This is a Newscoop theme boilerplate for Grunt workflow.
- You don't have to care about putting all libraries or new files in html
- Whatever You put in assets/js/vendor folder will be merged into assets/js/dist/vendor.js
- Whatever You put in assets/js folder will be merged into assets/js/dist/scripts.js
- Same happens with css/less. Whatever You import in style.less file will be merged into style.css
- it speeds up website/server response
- less is really cool
- it speeds up development
- /assets
- /css
- /components (holds files where each represents other feature)
- /fonts
- /vendor (third party css files)
- style.less (container of all styles)
- _general.less (main less file)
- variables-mixins.less (contains less variables and mixins)
- /img
- /js
- /dist (distribution ready files)
- /vendor (third party libraries)
- /css
You need node.js, npm and grunt CLI.
- install node from
- node comes with npm installed but it is wise to update it to latest version. Just type in Your console/terminal
sudo npm install npm -g
- install Grunt CLI
sudo npm install -g grunt-cli
Clone/Copy this repository and run
sudo npm install
All dependencies are now installed and You are ready to start using Grunt magic. Note that it created "node_modules" folder if You didn't have it before.
Add these to Your .gitignore file
This one is prepared for development process.
Type 'grunt watch' in console and forget about it. It does it's magic automatically.
It watches for changes in less and js files.
- less gets compiled to style.css
- style.css gets autoprefixed
Just write regular css code and Autoprefixer will add prefixes for old browsers.
transition: all 0.3s;
-webkit-transition: all 0.3s;
-moz-transition: all 0.3s;
-ms-transition: all 0.3s;
-o-transition: all 0.3s;
transition: all 0.3s;
js files are merged into all.js file with sourcemap included more about sourcemaps
This one is for deployment
It does everything that "watch" task does plus it minifies css/js and increments VER_ENV for css and js versioning.
Use it before deployment.
grunt build