and I like to think of myself as a Go Developer.
- Space Science and Engineering 📡 🚀: I have a deep fascination with all things related to space, from the wonders of the cosmos to the technology that allows us to explore it.
- Blockchain Buff 🧱⛓️: I'm super hyped about blockchain tech, with a special fondness for Solana, proudly Superteam . I'm also a big fan of permissioned blockchains like Hyperledger Fabric (solely because it is written in Go) and the cosmos blockchain (also because it is written in Go). The thrill of exploring decentralized ledgers and the world of distributed trust keeps me hooked!
- Advocacy for Health and Longevity 🍏🩺 : In addition to my passion for anti-aging science, I aim to promote healthier lifestyles, preventive healthcare, and longevity to improve the quality of life for everyone. Humans really do live too short, 120 years.
📬 Find me around the web 🌎: