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Crypto Alert

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About Crypto Alert

Help you build your own crypto currency price alert system using @Totoval and Pushover


What is it?

Alert me by Pushover if btcusdt's price is higher/lower than 5min ago's price of 1%

How to Use

0x01 Configure

tee ./.env.json <<- "EOF"
  "APP_NAME": "CryptoAlert",
  "APP_ENV": "develop",
  "APP_DEBUG": true,
  "APP_PORT": 8080,
  "APP_LOCALE": "en",
  "APP_KEY": "xxx",

  "CACHE_DRIVER": "memory",

  "ALERT_PROXY": "",
  "ALERT_SCHEDULE_PAIR": "btcusdt",

  1. Set a pair like btcusdt referred at here
  2. Set an interval about which the price of time will be used to be compared with current ticker, for example: set 5 means will let the program compare the price of now and 5min ago
  3. Set a difference rate, for example: if price is higher/lower than 5min ago's price of 1%, then set the difference to 0.01

  • You could configure it in command line with go run artisan.go crypto:alert btcusdt 5 0.01
  • For using .env.json, just copy .env.example.json to .env.json, set your env, then rock!

0x02 Run

For loop:

go run artisan.go schedule:run

Or for once:

go run artisan.go crypto:alert btcusdt 5 0.01

Or you could build a binary~, as you wish!
For linux:
./artisan_linux schedule:run
For Mac:
./artisan_mac schedule:run

0x03 Or just use our example

Just follow the link to subscribe a alert!

Implement with Yours

By implement the Fetcher Or Notifier, you could build your own Crypto-Alert

  • Fetcher: app/logics/alert/fetchers
  • Notifier: app/logics/alert/notifiers

Thanks for @Totoval