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Tomas Fabian edited this page Mar 7, 2022 · 8 revisions

Joker Model-View-ViewModel

Reactive view models for data changes

Install-Package Joker.MVVM

Joker OData

Plumbing code for OData web services. Support for batching and end points. Please help out the community by sharing your suggestions and code improvements:


Redis TableDependency status notifier Sql server data changes refresher via Redis with End to end reconnections


If sharing increases coupling, should we share at all? Is it time for decoupling?

I don't think so.

Please use data streaming and process it with the help of reactive programming and event driven paradigms.


Install-Package SqlTableDependency.Extensions


dotnet add package SqlTableDependency.Extensions --version 3.0.0


Following package is based on christiandelbianco's SqlTableDependency:

SqlTableDependency.Extension.SqlTableDependencyProvider provides periodic reconnections in case of any error, like lost connection etc.

Currently there are 3 LifetimeScopes:


In case that the connection is lost, database objects will be deleted after timeout period or during disposal. During all reconnections the database objects are newly (re)created.


In case that the connection is lost, database objects will be deleted only after timeout period. After reconnection the database objects are recreated in case that the conversation handle does not exist anymore. Otherwise the database objects are preserved and reused. If the application was closed the conversation will not continue after app restart. You shouldn't lost data changes within the timeout period. The messages will be delivered after the reconnection.


In case that the connection is lost, database objects will be deleted only after timeout period. After reconnection the database objects are recreated only in case, that the conversation handle does not exist anymore. Otherwise the database objects are preserved and reused. If the application was closed and the conversation was not cleaned it will be reused after app restarts. You shouldn't lost data changes within the timeout period. The messages will be delivered after the reconnection.

Wiki Samples

Docker for external dependencies

MS SQL Server 2017

docker run --name sql -e "ACCEPT_EULA=Y" -e "SA_PASSWORD=<YourNewStrong@Passw0rd>" -p 1401:1433 -d

Redis latest

docker run --name redis-server -p 6379:6379 -d redis

Examples Entity Framework migrations

Package Manager Console (Default project => Examples\Samples.Data):

Update-Database -ConnectionString "Server=,1401;User Id = SA;Password=<YourNewStrong@Passw0rd>;Initial Catalog = Test;" -ConnectionProviderName "System.Data.SqlClient" -ProjectName Sample.Data -verbose

Basic usage

Enable Service Broker in MS SQL SERVER


// C#

  public class Product
      public int Id { get; set; }
      public string Name { get; set; }
  using SqlTableDependency.Extensions;
  using SqlTableDependency.Extensions.Enums;
  internal class ProductsSqlTableDependencyProvider : SqlTableDependencyProvider<Product>
    private readonly ILogger logger;

    internal ProductsSqlTableDependencyProvider(ConnectionStringSettings connectionStringSettings, IScheduler scheduler, ILogger logger)
      : base(connectionStringSettings, scheduler, LifetimeScope.UniqueScope)
      this.logger = logger ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(logger));

    internal ProductsSqlTableDependencyProvider(string connectionString, IScheduler scheduler, ILogger logger)
      : base(connectionString, scheduler, LifetimeScope.UniqueScope)
      this.logger = logger ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(logger));

    protected override ModelToTableMapper<Product> OnInitializeMapper(ModelToTableMapper<Product> modelToTableMapper)
      modelToTableMapper.AddMapping(c => c.Id, nameof(Product.Id));

      return modelToTableMapper;

    protected override void OnInserted(Product product)

      logger.Trace("Entity was added");


    protected override void OnUpdated(Product product, Product oldValues)
      base.OnUpdated(entity, oldValues);

      logger.Trace("Entity was modified");


    protected override void OnDeleted(Product product)

      logger.Trace("Entity was deleted");


    private void LogChangeInfo(Product product)

      Console.WriteLine("Id: " + product.Id);
      Console.WriteLine("Name: " + product.Name);

    protected override void OnError(Exception exception)


using System.Configuration;
using System.Reactive.Concurrency;

namespace SqlTableDependency.Extensions.Sample
  class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
      var connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["FargoEntities"].ConnectionString;
      using var productsProvider = new ProductsSqlTableDependencyProvider(connectionString, ThreadPoolScheduler.Instance, new ConsoleLogger());


SqlServer PubSub notifications via Redis and SqlTableDependencyProvider extension

Install-Package Joker.Redis

Download and run redis-server ( or use Docker (see above).

Server side:

public class ProductSqlTableDependencyRedisProvider : SqlTableDependencyRedisProvider<Product>
  public ProductSqlTableDependencyRedisProvider(ISqlTableDependencyProvider<Product> sqlTableDependencyProvider, IRedisPublisher redisPublisher) 
    : base(sqlTableDependencyProvider, redisPublisher)
string redisUrl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RedisUrl"]; //localhost

var redisPublisher = new RedisPublisher(redisUrl);
await redisPublisher.PublishAsync("messages", "hello");

using var productsProvider = new ProductsSqlTableDependencyProvider(connectionString, ThreadPoolScheduler.Instance, new ConsoleLogger());

using var productSqlTableDependencyRedisProvider = new ProductSqlTableDependencyRedisProvider(productsProvider, redisPublisher, ThreadPoolScheduler.Instance)

Client side:

private static async Task<RedisSubscriber> CreateRedisSubscriber(string redisUrl)
  var redisSubscriber = new RedisSubscriber(redisUrl);

  await redisSubscriber.Subscribe(channelMessage => { Console.WriteLine($"OnNext({channelMessage.Message})"); },

  await redisSubscriber.Subscribe(channelMessage =>
    var recordChange = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<RecordChangedNotification<Product>>(channelMessage.Message);
    Console.WriteLine($"OnNext Product changed({recordChange.ChangeType})");
    Console.WriteLine($"OnNext Product changed({recordChange.Entity.Id})");
  }, nameof(Product) + "-Changes");

  await redisSubscriber.Subscribe(channelMessage =>
    var tableDependencyStatus = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<TableDependencyStatus>(channelMessage.Message);
    Console.WriteLine($"OnNext tableDependencyStatus changed({tableDependencyStatus})");
  }, nameof(Product) + "-Status");

  redisSubscriber.WhenIsConnectedChanges.Subscribe(c => Console.WriteLine($"REDIS is connected: {c}"));

  return redisSubscriber;

How to put it all together

Try out samples

    private static void CreateReactiveProductsViewModel()
      var reactiveData = new ReactiveData<Product>();
      var redisUrl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RedisUrl"];
      using var entitiesSubscriber = new DomainEntitiesSubscriber<Product>(new RedisSubscriber(redisUrl), reactiveData);

      string connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["FargoEntities"].ConnectionString;

      var reactiveProductsViewModel = new ReactiveProductsViewModel(new SampleDbContext(connectionString),
        reactiveData, new WpfSchedulersFactory());



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