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Implementations for some most used algorithms

Codes have mostly been written in C++. Please, consider compiling the code using C++11 or higher to avoid any compilation issues or warnings.

The list of implemented algorithms:

  1. 2D Fenwick tree implementation using static arrays.
    • Point updates or range queries are handled in O(log^2(N)).
    • ~5x faster than pointer implementation
  2. Finding Articulation points and bridges of graphs
    • Linear time implementation
  3. Binary trie using static arrays
    • Implementation can be modified for larger alphabets
    • ~4x faster than pointer implementation
  4. Building Cartesian trees in linear time
  5. Finding the closest points in a set of 2D points in O(N * log(N))
  6. Decart tree with data references
    • Please, refer to the problem on the link in the file to understand what type of queries need to be handled
    • Expected O(log(N)) time approach to handle standard BST operations
    • Extra tree and dynamic array operations
  7. Dijkstra with Min-Heap:
    • Manual implementation of the heap
  8. Finding dynamic median:
    • Logarithmic solution to find median during series of update operations
  9. Fast ternary search
    • O(log(2)(N)) performance instead of classic O(log(3/2)(N))
  10. Fibonacci matrix
    • 2x2 matrix implementation to calculate N-th Fibonacci number in O(log(N))
  11. Implicit segment tree implementation
    • It's pointer implementation, using the same approach in [1], static array implementation can be produced.
    • Update/Ask queries in O(log(RANGE))
  12. Johnson's all pairs shortest path problem
    • O(V * E * log(V)) overall complexity
    • Bellman-Ford algorithm is used to detect negative cycle(if any).
  13. Karatsuba multiplication in O(N^1.58)
    • multiplication of large integers (big integer in CP)
    • Although FFT is O(N * log(N)), Karatsuba is handy when you do not have prewritten FFT code.
  14. Kruskal Minimal Spanning Tree Algorithm in O(E * log(V))
    • Union/Find data structure
  15. Atkin's prime sieve in O(N)
    • Atkin's wheel ("WHEEL" variable in the code) can be adjusted
  16. Linear prime sieve
  17. MO's algorithm
    • Offline query handling
  18. Finding farthest points based on Manhattan distance in 2D grid
    • O(N * log2(N))
    • can be extended to larger dimensions O(N * 2^d * log2(N))
  19. Miller-Rabin primality test
  20. Ordered set - Decart tree
    • Just more powerful than a BST
  21. Persistent segment tree implementation
    • static array implementation
    • finding Kth element in any sorted subarray of elements in O(log(N))
  22. Hash table for comparing range of fixed objects
  23. Rope - builtin decart tree
  24. Basic String matching utilities
    • Z function
    • prefix function
    • KMP algorithm
  25. Fast/ultrafast input & output for enermous input
    • getchar_unlocked() will probably produce some warnings (unsafe blabla...), you may replace it with getchar()
  26. Multiplication bases and modulos for hash tables
  27. A method to hack unordered_set solutions during competitions
    • The solution belongs to a coder who hacked my solution during one of Codeforces contests)
  28. Quicksort hack by Halyavin
    • Some people still use qsort() function in C. The code produces adversary test cases.
  29. Quadtree implementation for 2D aggregate queries
  30. LCA with binary lifting
    • Preprocessing in O(N * log(N))
    • LCA queries in O(log(N))
  31. Triangle counting in general graphs O(M^1.5)
    • M is the number of edges
  32. Min-Stack: finding minimum elements in stack in O(1)
  33. Huffman encoding via priority queues