finish).

  5. Backup prod DB by running npm run export-db-prod from the animl-api project root.

  6. Deploy animl-api to prod.

  7. Turn off IN_MAINTENANCE_MODE in animl-frontend and animl-ingest, and deploy both to prod, and clear cloudfront cache.

  8. Copy any images that happened to land in animl-images-parkinglot-prod while the stacks were being deployed to animl-images-ingestion-prod, and then delete them from the parking lot bucket.

Related repos

Animl is comprised of a number of microservices, most of which are managed in their own repositories.

Core services

Services necessary to run Animl:

Wireless camera services

Services related to ingesting and processing wireless camera trap data:

Misc. services